
Chapter 666

“Whatever,” said a somber figure, “-the town must fall, tis all I ask.”

“Your wish is our command.”

Matters pertaining to Ritenoot now handed to Alta, focus turned to a grossing matter. It may have deluded the issue, still, the subject of the true unification remained steadfast. The trio of Haggard’s next-generation gathered underneath a grand tree on the outskirts of town. Hardened dirt path climbed over plenty o’ ups and downs till the other villages.

“I’m glad we started the orphanage,” commented Julius. Standing around would do naught. The prince boldly sat on the dried grassy plane; the shadow sure gave much-needed rest.

“What of it?” silvery hair flowed.

“The children have a place to stay, I can’t ask for more.”


“And we shan’t ask for more,” interjected Igna, “-have you relayed the information to Aunt Shanna?”

“I haven’t, should we?”

“Obviously.” A meaningless glance into the marketplace showed Alta and her relaxed expression. ‘-She’s on the hunt for potential targets.’

“-I want food,” a startling ravenous growl gave gasps.

Time sped, Igna and his party were lost in the daily hassle of duty. Julius deeply wanted to care for the children, in a way, Eira felt compel to help. Igna sufficed to say, wasn’t interested. The goodness was much to be desired. Until the Faction was readied to capture the capital, they would be stuck in Glenda. Herein, the Viscount of Glenda left for the field of adventure.

A deathly tunnel stretched forth, he walked slowly protected by a cloak. Echoes were scary, growls were scarier. Level 5, read a half-present sign. The maimed remains of an adventurer died beside the post. ‘Broken legs,’ he crouched and examined, ‘-sapphire,’ he pulled the tag, the path diverged into three. Left, right, and center, extremities bore the lecherous redden glare of famine beasts. ‘the only way ahead is forward.’ *Snap,* whiteish flames burnt the body, ‘-may thee rest in peace.’

Prospective grew, the dimness of the entrance paled in comparison to the inside. Here was the rest area of dungeon crawling, level five, a relatively unused area. A blueish crystal ceiling reflected the light spirits. An unimaginable grandeur filled the pale nostrils of red, lush green ground and a pool of crystal-like water.

“Someone else made it here?”

‘There’re people.’

Four warriors camped around a gentle flame, “-Yo,” gestured a fatigued man, “-where’s your party?” the question repeated around the fire.

“Don’t have one,” he replied coldly.

“Are you alone?” asked the same man.

“Not really.”

“No use asking questions,” said another, “-come on, sit with us, the fire’s great to recover from fatigue.”

“I appreciate it, thank you.” The knees clicked to a harsh land, the cloak unraveled and a bag dropped.

“You’re not an adventurer, are you?” inquired a tinier profile, “-the outfit and bag don’t scream menace.”

“Right, I’m a wandering chef.”

“Wandering chef?” laughter echoed, “-new one,” they laughed till tears, “-too bad buddy, there’s no pray to be cooked here.”

“On the contrary,” *snap,* prepared goblin meat fell onto the ground, “-I ought to ask.”

“Go on?”

“Is your party from the Deer’s guild?”

“How did you know?” the eyes squinted.

“My job’s easier,” a makeshift cooking station built, “-I’ve come on behalf of the guild leader. He expressly said to bring the guild members, alive or dead. Level 4 is very hard to traverse without supplies. The burning hounds attack suddenly, not to mention to Aedric bears, and finally, the level boss, five evolved hobgoblins.”

“Food, finally,” said the tiny figure.

“What’s the ranking for our quest?”

“Tier-4 Bronze.” Bowls after bowls were readied in haste, “-eat before it gets cold.”

“-We haven’t had food in two days,” complained the smaller figure, “-I should have hired higher-ranked adventurers,” a shiny guild-tag showed his allegiance. “-I’m cutting the pay. No quest, no money.”

“Someone’s rather confident,” snickered Igna, “-a member of the trader’s guild?”

“No,” he interjected, “-I’m part of the merchant’s guild.”

“Is it not the same?”

“No, the trader’s guild is under Haru, while the Merchant’s guild is ruled by distinguished merchants, we control part of this province’s money, without us, there would be no advancement.”

Obnoxious flaunts of a higher position, the escort party leader didn’t so much stare wrongly. A fight against strong foes, until the safe zone. Once replenished and healed, the party set to climb out the dungeon. ‘-I found my target. An influential merchant, I sure hope he doesn’t have an accident.’

“Worthless idiots!” he cried, “-stay in front and protect me, my supplies are worth more than your lives.”

‘So much for letting Alta scheme, I unknowingly got involved. Damn quest posting, should have never scouted the jobs requests.’

“Monsters ahead.”

“On guard everyone.”

“We’re surrounded, watch the back, chef.”

A heavy aura rocked the ground, pebbles shook. A god-awful stench permeated, “-ON GUARD! IT’S THE WHITE HOUNDS.”

‘Just about time.’

“AHHHHH,” gnarls and howls flung, swords swung, guns fired, blood splattered onto the walls. Five hounds circled and attacked, the party had no chance of survival, “-not on my watch,” the leader jumped to shield the merchant who had dropped in fear, *bite,* the right shoulder plate buckled, “-g-get off,” he stabbed the beast in its belly, regardless, the fiery thirst for blood didn’t cower. The bite strengthened until *Mana Control: Wind Element Variant: Wind Blade.*

“-Are you well?

“Chef,” he fell, “-I’ll live, what of the others?”

“They died.”

“Dam-” consciousness faded.

The monsters laughed in their drooling lust, a relish of certain death. ‘They were killed so easily and effortlessly. What’s the point even?’ the wolves gathered around the merchant, the stench of ammonia broke the smell of dogs, ‘-he really peed himself?’


“Oh, shut up, your voice annoys me,” *slash,* a swipe instantly beheaded the man. No heed to the monsters, they crawled closer and intended to attack, *-grr.*

“Silence,” he thundered, the monsters crept closer and bore fangs. “-art thou an imbecile?” a side-glare froze the coordinated approach, “-does thee wish to harm thy monarch?” the monster’s ring lit, “-heed me, monsters, do you wish to attack your king?”

“Majesty, we apologize for the indiscretion,” they bowed, “-I shall relay thy arrival to the other monsters.”

‘Telepathy. The King of monster title has a lot of advantages. Thoughts communication to beasts. Still,’ stood before the merchant, ‘-bait is best dead.’

*Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival*

Later that day, Igna would claw out the dungeon beside the party-leader and merchant. The tent filled castle-yard accommodated medics and traders alike. Many adventurers waited for the chance at the battle. Rumors of a man rescuing a party of Floor-4 would soon spread.

Another day passed, “-let’s head to Ritenoot,” said the party leader. “-the quest is still active.”

“I’ll stop at Glenda, you two continue.” There, the party split at the marketplace. A figure atop the castle walls dropped to nothingness. Said afternoon, news of an ambush would spook the talk of the town. None cared to believe until the party leader returned with the emblem of Kreston. He’d later die in his sleep said night. Another morning rose suspiciously, the fear of the church terrified the Ardanian, was it a repeat of the invasion? Not to thoroughly stick to Glenda, the same issue arose in Ritenoot. The merchant’s guild was tipped on the assailant – mercenaries. Similarly, far towards the airfield, troops readied for the capture.

‘We’ve planted the seed of fear,’ thought Igna in the company of Vanesa. The town hall gave a nice view onto the streets, ‘-now we wait until the guilds are scared.’ The afternoon arrived with the news of another ambush, this time, only one escaped. The loot and guards were killed.

“Guild master HARU!” cried the office, “-please, let us take care of the ambush.”

Her feline expression remained docile, “-no need for senseless deaths,” she said.

17th of October, a few days, even weeks, had passed. The conflict between Ritenoot and Glenda escalated to the point of no return. An emergency council called by the Guild Leader Haru dulled a pleasant morning. The city guard and a few statesmen sat silently.

“I’m sure thee knows of the current situation. Our sources say Ritenoot is heaven for remnants of the church. Not only were traders and adventurers targeted, but young men and women alike were also abducted.”

“What of it?” said the city guard, “-we’re tasked to care for the people. Attacking their town without knowing numbers is foolish.”

“The captain has a point,” firmed a stateman, “-if Glenda is to survive, we best not fight back.”

“Igna, you understand, right?”

“I do,” he stood, “-Lady Haru, I understand thy request. Listen up, I shall personally see our retribution to have a long-lasting message. No matter the adversity, we shall prevail for we stand alongside our people!”

A touching speech led to a secluded walk onto the hardened path, “-the scheme’s on schedule,” said Alta.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in town?”

“I can walk beside my lord until he leaves, can’t I?”

“Good point,” they stopped beyond the populous’ range.

“Status on Ritenoot?”

“They actually are a haven for the church. Numbers aren’t high, the mastermind’s hidden in an estate in the middle of Mont Blanc and the town. Here’s a vague location. The guards are hidden among the townsfolk.” A nod led to a flap. *Ancient Magic: Teleportation.*

‘I’m disappointed, we used propaganda to scare the noble; the man moved pathetically as foretold. Can’t expect much from pretenders. Ritenoot is ours.’ *Vengeance.*

“-yes master?”

“Go clean up the trash, I don’t want a single Krestonian alive. Wipe them out.”



Farther north rested the Mont Blanc and the associate mountains. Days culminated to the desired result, somewhere along the line, without a response from the enemy, the mind shifted to utter destruction. Only the strong and tenacious are allowed to be in charge of lives, not the weak and incompetent. Nothing annoyed more than a mastermind without the mind. Tall trees covered in snow hid a manor, a frigid roof, a slippery yard, and lifeless torches.

“Master, what shall we do about Ritenoot?”

“I don’t know,” the fireplace cast weak shadows, “-I underestimated the propaganda. I thought we could fight...”

*CRASH,* ‘-pesky doors,’ explosions rattled the manor.


“Death,” *slash.* Footsteps echoed up the stairs, *Mana Control: Purgatory Flame Variant – Hellfire Blaze.* Despite the cold, the flames of anger charred the floor, curtains and pillars caught fire, smoke hovered to the upper floors.

“STOP OR DIE!” screamed weakened guards.

“Shut up,” *Blood-Arts: Extria,* a flick of the finger tore off heads, broke limbs, and twisted the prey, ‘-I’ve come to slaughter,’

“What’s this ruckus about?” wondered the noble.

“I don’t know, sire. Please stay here, I shall go investigate. A harrowing gust blew and caught the butler, “-no need for said trouble,” whispered a demonic sneer. The palms opened into a hell of fire.

“-MASTER,” he shielded the noble.

“Good. Protect your master until the very end, for I, the Devil of Glenda, have come.”

“Devil of Glenda?” the master pushed the retainer aside and lifted the hood, “-PLEASE, STOP!”

“What are you?” the flames subsided.

“I don’t have a name,” he said, “-I was asked by the king to stay and wait until my time comes.”

“You’re a half-human and half-demon...”

“I don’t know,” he stared with a single horn and redden complexion, “-please, hear me.”

“This explains why the schemes went along so easily. The head of Ritenoot is a child?”

“I only did what was told to me,” dropped to the knees, “-please, hear me, Devil of Glenda.”


“I want to die and reincarnate as a normal child. I don’t want to suffer, I don’t want to cry, my parents abandoned-”

“Cut the sad story, I’ve heard plenty. Here, I’ll grant you passage to a realm of rebirth,” *snap,* “-die.”

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