
Chapter 704

“I can’t believe you drank so much,” *hic,* “-holy hell Jula, you’re an entonnoir for sure.”

“Don’t dare label me a funnel,” her would-be stern gaze slapped across his visage, a gasp escaped, the frown swapped for a conniving smirk, “-I can drink, just not what you have to serve,” her sight lowered below his belt, “-I wonder what you’re hiding.”

“No, not right now,” intervened Asmodeus,” -my harem will be here soon,” he gawked the clock impatiently, the minute hand-laid short of midnight.

‘Drunks have the weirdest whims,’ he sighed and focused on cleaning the dirtied mugs.

“They sure are random,” replied Starix, “-let me help out.”

“Sure, dry the glasses for me,” a small line created, wash, clean, dry, store, “-today was a great day for us. The standing will grow fierce.”


“Hey,” flushed and slightly dazed, “-where’s the master,” *burp*, “-the days don’t feel right without him abusing us on a passive level,” Kul’s cheek wrapped around a droplet filled glass then slumped to the counter, “-I want to meet him...”

“YES!” pink and purple flashed in the distance, a portal summoned to a volley of beautiful men and women, “-my harem is here,” cheered the prince, “-Kul, éclair, I’ll be off tending to my need, tomorrow’s the day off, don’t bother waking me for I’ll be in tender heaven,” the skimpily clad seductresses moved to suffocate his body with their natural ‘weapons’.

“Don’t cause too much trouble,” refuted éclair.

“What’s that about?” inquired the very drunk Jula, “-is he going to fu-”

“No more,” interjected Odgar, “-no dirty talk, it’s rude.”

“Someone’s soft,” she winked in return, “-do you love me or not?” woe filled her tone.

“Here we go,” chuckled Starix, “-the alcohol is beginning to talk.”

“I’ll take them to bed,” said Kul suddenly sane and fully sober, “-the buzz’s worn off. The poison resistance has finally kicked in,” curled in a punch, “-come on drunk birds,” grabbed by the collar, “-we’re calling a night.”

“Feels lonely,” voiced Starix, “-Kul raised a good question, what is the master even doing?”

“Fighting monsters or whatnot, the details are thin. He calls when it’s convenient, the bare surface of the mess has been scratched. Did Lilith or any of the goddesses speak about Hades’ and possible motives in laying claim to Alphia?”

“No, the only news is Lady Gophy accidentally messed up the spell and created the trouble we’re in at the moment.”

“Do you believe that?” he stopped and shrugged, “-a goddess failing a spell seems farfetched. Fine, I’ll chalk it up to distractions, still doesn’t explain why a high-tier god would care to invade the realm, does he not have dominion of his own to serve?”

“I don’t know,” she shrugged, “-best we leave the godly matters to the gods. I’m sure the master will find a way.”

Rumbles of a helicopter startled the duo, “-looks like Cora’s back.”

“Where did you send him?”

“To clean up the remainder of Saku’s forces in Stanley’s homage. Don’t worry, I gave the orders to kill without blood spilled, the bodies must be kept for better use.”

“You’re into the Necrotic arts, aren’t you?” said he rhetorically.

“No,” came an embarrassed yet pleasurable expression, “-I-I.”

“Don’t lie,” he tapped her head, “-you’re my student after all.”

“Can’t hide the intent very well, can I?” her chin lowered to the counter, distant footsteps echoed to a sudden appearance, “-I’ve brought the bodies,” proclaimed Cora in a bloodied outfit.

“Did you stain the floor?” voiced across murderously, “-Cora, did you stain the floor?”

*Gulp,* “-of course not...”

“Enough,” fired Kul, “-éclair, I need answers, is the master well or should I take to the Q-district?” *Clap, clap,* “-clean the floor, maids,” she ordered.

“Once again, I don’t know,” voiced he, “-the master’s preoccupied, I think, or I hope.”

“So much for being the personal butler...” her arms crossed.

“Lady Kul, I don’t think it is a good idea to stir the hornet’s nest,” murmured Cora, who indeed had stained the floor red.

“Enough animosity,” added Starix, “-don’t forget, we have yet to complete the mission. The state’s seized the Count’s property, which I remind are manors, villas, apartments, and the Valeria Casino.”

“Oh yeah,” the mood shifted, “-it will be auctioned off...”

“Not if we can pressure the leadership,” winked she, “-priorities are the apartments and casino, luckily, the count was smart enough to build both in close proximity. The price is unknown, however, there’s more than enough leverage to sway the decision. Properties are under the emperor’s jurisdiction. Kul, here’s the opportunity, check on the master and relay the information, he should know what to do next. I’ll use the Luon’s connection to hamper potential buyers.”

“Good plan,” nodded éclair, ‘-master was right to appoint her strategist of Raven. She’s loyal, adores the master, and has a conniving side hated by enemies and loved by us.’

“I’m going to meet the master?” quick to check her outfit, “-I don’t know what I should wear...”

“I’ll help,” winked Starix, “-I’m a princess by heart, don’t forget,” she sneakily wrapped her arms around the demoness’ waist and made for the upstairs, “-we’re going shopping tomorrow. Cora, investigate current status on the businessmen and nobles – if they persist on obtaining the late count’s property, kill them.”

“Understood,” stood in place, the ladies’ heels faded in the distance, “-I’m sorry about the floor.”

“No worries,” smiled éclair, “-late to the party, come and have a drink.”

“Yes please,” a shot back, “-nothing beats good booze after a day’s work,” head on the counter, “-éclair, what are your thoughts on Starix’s scheme?”

“They’re good,” he replied, “-she’s taken to her role nicely. I’m surprised about the foresight. Her intellect outclasses the petty businessmen of the area.”

“I know right,” he drank another, “-back in the old world, she was a nice and caring princess, always putting me above the rest. Maybe she had an obsession, I don’t know, I wanted to save the world and didn’t care about her feelings. Now that she’s changed into a homunculus, she doesn’t see me romantically. Sow what you reap, the eternal rule of give and take. Whatever, a smile on her visage is romance enough.”

“So, she is your type,” another drink served, “-between you and me, dashing forward alone will result in failure sooner or later. I’m duty-bound to keep my master’s possession spotless, it includes the companions and servants. Sadly, I’m but a single man, be there for her, catch her if she falls, and move as one. In the near future, akin to when he invaded the old planet, another instant might rise where conquering an unknown realm to be a necessity. Competent leaders and fighters will be needed. Here,” he slid another drink, “-have the last one, God’s ale, and go to bed.”

“Alright,” last two drinks down, “-I’m off, thanks for caring, éclair, I love you,” a peck on the cheeks and tipsy Cora shuffled out.

‘I love you,’ hands to the cheeks, ‘-a good sentiment. The manor feels homely, Odgar and Jula have grown close to us,’ *click,* arms crossed and face to the stars, ‘-master, I wish you could see how much they’ve grown. Cora and Starix are on their way to being competent leaders.’

Night shifts to day, a black portal opened, ‘-tired,’ knees fell to the floor, ‘-I’m glad I decided to visit the Shadow Realm daily. Vanesa, Draconis, Saniata are having fun, we had fun. Lilith sure was one to worry, constantly pestering about her lonesomeness, Queen of Demon...’

“Pops,” parting words echoed, “-take care, the Shadow Realm is a good place to train. Lady Gophy has decided to train me,” Draconis’s voice seemed mature, “-I’m going to become strong and stand by your side, pops. Don’t force yourself on my account, I love you either way.”

“Cut the sappiness,” sliced Saniata with her sharp tongue, “-there are more important things to be doing in the overworld, don’t worry about us. Goddess Intherna’s taken a liking to my skills – I’m going to get strong; I’ll make sure you acknowledge my strength soon.”

“Me too,” yawned Vanesa, “-I don’t want to be strong. Don’t care about those two – finish the quest of whatnot, I want to hang out soon,” she stood in a plain white dress, teddy in one hand, long nasty green hair down her back and sleepy visage, “-already stronger than these two. Love you pops, I’ll come when everything is over. Also, Lilith is undertaking my training or something, I don’t care, food and sleep and time with pops.”

“Honestly?” he made for the trio hastily.

“-you going to hit us?” gulped Saniata, “-child abuse...”

“-NO TO CHILD ABUSE!” screamed Draconis.

“Stupid,” said Vanesa shoving Saniata to the side, “-it’s a hug.”

“Come here,” he knelt and held the trio, “-Draconis, Saniata, Vanesa, I’m glad to be called your father. I’ll leave, the time spend in the Shadow Realm was nice, I enjoyed spoiling you,” he patted Vanesa, “-playing with you,” he flicked Draconis’s nose, “-and you,” he pinched Saniata’s cheeks, “-you’ve worked hard to evolve from mermaid to siren. Always headstrong and fierce, keep at it, after siren comes the title of apostle, like it or not, I always know what you three are up to. I’m glad, suppose I won’t interrupt the training. I’ll visit once in a while.”

‘He noticed,’ she smiled, ‘-I’m happy.’

“I’m off,” a close embrace later, “-don’t cause too much problem for the goddesses.”

“Love you pops!” exclaimed Draconis.

“Love you,” added Vanesa monotonously.

“Yeah, take care,” said Saniata.

‘There’s the reason she wanted a lute, to train her singing and musical prowess,’ faded lines of black left marks on the floor, ‘-the sun’s up,’ moved to the window, ‘-monster attacks sure have intensified,’ there on the street below, a stray vigilante fought hard against a Devourer, ‘-the poor lad’s about to die.’ A masked lady dashed out the entrance to slay in a single stroke; the fighter, heavily injured, fell. ‘Why’s she like this,’ an exasperated sigh escaped, not from the state of the fighter, rather, the way Fia noticed and winked, ‘-more work for you,’ wrote across the smug expression.

*Clop, clop, clop,* “-how’s everyone doing?”

“Good morning,” said Froy.

“Good morning indeed,” a new room beside the ward was added not long after the gradual recovery – training equipment, punching bags, and the likes scattered around the lavishly large room. Hina and Jonl sparred, for her side, the lass packed a punch, each strike echoed. Training under Undrar’s tutelage reawakened muscle memories.

“Kinka, Ginka, how’s Uonl doing?”

“Better,” returned Kinka, “-he’s able to walk and talk, the memories have returned.”

“Good morning, master Igna,” said Uonl in a shaky tone.

“Take it easy,” a wheelchair rolled over, “-rehabilitation mustn’t be forced.” *Pouf, pouf, pouf,* the punching bag cried per Froy’s assault, “-take a rest and sip on this,” a potion dropped on the man’s hand, “-the day isn’t far.”

“Igna, patient!” cried across the room.

“Fia,” he sighed and rushed to the ward, “-Meza, you’re on supply duty, take Fia and make for headquarters.”

“Understood,” they leaped into the armored unit and drove towards the deserted land of dust.

‘Another one,’ *snap,* consciousness dropped, ‘-no affliction by the curse, easy fix,’ thirty minutes later, the man stood on his feet, “-might I ask who you are?” the face gleamed.

“The Alchemist. Tell me, what’s the dormitory like these days?”

“Bad,” he sat, “-very bad. The army’s officially taken control of rationing, price of meals has skyrocketed.”

“Why are you here?”

“Nurse Ada asked me to relay this note.”

“Fair,” he took the letter, “-maids, bring the man some food.”


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