
Chapter 618

The cacophony dissolved into, “-he’s blatantly lying, yes?” asked Julia, “-no way another nightwalker can inherit such a title.”

“He bears the symbol and the blood. No doubt in my mind, Lady Courtney’s nephew is the reincarnation of our King,” added Alaric.

“Let’s forget the meet ever happened,” proposed Aurora locking fingertips, “-tis better to see what comes next. A robust foundation has been handed on a silver platter. Let’s make the province the best place we can make for the people. Nightwalkers have to get stronger,” side-glancing Julia,”-the Sabbath and Onyx clan must stand to the challenge.”

“Might I interject,” voiced Lord Balthazar, “-vampires are strong as is. We lost per the intervention of a being so strong we couldn’t account for. I may be old and senile,” glanced to the empty sky, “-my gut screams of our safety. The immediate threat, Kion Hurworth’s changed sides, “-the faction can safely grow into a brighter plain.”

Left on a good note, Igna made for Rotherham in the company of three children. Julius brought a fiancé, and Serene followed as secretary to the prince.

“We can see it from here,” she threw comments over a noisy inside. Draconis and Saniata ran without prejudice, toppling snack-filled tray and locking into a battle of flails


“Y-yeah,” escaped Igna’s tired self, “-sure is awesome...”

“You don’t sound so enthusiastic,” returned she in a tightly fitted outfit, “-I’m rather annoyed.”

“No matter the outfit or advances, I won’t shake,” he winked, “-besides,” he leaned to check onto the energetic duo, “-my heart’s set on what to protect. I complain for the simple reason of complaining. Their overly fanciful and bratty attitude brings smiles, well, part of it.”

“I see,” she leaned seductively on the armrest, “-what about me then,” her imposing chest laid bare to see.

“This is a no flirting zone,” added Vanesa, her dark green locks hovered as if snakes, “-advance on my pops and I’ll bite you,” it truly was the back-biting reptiles.

“Oh, what a lovely girl,” she nonchalantly stuffed Vanesa onto her cleavage, “-so repulsively adorable. Come here.” He feigned ignorance to the mess inside. éclair sat as if an obsessive stalker. Julius and Malley were locked in a private chamber, who knew what the couple did behind lock doors, rather than knew, who cared.

Rotherham 20th of August at 15:35, a black shadow approached from Arda’s vague direction. Tires howled against the black asphalt layered with dust, smoke puffed. It taxied to a solemn stop in one of more refined-looking hangars. Airfield Xene, else referred to as the Haggard’s private runway. Cupped on the outer edge of their base, just after the military runways. A three-meter-high wall on which rested watchtowers at the edges and the entrance – an archway and heavy-looking doors. Access here was limited, to say the least. Prototype cars, tanks, weapons, and a private launching station for missiles. Faceless guards hugged the shadows; their duty – get involved when necessary.

“Feels good to be home,” lights toggled onto the reflective ground, a man waited in the company of a little girl. They paid no heed to the guests. Igna curtly nodded in acknowledgment, and so did the man, the creator of many unmanned planes.

“Wow!” shouted Draconis, the deafening bemusement echoed.

“The hard ground,” remarked Julius, “-I feel so much better.”

“Where are we?” inquired Malley, “-this place is amazing.”

“Welcome to the Dukedom of Rotherham, ruled by Duchess Courtney Haggard,” added éclair, “-my lord’s lady mother.”

“Wow,” her eyes shone, “-you’re the son of a duchess?”

“Don’t be so foolish,” he retorted, “-my title means nothing. Julius’s the son of a queen.”

“Duke, Queen,” her mouth widened, “-you two are like royalty...”

Brief to check one another, the cousins chuckled, “-we are royalty,” facepalmed Julius hysterically.

“I suppose we are,” added Igna wiping his mouth.

“Let’s get serious,” added Serene, “-two cars are waiting outside. One for Julius and the other for Igna,” glanced to éclair, “-as attendants to our masters, we shall serve to the best of our abilities.”

“Yes,” he nodded, “-let’s do our best.” A heavy expensive steed drove to a stop. Malley fixed her hair and followed behind her lover. The doors closed per Serene’s courtesy, ‘-so long,’ said her gestures, and off they were to an uncertain location.

‘Feels good to be back,’ Vanesa slept in the reserved piggyback, Draconis moved to sit atop the shoulder, whilst Saniata took to a more common position in his arms.

“Are we home?” inquired the boy.

“Yes, we are,” said he, “-I hope you three will abide by the promise we made on the plane.”

“I said yes, didn’t I?” retorted Saniata, “-misbehaving and tis off to the shadow realm, we know, we know. It’s boring there,” she yawned. Father and children traded smiles and laughter, a new place to explore meant more fun. A place of technology had hooked the boy, the want of games forced an unprecedented obedient attitude.

“Master,” approached éclair, “-Void’s ready to depart.”

“Void?” he narrowed across.

“I’ve used my talents to bring the countless vehicles into a single spot,” he smiled.

“I see,” they stepped onto the somber outside, “-let’s go everyone,” hopped inside, the windows rolled, “-aren’t you coming?”

“No,” refuted éclair, “-I have a few businesses to attend to. There are quite a few matters that need my private intervention. Contact me as usual, the link is reestablished. Bon voyage.”

Two seats didn’t feel so cramped as he’d imagine. The drive home, the apartment, was slow and scenic. The passengers watched in awe, such a pretty town. Plenty of visitors, most of the crowd were students of the academy.

“We’re here,” three tall-beckoning structures glared onto the ants of visitors, Void made a few turns until the residential district, gates to the parking opened at his presence. Clean and empty streets save a few formally dressed men. The slope led into a spacious underground lot. Void moved at a snail’s pace; multiple vehicles fogged the scape.

“Look there,” pointed Draconis, “-there’s a bike and two sports cars,” above them read, ‘Private parking.’

“Good spot there,” they went in and settled. The scent of dust and engine fumes filled the air, ‘-isn’t this bike from mother’s apartment in Rosespire?’ the doors locked, “-we’re home,” cheered Vanesa.

“And what gives that idea?”

“Pops,” tugged Draconis, “-she fell asleep.”

“The cheer must have taken a lot of energy,” sympathized Saniata, “-I feel for my elder sister.”

“Shut it,” he pinched her lips, “-no more sarcastic remarks,” her face resembled a duck, the devilish boy broke into mild giggles. The precarious situation didn’t once resolve her attitude, rather, her eyes rolled defiantly, her arms rested on her waist with a slight lean, ‘-anything else?’ said the body language.

“No food for you.”

“FOOD!” exclaimed Vanesa.

‘The mere mention of sustenance alters the personality,’ waiting a few seconds, ‘-and she’s back to napping. She’s the best out the three.’ Hand in hand, the four-headed up the stairs and called for a lift, therein, they headed ‘home’. Time changes people and rare changes inanimate objects, leave one for years and it shall only gather dust. Setting foot on their floor sent shivers down the back, a sudden jolt of uncertainty muddled their walk. Draconis felt the anxiety to innocently glance upward, “-something the matter?”

“No,” shrugging the uneasiness, “-let’s go.” *Click,* the door opened, heels and a sneaker of which a child would wear neatly stayed adjacent to a coat hanger.

He shuffled inside, Draconis and Saniata fed off the timid demeanor, the guard rose. A quiet interior meant trouble, he climbed a step to face an expensive dimly lit portrait. Here, at the art piece, laid a crossroad. One to the living room and open kitchen, the other headed to the bedrooms and miscellaneous open spaces. The paths joined on ahead after a few corridors. To the right laid the kitchen, the wooden floor changed to lush and warm carpet, the cooking station felt as pristine as ever.

The unexplored journey continued, two guest bedrooms laid farther from the kitchen, not that it mattered at this moment. The real beauty came in the form of an amazing view of the skyscrapers and the town.

He slipped onto a barstool; the children stuck closely. “-I feel a presence,” said Vanesa. Tiny steps scurried behind loud crashes, “-SURPRISE!” fired two feminine voices. The stool rotated to an awkward, “-hi.”

“IGNA!” exclaimed Alicia, “-welcome home,” she rushed into a tight embrace. He returned the sentiment with a tighter lock. Shanna and Lizzie kept a fair distance, ‘-why are they here?’

“It’s been too long,” her face flushed, “-I missed you so much!”

“I missed you too,” said he warmly, “-might I ask why my aunt’s here?”

“She’s our neighbor.”

“I see,” he nodded, “-good to see you’re in an adequate shape. I hope Alicia didn’t cause much trouble.”

“Stop it,” she pressed his lips, “-listen,” she whispered, “-I’ve missed you more than you can imagine.”

“HALT!” said a soft voice, “-this is a no-flirt zone,” cried Vanesa peering over the shoulder. ‘A ghost,’ fear forced Alicia to stumble onto the nearest couch.

“Who’s that?” her mouth widened.

“We’re,” proclaimed Draconis, “Igna Haggard’s,” added Saniata, “-Illegitimate son and daughters!” exclaimed Vanesa landing into a three-way posture. The dulled reaction had the trio look back upon their father, “-they didn’t cheer,” cried Draconis.

“I’m tired,” complained Vanesa stumbling to her knees.

“Got you,” he caught her feeble self and hoisted onto his arms. The devil and the spirit hurdled for a makeshift strategy meeting; they loudly refuted the guest’s unjust answers. More than anything, Alicia’s beauty features split into a frown and sharpened glares.

“Hold on a moment,” added Igna, “-Aunt, Lizzie, mind giving Alicia and I a moment alone?”

“Sure thing,” they happily made for the door. The large windows closed per a press; the room befell into a judgment hall.

“What’s this about children?” her voice sharpened; “-did you cheat on me?”

“I know this looks bad,” he held the three in close proximities, “-take a closer look,” said he, “-do they look anything like me?”

“I g-g-guess not, still, children are proven to speak the truth,” her knees shook, “-tell me, did you find someone else on thy journey?” the misunderstanding grew, a narrative formed the basis of her foul mood.

“No,” he calmly refuted her questions, “-why would I when I already have you?”

“Bullshit!” she cracked; “-I don’t believe any of it.”

“Listen,” he breathed, “-Julius can vouch for me.”

“How can I trust his words over yours?” she vividly opposed his explanation, “-you two are always attracting unfounded attention from the opposing sex. How am I supposed to believe anyone, I have no idea what happened, for what it’s worth, he could be in on the lie too.”

“You know what,” he stood, “-there’s no need to explain my actions.”

“W-what, why?” she held out a hand, “-are you guilty?” she exclaimed.

The curtains parted; the outside view revealed much. éclair’s prior business involved her directly, messages and proof flooded the lens. “I can’t believe I was foolish enough to trust you, Igna, SERIOUSLY, WHY DO THIS?”

“The audacity,” he smirked, “-those words coming from the lady who blatantly chooses another man.”

“What are you insinuating?” her face crashed, “-you’re the one with three children in tow!”

“Children,” fired Saniata, “-are you sure, wicked vixen?” the pressure increased.

“How dare you,” thundered Draconis, “-my pops is the best man to ever live,” steam puffed out the nostrils, “-and you dare cheat on him?”

“No one dares betray my pops,” added Vanesa, “-you must die,” her petite palm stretched to spawn a visible mist of green.


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