
Chapter 626

He spoke a big game, confidence was overwhelming. The incident at Konlda left much to be desired. Odgar’s agency was placed to aid the investigation, the leader stood bemused to the events. The corrupted police were never much to take notice of such complaints. Instead, they’d often blame instances and ignore the situations – if money was involved, they’d sure to act childish and without authority. Being asked such a favor meant one thing, desperation. They invited the man who started the battle and begged for the murder’s resolve. The Jonia Familia, a branch family of Yonak voiced their anger vehemently. To stop any sliver of bloodbath, the representatives met in Stanley’s homage to pay respect. There, the misunderstandings were cleared, a single plausible motive spawned off the discussion, ‘-someone’s out to disrupt the peace.’

Time is august, before the arrival of a special package, Igna watched and worked. éclair provided much support, especially in the promotional department. The task was fixed, a band needed to be formed.

‘Rough patches of land, daring outfits, and countless flashes.’ A beacon of heat glared onto the dried synthetic grass.

“Give me more of your feminine sensuality,” cried a flustered photographer. The crew remained close; visage reminiscent of disgust, as in moments from hurling. The female models varied in size, appearance, and specialty.

‘More sensuality,’ thought Igna, ‘-fine, how about this!’ he sarcastically struck a pose, the few workers watched in awe.

“YES, EXCELLENT, THAT’S THE WAY!” begged the photographer, “-Lon’s magazine is going to have a field day with this,” he cheered.


‘Lon’s magazine,’ sweat coated the forehead in a mystical shine, ‘-I’m tired,’ tedious as it was, the complaint was never in mind.

“You’re done, good job,” said the bespectacled photographer named Larry.

“You too,” replied Igna. ‘-The bench,’ he eased off the elevated floor to a dimmer and cooler area. The set had been built to stand at least half a meter above the floor. In retrospect, one could think it to be a launching platform. Rockets to the stars versus people dubbed future stars shooting to the top, quite a poetic way of thought. The sweat washed away with few splashes. Automatic taps and clean mirrors were a must, the floor had an immaculate shine, not that it mattered.

“Larry’s quite the fanatic,” commented a man putting away his aviator sunglasses.

“I’d say passionate,” refuted Igna freshening the visage.

“And I’ll say you’re well-mannered,” he smirked, “-rookies are often cocky and never get the job done. I’m impressed by the diligence showed,” they crossed paths, a shadow dropped onto Igna’s person, “-be careful, the climb to stardom is thorny and perhaps, deadly.” Thus ended the audition, the shoot was but a way to clear the path for the chosen. ‘-did he threaten me?’ black curtains parted to the studio; the waiting bench sat emptily. ‘-Better wait and see,’ he sat and waited. The shoot for the female began, ‘-male models aren’t so common,’ he scanned to no avail. There had only been four or so before him. The brightly lit synthetic ground swapped for a beachesque flavor. The diligent novices clambered on to their destiny. Flash after flash, the noon fell into the evening. The studio’s heat dulled to blizzard. Air condition smugly spoke in their weird hums. Larry brought the models to a neutral area; lesser cramped as workers unloaded props.

“I’d like to thank you all for coming here,” he courteously nodded, “-as you know, breaking into the world of modeling is hard. The popularity of glitz and glamour has flooded the market with talented and good-looking individuals. I mean no disrespect, the industry is hard,” they knew what he implied, “-we’ll start with the girls.” He bobbed left and right, “-Runo from Leina and Ariela from Aneisa’s, please come forward.”

Between the crowd of ladies, two sublimely radiant figures said, ‘-yes.’

‘We’re done,’ flapped a few mutterers.

‘Potential idols from those agencies are bound to win,’ complained another, ‘-us with dreams aren’t a match to their looks and talents.’

‘Giving up before the results,’ paused Igna, ‘-what’s with them?’ a stained look detailed much of the chosen’s stories.

“For the men,” the voice sharpened, “-Romeo from Leina.”

“Romeo?” the whispers giddied, “-it’s really him, oh my god, I don’t care if I lost.”

In from the back approached a pretentious walk. “-Good evening Larry,” handshakes exchanged, “-Runa, Ariela,” he winked, “-good to see you girls made it.”

“Y-yeah,” returned a reluctant Runo.

“We’re done for,” said male models, “-he’s here, the star with no qualm to the future of novices. He’s already appeared in shows and is in the making of a movie, what’s the point of fighting weaklings?”

“I know, he’s one of Odgawoan’s top guy. I heard he’s a member of the familia.”

‘Makes sense,’ thought Igna, ‘-the prestige behind them almost voids the need for ability. Name alone pushes the careers. I wondered why Amsey remained so adamant about me joining an agency first. They’re not going to help recruits unless there’s enough support.’

*Clap, clap,* bickering halted, “-we have chosen our three main models. Time to pack up people, we’ll see you another time,” disappointment weighed heavy in the exchanges. The air felt tense. éclair sent plans via the phone of which he sighed.

“Excuse me,” interjected Romeo, “-Larry, have you forgotten someone?”

“No, why?” returned the shorter man.

“What about the brown-haired boy,” he pointed, “-that’s the Alchemist, a disgraced chef awarded the black-collar. I know because I followed the journey from when the video went viral. He vanished after conceding to the current star of Spring Publishing’s weekly digest, Kyle Darker, the virtuoso of ingredients. I searched long and hard to no avail, the social media accounts were inactive until a video of Kinless playing Xius’s song surfaced. Is this where you have been, Igna Haggard?”

“Do pardon me,” he wrapped his scarf, “-I’m honored to be recognized by such a reputable idol, truly, I can’t be any prouder. And yes, my actions were heavily criticized, I quit cooking to start a new life. I realized my entourage wished my downfall, and nothing else. The reason I cooked washed away as is an unfinished plate, he had so much to accomplish and yet, left so early. Life isn’t fair, and neither is the world.”

“Wait,” cried Larry, “-are you really him, Medusa’s prodigy?”

“Was,” the words escaped, “-I don’t mind auditioning again. There’s no need for special favors, Larry, and Romeo. My journey starts the same as the others, I don’t care much for favoritism.”

“Watch your mouth,” fired Larry, “-what is this about favoritism?”

“Just as I meant it,” he brazenly half-smiled, “-the people here have worked hard to overcome weaknesses. I don’t discredit the work put by Runa and Ariela either, good fortune is a skill too. Hard work doesn’t always equate to success. Regardless, they try and strive to be the best. The hierarchy of precedence is present, disgustingly so. I should understand, the world answer to the call of the strong, the meek and weak must adapt or suffer.”

“What are you talking about?” squinted Runa, “-boy, have you gone crazy?”

“Figures,” he lit a cigar, “-Runa and Ariela,” he puffed, “-take a look at these girls, they don’t have the backing of a strong agency. Many of them are professionals. Some have soared greater heights than so-called idols have. In the end, my words are rambles of a man with ideals.”

“I knew it,” chuckled Romeo, “-you’re plenty the man I’ve heard in rumors. Always fighting the system and trying to change what is present. Such idealistic mentalism won’t work in Alphia; I know from the fact; the foundation is rock-solid and I apologize. I should have been more understanding of the hard work.” Therein ended the first photoshoot.

The passage of time didn’t facilitate matters in Hidros. Julius worked hard for Apexi. Vorn’s growing popularity made Alicia’s work easier. The idols became independent and sought out work, the populous openly welcomed the girls.

‘It’s been a month now,’ sniffled the distressed Alicia, ‘-why am I crying so much,’ her eyes closed inside the privacy of the washroom.

Apexi’s new headquarters made Lai proud. The well-decorated corridors hurdled to a stop as she returned from the bathroom break. Her aura matched one of sorrow and pain.

“What’s the matter?”

“Julius,” whispered Nona, “-our manager’s feeling worst lately. I don’t know what’s happened to her.”

“Why, what’s the matter?” a swift glance showed a slumped shouldered Alicia, “-looks bad,” he remarked, “-is it the reason you called me?”

“Yes, and we know,” added the others, “-she’s been like that for god knows how long. Should we be worried?”

“No,” he reassured, “-she’s strong enough to take care of her own mind and body. I don’t think we should be worried,” and though he had the truest of intent, fate didn’t work in his favor.

Dusk fully swallowed the capital, ‘I can’t take it anymore,’ cold showers assaulted her head, ‘-he was right, our relation didn’t work out. I don’t have the will to wait anymore, I’m done.’ A restless expression loomed before the mirror, ‘-Alicia, wake up, you can’t keep going like this. What happened, happened.’ A twinkle caught her eye, ‘-oh yeah, tonight I meet with Ziu.’

A lavish restaurant at the heart of the capital, expensive champagne, and an escort inside a limousine. Red carpet rolled to welcome, an army of butlers bowed in wait.

“Good evening,” said a tough-looking man, “-it’s been quite a while, dearest Alicia.”

“Ziu,” she narrowed, “-don’t misinterpret my intentions. I’ve come to negotiate on behalf of Vorn.”

“Yes, yes,” he leered up and down, “-let’s discuss it over dinner.”

Roads up to the private restaurant were shut. Their silhouette outlined against the light-brown curtains, they ate and chatted until drinks were served.

“You bastard,” her head spun, “-did you use...”

“Yes I did,” he grabbed her neck, “-you bitch, always avoiding my advances, insulting me and my family, who the fuck do you think you are?” the grip tightened, “-my heart burns with hatred. This drug makes anyone I wish my slave,” he spat on her face, “-disgusting visage soiled by other men. My libido doesn’t even wish to entertain thy final moments,” he pressed, light emanated from the palms, “-if I can’t have you, none shall.”

The same day they said she would be fine, a tragedy shook Rosespire’s order. Alicia’s beheaded body was found on the outer edge of Onela, brown vailed in red, broke shards in her stomachs, and knife through her heart. 8th of September, a frantic phone call arrived. “Igna speaking.”

“Cousin, I’m sorry, you have to come right away. Alicia’s been murdered.”

“M-murdered?” he watched on emotionlessly, “-I’ll take the next flight,” the call ended. ‘Alicia’s dead?’ a glass returned to the empty bar, ‘-Should I be angry or sad?’ nothing came of the news. ‘-I see,’ he ambled on to his room, “-Vanesa, Draconis, and Saniata.”

“What happened pops?” the door shut behind.

“Alicia’s been murdered.”

“Wait...” gulped Saniata, “-she’s your partner, right?”


“I’m sorry for the loss,” added Draconis, “-the death of a friend isn’t something to laugh at.”

“I know,” he nonchalantly packed the essentials.

“Should you not be a little more concerned?” remarked Saniata.

“I should,” he turned, “-but I can’t, this heart of mind doesn’t care if people die. I’ve suffered the trauma plenty o’ time. I decided after he died.”

*Knock, knock,*

“-enter,” slid out the somber suite.

“Master, transportation is ready. A jet is on standby at the airport. We must leave right away.”

“Understood,” melancholic echoes rattled across the room, ‘-why did you have to die!’ anger gathered within Origin’s heart.

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