
Chapter 545

“Are you ok?” inquired a soothing voice.

“Igna?” the head shuffled about the pillow, “-is that you?”

“Don’t be so dramatic,” said he sat on a stool, “-you were submerged for less than three minutes.”

“Give me a break.”

“No, you give me a break,” visibly agitated, “-what happened?”

“Question,” her lashes paused, “-why’s the hair black and white, I don’t get the crimson pupil either...”


“There’s no room for you to speak,” refuted he, “-care to explain?”

“Fine,” gathering her strength to sit upright, “-it happened last night. I was invited to a party by some workers from Ecliprises. I mean, I saw a lot of important people on said list. Figured, if I wanted to get to places, I had to make contacts. The party was normal for the most part. Many were indulging in alcohol and some in more nefarious activities in private-rooms. Didn’t matter to me since I was engaged with an employer of the film studio. The talk went over nice until the drinks came along. I can handle my liquor, proven time and time again... however, this time, something else was mixed in the drinks. Next thing, I blacked out and woke inside the forest with men chasing me. A guy said to run away, we’re playing tag... I feared for my life since bodies were also found in the lake. I thought about contacting the police... well, they wouldn’t help, I knew it. All my contacts were either girls or good-for-nothing assistants. You popped into mind for some reason, that’s why I called.”

“Look at that,” he held her hands, “-aren’t you energetic now.”

“You son of a b-”

“There, there, a lady shouldn’t go use such vulgar language,” he came across as defiant and mocking.

“What about a gentleman?”

“Fuck you,” giving the middle finger, “-doctors said you can leave. There’s no risk of pneumonia and any other complications. I’ll have the papers readied, take a nap or something,” he parted the thin curtains.

“Igna!” the damp pink hair usually kept parted down the middle awry into an adorable mess.

“What?” he turned also damped by the rescue.

“Thanks for saving me.”

“No thanks,” refuted he, “-I demand a date as compensation.”

“A date?”

“Yes, a date,” he laughed, “-might not look it, but a handsome boy such as myself is still single,” a heavy dramatic tone nulled any seriousness.

“Shut up,” she chuckled, “-there’s nothing handsome about you, wet dog.”

“Wow, wet dog,” the brows raised, “-what does that make you?”

“An angel,” she smiled in a conceited manner, jerking her chin up and to the left.

“Too bad angels can’t swim,” the door shut on the last laugh.

“éclair, you’ve got the location of the nightclub?”

“Yes, made a few conclusions from what she said.”

“The culprits should still be near the lake or on the way back. Do your thing.”

“Orders confirmed, also, PUT ON THE DAMNED LENSES!”

“No need to shout.”

Far from the hospital, as the sun rose on outside, so did the guests at the mansion. The case of the two bodies found added another layer of mystery to the already complex turn of events. Odgar sat at the desk going over and worrying about what to do next. ‘-There must be a way to sneak inside the company. The coroner didn’t give an exact cause of death. Were drugs used or not, is it the same company or another killer. Hold on,’ accessing missing person’s report, ‘-two starlets were filed as lost after four months of disappearance. The information didn’t get any media attention. I can hardly find any mention on the Arcanum. Good thing Igna gave me access to the police’s servers. The ones who filed were, let’s see, Robert Dania. A director working for Bright Barnacle Film Company. He was found dead to natural causes a week after the police report, hmm, maybe, just maybe,’ stood to grab the overcoat.

“You going somewhere?” inquired Camilia rhythmically typing.

“Yes, some old school information gathering.”

“Sure it wise?”

“Definitely,” said he, “-if there’s a person who knows what happens here, then it’s him.”

At the driver’s seat, he rode off towards Fulha’s district. A more moderately priced area for those in search of a budget vacation. As the largest district, locals divided the latter into three parts. North also referred to as Mi’s district, Center, and South, which held no connection to the cardinal points, just a convenient naming scheme. North, a place of gambling and host to the local red-light district. Center, a place for many media companies and idol agencies. There were mostly subsidiaries of the bigger brands, a proving ground for up-and-coming stars. And then, South, the residential area, similar to Eldow’s high but at a way, way, lower price. Destination, the center of Fulha – to a certain low-key publication company, host to the controversial Rave’s paper. They took pride in writing just about anything, from scandals to well, scandals. The only reason for the popularity was the baiting titles and secret investigation on certain powerful individuals.

At the center, a journalist and writer, by the pen name, Nav. The articles written by him were worthy of praise. The words reached the point of having the star in question mail death threats. A mistake he’d never be able to live down. The shrewd play of the card of justice and being rightful, forcing both the police and the star into granting immunity. If ever found dead, the blame laid on the death threats, and if the investigation grew cold per any reason, they were corrupt. That day forth, Nav painted a bullseye on his back.

Out in the reaches of Hidros, after the council ended. Reception of the Haggard’s leaving the Federation rattled both parties. Arda’s leadership slowly secluded themselves with Lucifer at the center.

The Queen of Elendor expressed her dismay in full, blaming the Ardanian for such a cause of trouble. Even the young couple of Easel Run Gard saw fit to take the Haggard’s side. The two went as far as to propose forming an alliance and extraditing Arda and their troubles. Borders were shut, and the bridge linking Dorchester and Arda closed for an undisclosed amount. Tourists were sent on their way; the decision was made during a round-table discussion. The Blood-King’s faction refuted to the point of drawing weapons. The representatives turned face and allied with Lucifer. Thus, power shifted – and the aged vampiric clans were shunned, almost referred to as traitors. The guild remained neutral as profit and safety of the populous was primary.

Noctis’s Hallow, the surrounding forest evolved into a death-trap for the uninvited. The last discussion had brought multiple to host a meeting of their own. Dark in color scheme, lavish wooden chairs, and ancient oak tables brimmed and basked in the tension. Lord Alaric Eoin, Lord Balthazar, Lady Aurora, Lady Julia Fawn, Lady Gabrielle Izora, Lady Elvira, and lastly, Lady Serene. An old portal linking Hidros and Noctis’s Hallow, remained inside the attic.

“Hello everyone,” said Aurora, “-I do apologize for the lack of decorum. There’s a pressing issue at hand. Lucifer and the round-table of Arda.”

“What do you mean?” inquired Alaric.

“Let me explain,” said Balthazar clearing the throat, the choice of attire sure was heavy and fully in-line with the Victorian flavor, “-the Blood-King’s faction was dishonored by Lord Lucifer. He’s going to marry her majesty the queen in the coming months. She’s granted him the honor of ruling the realm in her stead. Our allies have swapped sides, we only have 2 votes at the council. The guilds remain silent in fear of being shunned – they’re following the order of keeping the peace.”

“Reason for said disagreement?” wondered Alaric with an erupting displeased expression.

“Arda’s trying to shut off borders as the Haggard’s left the Federation.”

“Is that true?” inquired Lady Julia to Serene.

“It’s true,” said she, “-I’ve left the royal family’s care to stand at my master’s side, the head of the Haggard family.”

“What about the descendants of our master?” voiced Gabrielle who knew of the disaccord and not the reason.

“Prince Julius and Princess Lizzie have abdicated claims to the throne and moved to stay with Lady Courtney inside Rotherham,” explained Lord Balthazar calmly.

“Good gracious,” smiled Julia, “-as long as the blood survives, we need not worry.”

“Hence the discussion today,” added Aurora, “-we need to decide what the Blood-King’s faction ought to do.”

“Thanks to the cure King Staxius bestowed upon the vampires, even low-born have the power of a hundred men, far superior to the army or the adventuring guild.”

“There’s no need to worry about the adventurers,” said Elvira, “-if they move against us, we can always call onto the guild of Hidros. Besides, the current guild master of Arda is Lady Haru, who’s a member of the family. The adventurers know who saved them and who didn’t, they won’t fight, not now.”

“I second Lady Elvira,” said Serene, “-we have a lot of cards to play.”

“The question remains, what of the faction?”

“We should prioritize the safety of our kin,” said Balthazar.

“Yes,” added Elvira with Serene nodding.

“Arda isn’t of our concern,” voiced Alaric, “-as far as the realm sees us, we’re an independent faction. This is oddly similar to the war we fought so many years ago. The memories are still fresh. Our allies, the Winged-Wolves, are loyal and won’t forget our King saving them. If push comes to shove, we could call onto the spirits of the forest.”

“How could we forget,” reminisced Balthazar, “-we’ve got allies all over the kingdom. Did he foresee such a possibility?”

“Knowing him,” said Elvira, “-he must have.”

“Is the table in agreement about leaving Arda as is and focus on our kin instead?”

“Yes,” they firmed the decision.

And so, the Blood-King faction remained in the council of Arda but independent. Turned to neutrality and joining the Guild for the sake of the populous. Another war would only hurt the people and not gain anything of importance. In the end, the borders of Arda and Hidros were shut due to internal conflicts.

Queen Gallienne had her sights on the possible fight against Iqeavea. ‘Arda can’t do much without our help. Shanna’s a lost cause, a friend gone so quickly. Lucifer’s the real problem. I’m sure he’ll try to make an alliance with Alphia under the excuse of the Federation. If Alphia joins them, we’re doomed – getting cornered on two sides. Elendor won’t be of much help since Old Cray’s tenacity has the realm in fear. Easel Run Gard can’t afford to fight, they’re weak and pacifist. The tension’s risen, leaving the Federation was a great move. We can now see who’s friend and who’s foe. Lady Courtney is as shrewd as him. Well, before war can start,” her eyes grew merciless,”-I might have to dispose of my daughter...”

“Hello majesty, how might I be of help?” the phone rang.

“Lady Courtney,” said she, “-I apologize for the informal tone. I’ve decided to have Rotherham be granted the title of Dukedom.”

“I see, are you perhaps wanting for a favor?”

“I know it’s hard to say this, but in the interest of the kingdom. I need Princess Eira taken out of the picture for a while.”

“An assassination?” her tone froze out the phone.

“There isn’t a need to take her life. We only need her out the picture.”

“You do know,” she sighed, “-my niece is a demi-goddess, the Librarian of Nexsolium is a strong opponent.”

“What about you?”

“No,” said she, “-a weapon is only as strong as its wielder. I can’t fight, not anytime soon. I doubt there’s anyone strong enough to do said job.”

“If she marries the Emperor of Alphia, we’re in trouble, Hidros might come to an end. For his sake, I don’t wish for the motherland to end, especially when the provinces are allied under a single name.”

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