
Chapter 593

Brown hair moved akin to waves, the look from the roof onto the desolate below sure was one to rile the imagination. “Yes, I did,” said a figure sat solemnly on the edge. Conspicuous figures stared left and right, hid in corners, looked thoroughly until eventually stepping inside the cottage. Lust on their face and hands inside the pockets. ‘-The trade of the flesh,’ wondered he, ‘-profitable and in of itself secret, customers are mostly shunned for partaking, thus the silence. The workers never ask questions; as long as there’s pay at the end, it sufficed.’

“Are you going to sit there and wonder?” the presence approached.

“Come on, look,” said he, “-they’re so careful in not being found out, tis hilarious.”

“I don’t see you laughing though,” interjected the cunning voice.

“There’s no need for the attitude,” he stood, “-Gophy.”

“A job for me?” her face remained bound between frown and grin.


“Yes,” he smiled, “-I require someone to act like a child.”

“And, why did you pick me?” her eyes narrowed.

“You’ve got the innocence of a young maiden,”

“Oh, is that right,” she glanced, “-the innocence of a maiden, is that the nice way to say I’m flat?”

“No, I never said that,” he facepalmed, “-why would the goddess of chaos care of such trivial matter. Gophy,” hands-on her shoulder, “-please, out of Miira, Adete and Intherna, your composure comes second to none. Also, if the job goes well, there might be a few things to destroy.”

“Destruction,” a shimmer flashed onto her alluring gaze, “-I’ll still argue it’s about my...”

“Please,” he grabbed her cheeks, “-drop the breast talk. It’s not befitting a noble lady.”

“Someone’s getting awfully flustered. Well, whatever. Fill me in on the details.”

13:00 came around, as a favor to Igna, Harth made sure the dealers were informed of the last-minute change. A silent room overlooked the empty streets outside. The sheets were new, though, the chamber itself could use some cleaning. Dirtied garments were stuffed into a corner. The demons sure didn’t care about causing a mess.

“Am I honestly supposed to wear this?” less than dignified clothes as in they were but rags. Patchwork shoes and discordant socks, her face mushed into a perpetual sulk. Unable to talk his way out, ‘-I ought to pay her back at another time.’ *Knock, knock,* three normally dressed men entered. ‘-Guns,’ immediately jumped into mind. ‘They’re strong, a good presence to them. I’m sure Gophy’s a little,’ glanced back, ‘-never mind,’ she returned a death stare.

“Hello, you must be the replacement for those three imbeciles?” asked a smartly dressed man.

“Yes,” to which they proceeded with boring introductions. The story went along the lines of, the adventurers were killed in trying to kidnap Gophy, now named Ilian, a noble daughter of an exiled noble. Emphasis was on her birth, it wrapped around to seem as if the best possible outcome.

“Let me get this straight,” said the man with foot kicked up on the table, “-she’s a noble girl from some noble of Arda. The three idiots died trying to escape. You were hired just before the deed. Seems a little bit too convenient,” he glared, “-well, I don’t sense lies. Where’s this girl at?”

“Come here,” ordered Igna. The petite figure who sat on the bed until now revealed a refined young lady. The three men stared with opened mouths, “-the boss’s going to be happy with this,” said one of the guards.

“Yeah,” added the other, “-she’s the prettiest thing we’ve ever seen.”

“Hold on,” said Loden, “-her face alone is sure to bring profit,” he walked over, “-go on, girl, undress. I need to see if there are any blemishes. My clients very particular.”

Eyes to the floor, the rags slowly uncovered to show a clean slate, “-good,” nodded he, “-she’ll fetch a good price. Girl, are you a virgin?” Her soft pupils rose to nod innocently.

“She’s so precious,” exclaimed the guard, “-I wish I was rich. Even poor guys like us have a chance, money talks.”

“Silence you two,” ordered Loden, “-how much you want?”

“Well,” smirked Igna, “-if she’s so precious, I suppose I ought to take the deal to your client. She has claims on the Barony of Opean.”

“I see, she’s an inheritor, Fine, tis a rare occasion. Get her in better clothes and meet us back here in an hour,’ the door closed.

“That went well,” mumbled he.

“Igna,” sharp nails dug into his shoulders, “-what did you mean by composure. I, Gophy, high-tier goddess of Chaos, am being treated LIKE A PRODUCT!”

“PLEASE,” the palms pressed in apology, “-it was necessary to reel in the big fish. Come on, work with me here.”

“It’s not that,” she transformed into more befitting attire, “-I sort of wished you’d have stood up to him. Asking your goddess to get undress... it’s quite humiliating.”


“Shush,” fingers to his lips, “-don’t apologize. I’m foolish to think Staxius Haggard to be a new man. Anyway, I’ll head back, call me when the scheme’s ready to move,” she twirled in a puff of black mist.

“Igna,” said éclair, “-be more considerate next time. Lady Gophy came on thy orders, she deserves respect. A high-tier goddess of her stature could slay you and origin in a matter of second. Her power is fierce.”

“I know my actions didn’t account for her feelings. Why would I, rather, why should I?”

“Come on, Igna,” the crimson eyes swapped into white, “-don’t be a fool. You know what she meant, and so did I. This isn’t the way to treat a friend, be better, my other self, she cares for us, and you must repay the kindness tenfold, get it?”

“Origin... I suppose you’re right. I’ll be more careful from now on.”

Meanwhile, preparation for the raid of Castle Eldo was in motion. Sabbath and the Onyx’s clan were on the move. Multiple inside sources gave the enemy troops location. Phantom called in specialists, the subjugation Unit Platoon 05 and 04 commanded by Kendy and Konoe. Primetime to attack would be at night, an airbase raid. Eldo the impregnable was strong on all fours. As with any olden construction, builders weren’t so inclined in protecting the people from attacks on above. A critical flaw known only to Ardanian; one Phantom would exploit without mercy.

Time followed its course, the kidnappers waited inside an armored truck, repurposed to carry living things as opposed to supplies. A rocky ride lasting the bitter most of four hours. Forest cleared into open fields of flowers and sugarcane. Rice patties were spotted atop man-made hills. A softly sloped hill climbed on to overlook the tranquil lake below. The stories of Glenda’s lord living in an idyllic painting were true.

“Lady Gophy, I apologize for earlier. The blame lies on me, I promise to be better next time.”

“Drop the formality,” said she, the ride was beneficial in clearing any misunderstandings, “-as long as it’s accounted for, I’ll be fair in my verdict. Igna, us goddesses aren’t obliged to help you or safeguard the shadow realm. We do so on our own volition; the old you were he who created a haven for us. Under no contracts does it say we have to abide you’re will. Igna Haggard is a different entity albeit it’s you. Get it through thine head, we’re not enemies, we’re friends. The only one who thinks differently is you, we’re bound by a stronger connection than petty emotions,” on those opening words, the truck stopped before massive gates. A palace of white and gold stood on inside, a domed roof reminiscent of Elendorian architecture, the vast land of flowers, and abundant forestry. ‘For a barony, this is excessive. It’s on par with riches of the upper echelon of nobility.’

“Ey, you two,” gestured Loden, “-come on down.” The back entrance had the Empire’s flag fly on high, security came in form of training guards adjacent to the truck.

“I’ll take her from here,” said Loden.

“Wait a minute,” interjected Igna, “-I’ll come with. This could be a set-up, what if she’s taken away and then the guards decide to attack, what then, I’m the one to lose either way.”

“It’s fine,” said the girl lowering her gaze, “-I’ll follow them, my duty is to become a slave to a new master, such as the way of war.”

“Damn it,” the fist curled.

“Go on,” said Loden, “-we might be a little shady, our principles don’t change. Stay here, I’ll inform the master and the mistress.”

A lavish assortment of pastries and clear skies led onto a marble-floored balcony. “My lord,” shuffled a maid, “-Loden has returned with a girl.”

“A girl,” he stood, “-why a girl, I expressly said I wanted boys.” Countless children stayed close to his company, “-girls are a hassle, nothing beats the pleasure they bring,” he affectionately caressed their cheeks down to the hip. “-Well, if he brought her here, there must be a reason,” dressed in heavy jewelry, “-where’s my daughter.”

“I’m here father,” said a lady bearing silvery hair and reddened eyes, “-what’s the matter?”

“Loden’s returned,” said the chubbier-sized man, “-what sort of product did he bring today.” Looking back to the balcony, a crucial bit of information was skipped out of pity. The children were demi-humans without their unique features. By so, ears and tails cut, if the child bore hairier skin, bleached, or acid followed by a healing spell. Despair and torment, the innocent foiled by the lust of the fortunate.

“Loden,” said the man, “-I see you’re doing well.”

“Yes, my lord,” he knelt, “-I’ve brought new products from town.”

“I heard it’s a girl, care to explain?”

“I’m sorry, there happened to be an incident leaving a few of our men killed. Sire, the girl in question is of noble birth, has claims over a plot of land and is very pretty.”

“Pretty?” fired the daughter, “-surely she cannot rival yours truly.”

“Steady yourself, Ahira, no need to get worked up on some insignificant thing.”

“My lord,” he interjected, “-if I may, I have a favor to ask.”

“Which is?” pastries were brought over by the hand of a child.

“The man who captured the girl wishes to negotiate.”

“Who is this gentleman,” her interest sparked, “-is he handsome?”

“My lady,” grinned he, “-tis the only reason I brought him here.”

“MARVELOUS,” her eyes glimmered, “-you’re truly fit to be a lowly turd.”

“Your words praise me, lady Ahira.”

‘Alright,’ down to the training area, ‘-I suppose it’s time to clean out the trash.’ *Blood-Arts: Extria,* unexpecting guards were killed instantly, the blood flow reversed. The ability to control the blood of any living being was as efficient as decay touch. With a bit of effort, the dead bodies hovered onto a single spot. *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* minced and grind; thirty guards died without making a sound. *Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary.* The blood lifted into the radiant crystal halo.

“Excuse me,” the image of death sprawled onto the unexpecting maid, “-w-w-what...” her face froze.

“You’re a demi-human,” said he, “-they slit off the ears and covered it by a hat, how awful.”

“D-don’t k-k-kill me,” she fell over on a flowerbed.

“Is that an order?” he smirked, “-come on,” seeing her tense reaction, “-I’ve come to reclaim what was ones ours.”

“W-who a-are you?”

“A member of the Blood-king’s faction. I’m a nightwalker,” he held out a hand, “-come on, get up. Show me where the other guards are.”

Up at the reception hall, the noble girl ambled gracefully. Clean and immaculately designed floors, ‘-I get what Igna was saying, a baron can’t possibly afford this.’

“The noble lady,” the jaw dropped, “-Loden, is she the one?”

“Yes my lord.”

“She’s stunning,” he ran over to grab her wrist, “-I’ll pay whatever the man desires. Bring him here this instant. She’s a masterpiece, how can someone be so pretty, gentle, and exude such charm.”

“Let go,” ordered she, “-fat pig.”

“HOW DARE YOU!” cried Ahira, “-Holy Order of the church, stop hiding in the shadows and restrain that little brat!”


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