
Chapter 19 Void Beasts (II)

mutant experiment?

Listening to the words of the system, Ye Tian couldn\'t help but twitch the corner of his lips

However thinking deeply about it, he couldn\'t find a better word

After all, thanks to the system he was currently some kind of world tree, dungeon core, human hybrid.

Taking a deep breath, Ye Tian decided not to think too much about his freakish nature.

"Hey system, quickly tell me how to get rid of this world power if you don\'t want your host to get eaten"

By now, Ye Tian could feel some movement in the void around him, most likely this was the result of the approaching void beasts

Obviously, his time was running out, thankfully the system already had a plan though there would be some major setbacks.

[ Hey host, you remember on your panel which showed \'world power:10 points\' ]

[Although you\'re going to need that in the future creation of your dungeon or world in your case]

[But given the current situation, you have no choice but to abandon most of it in order to survive]

Hearing the system talk, Ye Tian couldn\'t help but hesitate

As a dungeon lord, giving this away would be equivalent to digging away his own foundation.

Just imagine a dungeon lord without a dungeon, that isn\'t even a lord!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian wanted to ask the system if there was any alternative.

Unfortunately, the system quickly cut him off

[ No, there is no other choice or way out.]

[Choose one, give the void beasts something to eat or be eaten!]

[And hurry we don\'t have much time]

Noticing the fluctuations in the void getting closer and closer, the system pressed Ye Tian to quickly make up his mind.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"Why would they appear at this time, could it be my chance to turn very is going to end like this?"

Cursing out loud, his core of a body that was currently floating in the void began jumping up and down as if to reflect his emotional


"System, I agree. Take as many as you need to give me a chance to get away from here"

Giving an exasperated sigh, Ye Tian couldn\'t help but resign to his fate

Judging from the current situation, he was currently out of options.

Say no and get devoured by the void beasts.

Say yes and lose his qualifications to go back to earth.

Considering the two, Ye Tian decided to choose the opinion that still left him alive

After all, although it might be harder, some world power would still remain.

Not only that, no one said it would be impossible to gain more although the process might not be easy.

After all, he had currently lost his human body, Ye Tian doubted his lifespan would still be the same

Talking of lifespan, Ye Tian decided to ask the system was going on with his own after he got out of this situation.

Now he had to avoid his imminent death crisis.




With three loud bangs, three huge figures appeared left, right, and center all around Ye Tian

Void beasts!

Looking at their figures, Ye Tian\'s non-existent eyelids dilated as he couldn\'t believe what he just saw

With a huge hundreds of metres in seize,  Ye tian felt just one of them was alone to destroy the whole blue star before the advent of dungeons

Guns? Nuclear weapons? Please, Just one hit from their tails should be enough to knock down a continent sinking it below sea level

Now looking at these fierce predators that looked at him like he was some sort of snack, Ye Tian was shook

Thankfully the system was quick to react, under its control, a huge ball of world power was quickly condensed before Ye Tian

[Host, you made the right decision.]

[Deduction seven world power]

[Using six to create bait]

[Using one to create an escape ticket]

As the system moved, a series of actions began to take place not giving Ye Tian a chance to react.




With the appearance of the orb of world power, the three void beasts began to howl with excitement

Obviously, they couldn\'t wait to have a taste of it,

Seeing this, the system knew it was time to act.

[Creating diversion!]


All of a sudden, with the systems words the orb suddenly flew far away from where the current location


Looking at its food suddenly fly away, the void beasts could help but become confused before getting angry




Roaring out in anger, the three turned to where the system had thrown the orb

Watching this happen, the system knew it was now or never.

Using the last bit of world power it had collected from Ye Tian, the system planned to make it explode thus propelling them into the void far away from here

Although there might be some damage to Ye Tian\'s core, but this was the best way the system found to leave this area

[Hold on host, this might hurt a lot!]

Hearing the system say this, Ye Tian suddenly got an ominous premonition.

"Wait a minute system, what do you want to do!"

"Remember, I don\'t have a body and we\'re currently in the void. I can\'t hold on to anything" asked Ye Tian

Unfortunately, it was too late. The system had already begun its plan


Taking advantage of the void beast\'s distraction, the system promptly caused the last piece of world power to explode thus thrusting Ye Tian\'s core body into the void.

"Ahhh system curseeee youuuu"

Realising what just happened, Ye Tian could only shout unwillingly as his body was helplessly spreading to some unknown corner of the world sea

[Haha no need to thank me host, it\'s this systems job to take care of its host]

Laughing, the system pretended not to hear Ye Tian.

And with that, the two of them began their journey drifting into the Void.

And as for the void beasts, those three were currently fighting themselves for the orb of world power.

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