
Chapter 556

“Kill them all, don’t let a single son of a bitch live!” intent was clear and readable.

“Corporal...” gulped he behind the mounted gun, “-are we sure about this?”

“Shoot the damned gun!” cried Tommy, “-They took some of our best men, this is war, don’t care about those spineless cowards, JUST SHOOT.”

For a moment, those inside the camp were curious about the menacing silence. A premonition of things to come, or so thought a few. The wall didn’t seem restful either. Jen and Rena sat at the cafeteria whilst Lampard looked all over for Ling. Night meant switching to outside lamps, the full moon aided in vision.

On her last bite, the distant sound of gunfire snuck to strangle the ears. ‘-This is,’ she glared the approximate location, ‘-a mounted turret...’

“Jen, hey, hey, are you ok?”


“No,” added Anna, “-that sound isn’t good.” Swiftly reaching for their bags, the trio made it outside to investigate. Lampard was already at the broken barricade. A never-ending flash of light rattled the summit. People groaned in pain, some cried, some hurled insults until a black figure flew above the head.

“What happened here?” asked Lampard.

“Some adventurers decided to steal a truck and get the corpses away. It didn’t go well so the military intervened. Don’t know the rest myself, I just saw a flash of light, and when I rushed in, the barrier was broken and the horde ran up after slaughtering the guards,” replied some stranger.

“Are they alive?” asked another.

“Healers are trying their best,” a greenish hue shone over the mortal injuries.

Bodies dropped left and right, no blood for they were blanks. The pain had many on their knees and feet. Lethal force was allowed... hell, in case where a guard died, the military had the right to charge in and exact revenge. The central guild couldn’t intervene, even if the fighter was killed on a baseless accusation. Still, the Military’s hand was tied, hurting the fighters meant risking the lives of the populous. Tis the mutually beneficial relationship established many years ago, now though, things were different.

“I GOT ‘EM,” said a young boy jumping back after stabbing the gunman.

“GOOD JOB, SCOTTY,” cheered the crowd.

‘What a bunch of idiots,’ *Crack,* “-are you really going to fight?” spoke a deep-voiced man landing before the crowd.

“Who are you?” cried the leader of the horde.

“Sergeant Appy, Tier-3 Silver Adventurer. Is there a reason why so many people laid waste to the military?”

“Shut up, we don’t have time for a traitor!” yet again, the same voice welled from within the crowd. “-Will you let good men’s death be for nothing, or will you take up arms!” the few unconscious snapped to reality, “-we’ll fight,” said they in a mumble.

“Sergeant Appy!” cried Corporal Tommy, “-it’s Zoey, she’s been hurt. We can’t keep up with the adventurers.”

“Why are you outside?” asked he with hands in his pockets.

“I came to back up our gunners. The battle is lost, we’re surrounded from all front. Zoey got hit badly by a fire-ball; I barely escaped thanks to her. Come on, do something!”

“I see,” glaring the mindless horde, “-hear me, the military’s duty is to uphold public safety. Well, that is what I signed up for. Taking bodies to the capital, tainted one at that. Hurting my fellow comrades for the sake of hurting. Instigating a battle after we lost so many men; you should be ashamed,” he held out an open hand, “-the decision is final,” a blackish-white flame materialized, “-for the trouble you’ve caused.” *Hell-Flare,* a kindling of fire hovered to the center.

“RUN AWAY!” cried one.

“Too late,” said he sternly, “-suffer.” The kindling broke into an enclosed sphere of black-fire – swallowing everyone who dared fight.

Beyond the hill, smoke rose from the broken truck. Bodies of guards laid head first in bushes. The fighters threw spells, used guns, and bows. Then and there, Zoey’s injured self laid beside a small rock wall leading towards the crematorium.

“Look at you,” sighed he, “-here,” a bubble of blue liquid crashed on her face. Greenish-blue hue healed her injuries to leave her fatigued.

“Stand here as a guard, Tommy, I’ll take care of these idiots.”

Behind the truck’s cover, “-come on man, reload the fucking pistol already.”

“Shut up dude, the boss said adventurers will come to help.”

“Are you dumb?” voiced the other, “-we’ve killed military personnel, ain’t no way we’re leaving here alive. Come on, reload the gun, we need to survive.”

“Is that so,” said a dark silhouette with a foot on the wreckage, “-let me see those guns of yours?”

“Is that you, Appy?”

“Oh, if not the Horned Devno’s. Quite a mess you caused, should I applaud or...”

“Come on Appy, let us go, we ain’t done anything.”

“Oh, you did, that’s the problem,” skipped behind their backs, “-how about dying for me?”

*Crunch, crunch, crunch,* “-Sergeant?”

“No worries, they’re restrained. The others should be unconscious. Take Zoey to headquarters already. The helpers will cremate the bodies. I’ll stand watch in case anything happens. Some of our men died, they need to know the repercussion. I’ll leave the rest in your hand, Tommy.”

The figure went and vanished behind the heavy crematorium doors. Zoey’s arms wrapped around Tommy and another badly injured soldier, the trio made it beyond the hill with angered glares. Adventurers came in to help, some offered to carry and others to heal.

“Gather everyone,” said he coldly, “-call an emergency meeting.” Red-lights flashed across the outpost, panic ensued. The signal gathered all around the town square. One by one, big and small, young and old, anyone residing in Reforge or any other camp knew to gather around. Tommy stood at the center.

“What’s the matter?” voiced one loudly, “-we have patients to tend to.” Many were furious about the sudden meeting.

“Will you shut it!” screamed he to the noisy crowd. A spotlight beamed on his person; “-I’ve got a few things to say. A party of three stole a truck and tried to head for the capital with tainted bodies. How would you feel knowing idiots brought about the plague. As if that wasn’t enough, Corporal Zoey was badly injured, we lost men in times where we should have been caring for our injured. If not for Sergeant Appy, the mindless horde, yes,” pointing strongly at them, “-you little fucks who aided in the breakout were left to live. I don’t give a shit, good men died for the sake of fucking sentiment. Screw military ethics, anyone involved in the shooting, and I mean, ANYONE, will be sent beyond the walls and tasked with rebuilding the forward base camp. Don’t bother calling the central Guild, Lieutenant Mello’s already negotiating.”

“SCREW YOU!” said the same voice as before, “-we lost men too, how are you going to compensate?”

“Fighters are there to save the populous from monsters, military is there to save the populous from other countries. If a war breaks out, who do you think will fight, you bunch of spineless cowards or us? Think about it, we swore to not hurt our people, and those who we swore to protect turned to backstab us. For what purpose, taking CURSED BODIES TO THE FUCKING CAPITAL?” the rawness and sheer grit had the fighters staring the floor, “-my sister also took part in the fighting, I don’t know if she’s alive. And even if she died, I’d gladly have her be cremated. The safety of the living is most important than those of the dead.” None would have guessed, during the assault on the crematorium, just as the last batch of bodies hoisted over the walls; horses landed as if cannon fire. The garrison buckled, supplies exploded sending men, women, and children off the walls. The alarm of retreat rang. A boulder made for Reforge, *Smack,* to land straight in the center. A charred and repulsive body broke in the company of the rock.

Terrorized glances loomed about the walls; smoke and fire rose from beyond. “CORPORAL,” screamed an intel-officer, “-THE WALL IS UNDER ATTACK BY THE MONSTERS AGAIN.”

“Again?” he gulped, “-call for reinforcement, we can’t let them cross the walls!”

“Too late,” voiced a scared lady, “-it’s over, we’re doomed.”

Ghastly howls of a crawler echoed till the very ground trembled, big red eyes perched atop the unbreeched Azure Walls.

“Oh god,” said the few survivors. Its beast-like head veered to the right, the nostrils visibly moved. Drool left puddles, fear froze them in place. “-G-GET AWAY!” exclaimed a wall-guardian.

No time to react, nothing, the crawler went on a rampage, eating, killing, and breaking any fortifications.

“They’re getting over the wall,” said Tommy,” -EVERYONE, ARM UP, WE CAN’T LET THEM INVADE!”

Meanwhile, beyond the walls, Igna and Undrar were locked in battle. ‘Hello again, dearest master. Seeing there wasn’t much result earlier, the beasts are returning for a visit.’

“Vesper,” gritted he, “-why now?” Two giants pinned them, Undrar did most of the fighting, stamina and mana were low for Igna. A downward swing ended per a single punch, the head of the beast exploded, drenching her in red. “Run, Igna, RUN. The crawlers are rushing the walls. Look behind us, if something isn’t done, we’re doomed.” The defeated beast rose once more, the head healed, “-fuck me,” turning around, “-IGNA, GO, I CAN’T AFFORD HOLDING BACK!”

He ran, unable to speak nor do anything. Undrar remained on the other side to fight the coming army. If only he could reach éclair, if only he could ask for help. Ifs and buts clouded the mind as he scaled the walls. A guardian stood strong with sword drawn. She halted the rampaging Crawler on the wall. *Clang,* sword against claw, the beast’s unhesitant attack had her desperately holding for backup. Reforge sent no words of support; a single glance told what was needed. A singular crawler managed to force its way inside.

“Mages, summon barriers!” ordered Tommy, “-marksmen, take aim, we’ll slow it and give time for the vanguard to strike.” It galloped and tore through any innocent bystanders, the glare fixed onto Tommy.

Fletcher ordered students to escape, a bus arrived to forcefully pull them from the battle. Anna, Frost, and Lampard stayed behind per their guild’s orders. Everyone else left.

“Sir,” voiced Lucia, “-is Ling here?”

“No,” said he softly, “-no signs of her, they think she’s dead. Don’t worry, we’re heading to Meke to call for backup,” thus, the trainees escaped into the night.

‘One at the camp, two on the walls, and multiple engaging Undrar. Vesper, are all these deaths necessary, why are you trying to kill the humans now?’ *ROARRR,* the sudden tremor startled him to jump inside the Lieutenant’s quarters. There was no sign of life, the screens flickered with the blood of officers. Broken seats, tables, cut wiring, and dangling lights, all pointed to a fight. ‘Is that ash?’

*Grrr* ‘-behind the counter,’ vaulting over the control panel, ‘-a goblin, here of all places?’ *slash,* coins dropped after the black-mist. Sniffles caught his attention, ‘-below the table?’ he pulled a makeshift barricade. The one inside hid her face as if bracing to be murdered, arms held to bear the first blow.


“Igna... is t-t-that you?” her petrified expression warmed to cries, “-it is you!” she leaped into his arms and sobbed, “-I thought I was going to die.” He crashed against the table, she melted into his arms, crying and wailing, letting go of her terror and guilt. Her hair and clothes ‘were drenched in sweat and vomit. “The officers tried to help... the g-g-goblin w-wasn’t alone, t-there w-was a demon with him. A devil, s-stronger than t-the new m-monsters.”

‘I get it now. The crawler must be following someone’s order. And I guess it’s someone under the Scifer’s army. The devastation has gone for far too long. No way I’m letting another friend die.’

“I-Igna, w-what are we going t-to do?”

“Ling Kole, I have something important to say,” he faced the ajar door, “-are you willing to help me, no matter the cost?”

“H-help you?” her cheeks reddened, her hands warmed, the heart raced.

“Yes,” breathing an exhale, “-do you accept?”

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