
Chapter 804

“Asmodeus, what a pleasant surprise.”

“Not much of a surprise, is it,” he chuckled, the hall followed the annual festivities. Performers rocked the stage with their energy and good faith – in addition, to live, the various acts were transported via the antenna and broadcast over the town. Needless to say, in where the festival had the populous on fire, the performances would either make or break it, “-Shadow Realm sure is animated,” he commented.

“I know,” returned Igna, “-anyway, tell me what’s happened in Alphia,” a loose piece of thought caught his tongue, “-before that, where’s Midne and Kul, are they not here?”

“No,” the head shook a little, “-we asked and they said, ‘-if none’s here to supervise the company, then who will?’ Midne’s a great asset, she’s really grown into the work over the past years.”

“Happy to hear it.”

“Master,” he whispered, “-I heard from the grapevines that you had acquired memories from a prior life?”


“Right, I only told éclair, seems he might have gotten lost during the drinking session. My inheritance of what I stood before everything is a double-edged sword. I wish not to dwell on the past, tell me of what’s happened with Raven.”

“I honestly wish for thee to return to Alphia, it’s been at least five to six years. Everything has grown; not to mention the maladies lady Vanesa transmitted around the world. I see the seedling has hatched into a great tree. Words cannot express the impression left.

“Cut the pleasantries.”

“If it’s about the war,” he gathered his breath and began with a pause, “-after the first invasion of the Church, the northern province has been fighting a war of attrition on the border. The pace of the battle changes every month, it’s the same, they have a big fight, one side comes out on top, and the other retreats. They take a few weeks to recover, gather their force, and lash out again. If either side is ballsy enough to sneak past the assigned barrier, advance weapons are launched – of which both scenery and people die. On the day Alphia used teleportation against the church, the border attacks have grown lesser common. Each side is wary of the other’s counter-attacks. As for the economy, Alphia’s leadership is forced to spend a copious amount of money to keep the army up and running. In said war, I know not what’ll drain faster, the church or Alphia. One thing is certain, the battle hasn’t deterred business from Odgawoan, we far retreated from the battle – tourists are happy to oblige; it’s a thing of wonder, Raven’s taken the gambling world by storm. Due to instance with the Empire, trade from Hidros to Iqeavea is hampered, we’ve taken to exportation fully, in a way, the money we make under Phantom’s name is sufficient to care for common troubles. I mean, the latter doesn’t care about money anymore,” he smiled, “-you’ve patented the whole subject on Maicite trading and technological advancement. If they want power, they ought to pay, and we aren’t easily affordable. By my count, we were offered seven-passenger airplanes in exchange for a few kilograms of the purest Maicite – tis unbelievable.”

“The market is ours,” he said proudly, “-Raven, Phantom, and the subsidiary companies have passed the apex of making money, it’s to a point where the money makes itself. Even if we are to retire now, we’d have made 6 generations’ worth of money to spend and live outrageously.”

“The casinos bring in too much, Mammon’s went on a spending spree, buying hotels and resorts at the beaches and even a private island to the south, worse part, he used his own money, goes to show how greatly we’re doing.”

“Since we do banking with Arda, there’s nothing the centralized government can achieve in tracking our activities. Suffice to say, we have grounded ourselves against any prominent backlash or trouble.”

“Correct,” he nodded, “-pray tell, what next, I fear Alphia might lose the war if nothing is done.”

“That is for them to decide. Phantom is still an arms dealer, though the focus has been on Maicite for the past few years, I think it’d be wise to start implementing the entity in weapon’s making. The Cobalt Unit is the manufacturers as of yet, pains me to say, to gain one must lose.”

“Pardon the intrusion,” said Starix cutting into the conversation, “-master, may we have a few words?”

“Guess it’s time for me to leave,” nodded Asmodeus, “-master, it’s been a pleasure, I hope we speak again soon,” he scaled the carpeted stairs and made for a band of castle flowers, the prince of Lust’s name held true.

“A dog,” she muffled and sat, underneath the pleasant aroma of the distant flowerbed, “-I have matters to report,” she said, ‘-no response. I ought to speak my mind I suppose.’

“We heard reports of a potential attack on Easel Run Gard. The lesser fortunate countries have allied into a very concealed manner to discuss Phantom’s monopoly.”

“By heard, you mean it’s confirmed?” he leaned onto the table, “-the lesser countries haven’t the stomach to endure nor the wallet to fight-”

“-most likely, they’re being manipulated by a greater party. We came to a similar conclusion. Master,” she slid across papers, “-here are the details. The countries made the mistake of contacting Cimier, who I remind, has been infiltrated by 02 and a member of the nightwalker race. By my account, 02’s reached the position of Godfather, he controls the human trafficking organization part of the secretive agency.”

“Right,” he nodded and scanned, filtering facts from fiction, rather, wrong reporting, ‘-I forgot about him. He kept on working for decades – 02, thou art truly a scary spy. Easel Run Gard fears the potential of a seabound attack. We could intervene... the political climate won’t allow Hidros to make a move yet. Rosespire’s filled with doubts and confusion, the courts in disarray after a young noble was assassinated in broad daylight at the Rosian Media Square. Seems I have to play catch up.”

“Cousin,” said Julius, “-I was wondering,” he pulled a chair, hailed a maid who went and brought countless bottles, “-whatever happened to the mystery of Haggard’s Collapse. I never had the chance to ask, and you know, the years were rough, I didn’t want to impose too greatly on you or aunt Elvira.”

“Always the courteous one,” he smiled, “-have you ever heard of Avion Stark?”

“The detective who publishes his stories? Yeah, I’ve heard and read a few, what about him.”

“I say this with certainty, he’s the sole human who I’ve recognized as an equal in wit to my own. The ability to uncover mysteries from hints and discrepancies in people’s words and actions is to be admired. Unlike him, I have the knack to get what I need through manipulation and a little roughhousing. I’ve thought and thought – what I have so far is speculation and a story which somewhat ties the events into a single timeline.”

“Tell us!”

“Right, I speak from memory, therefore, the events may be a little off. I’ll try to conjure a sufficiently pleasing narration,” he took a sip and dove into a profound look within the expansive memory, “-before reaching the conclusion of Avion Stark having to play a major part, I’d like to bring attention to the lady who easily went under our radar, Syndra Lordon. I’m sorry to say, that Haggard’s collapse was brought upon by a matter of human desire. Kyle Darker, son and member of the Kura Trading Corporation, is one of the big four. We went over how Cimier is ruled by Patek. Since we took Lumian O’dla under our wing at that time, they felt threatened by his return. It would have been fine if not for Stiol’s brazen announcement to work duly with Raven and the Haggards. I guess the director is a crazy art-lover, éclair might have given him an undisclosed tour of my private gallery. I did ask for him to build our relation, never expected such growth. The true terror starts when Kyle’s jealousy for Syndra, who’d given everything in favor of following a life in music, was spotted dealing with a representative of Apexi,” he curiously eyed Julius, “-I’ve heard how the agency always used the appeal of a handsome man to ensnare the opposite demography. Not saying it’s wrong, to each their own. After said encounter, I suspect he might have reported the matter to his family, and they, in turn, contacted Patek to assassinate the scout.”

“It’s true,” nodded Julius, “-I’m impressed you knew about the incident since we kept it under wraps. The man was found dead by overdose in a yacht off the coast of Plaustan.”

“-the death didn’t change much, which is around time Avion started making a name in the capital. He’d cracked numerous homicide cases and was recruited by the court to work for her majesty. I doubt she asked for him, would have been one of the misguided nobles in her court.”

“The Denlords?”

“Correct. Through them, he made a name and grew the fanbase. Remember the incident with Theo Denlord?”

“You mean the accident?”

“Yes, the case we were into court against the foolish Baron. I say there are strong possibilities said the incident was a decoy – testing the water as they say. We unknowingly walked into the trap, winning the trial had us gloat and confidence held our heads. The true masterminds knew our strengths and went after the weaknesses, sorry to say, it was you, cousin. Apexi and its corrupt ways of dealing with the music academy, which, here’s the best part, ties in where Syndra studied. Kyle wanted to destroy Apexi since they sent another scout and the Academy, who had tied her away from him. Next, we have the ring-leaders, going after a single girl wouldn’t have much merit.”

“The entertainment market.”

“Correct, they must have capitalized on the breaking of Apexi’s reputation. Who bought and promoted their Agency?”


“There,” cheered Igna taking another sip, “-lady Gaso must have thought we wouldn’t recover from the attack, she seized her opportunity and got what she wanted, a hefty share of Hidros’ growing entertainment market. Kyle sadly failed at his quest to get with his lover, last I heard, Syndra joined her instructor’s touring company and went around the world. We reach the climax of the story, Patek. What would they get from assassinating a high-profile idol, the scouter, nothing? Nothing save a chance to get what they had dreamed of. Long ago, there was a conflict between Snow and the Dark-Guild, their relations been very strained,” he clenched his fist, “-those bastards assaulted and killed Lizzie.”


“Sorry, memories,” he shot back a drink, “-after the episode of Apexi’s fall, Avion led a campaign of finding the Dark-Guilds bases of operation. A few strongholds were raided and a few high-profile dealers captured. The D.G had no option but to retreat from the rough climate – the drug exploration stopped and the godfathers went into hiding. There’s an instance in-between transition where we grow very complacent and easy to target. We were attacked and the Dark-Guild-controlled harbor was captured. Many of our men died, a vacant spot meant Snow(Cimier) had a clear passage into Hidros. They took the chance and established themselves as a rival to the local clientele.”

“Do they all tie?”

“Wait, there’s one more,” he inhaled, “-Elendor had a play, Phantom’s forces were wiped in Iqeavea, without our forces to defend, Rotherham and Glenda were open for conquest. Fortunately, I had a vision and halted the attack – remember the projectiles? They were from Elendor’s hired PMC who just happened to be fighters from the Church, I know much from the name, Guardian Saint of Lucifer’s Western Sect. The king of elves was a puppet, led by Ela, who from the start, was a double agent. I had to sit and think, Staxius’s death, his location wasn’t known lest it was from the queen herself. The Wracia Empire played us a fool – everything ties and in the end, we suffered tremendous losses. In a way, it was a good attack, one we stood no chance against.”

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