
Chapter 534

“A Class 1 Cyclone alert has been issued by the meteorological institute. Hourly reports will be given to further avoid issues. The public is advised to return home and not stay out for long.”

“Really getting heavy out there,” said Alicia wiping the foamed window.

“Class 1 isn’t to be worried about. They’ll put in class 2 tomorrow or so. Tis traveling at a low-speed after all.”

“If you say so.” She leaned on the comfortable seats. Celina sat in the back and stared about. The interior of the car had her in awe, the seats, the space, and the tidiness of it all.

“Where are we headed?”

“To the shopping center,” said he, “-we’ll check the hypermarket and browse the stores.”


“Aren’t they going to close?” wondered Alicia.

“No, I don’t think so. Happens only after Class 3.” For once, the inner-roads of Odgawoan laid rather empty. Those cautious remained home, the adventurous roamed about. Regardless of what warning loomed, the fearless were out to discover the world. It took on about an hour and a half.

The main-road split onto a smaller one to lead down a boisterous tunnel. Following which an intersection led down multiple paths. “Parking,” read one pointing to the left.

“Beautiful,” said Alicia,”-it’s the first time coming here. Didn’t expect it to be so grandiose and lavish.”

“We’re at the heart of the city, it better be pleasant to the eye.” The conversation followed into what to do and buy. Alicia took charge and spoke loudly, Celina chimed in once or twice, voicing her opinion as Igna asked her to.”

Parked underground, stairs led up to a lift around which spiraled a gently colored staircase. “-Lift?” wondered Alicia.

“Stop being lazy,” grabbed by the arms, Igna led the two up the very tedious staircase.

“You’re inconsiderate,” said she panting at the summit.

“No, you’re just out of shape,” said he scanning the multiple shops. People were nicely dressed, most often than not with their families.

“Celina, are you ok?” asked he holding a hand.

“Yes, I’m fine,” said she accepting his gesture.

‘What should we do first?’

“Let’s go eat,” voiced Alicia, “-the food-court is right there.”

“Sure, fast-food?”

“Can you be any stingier?” her eyes narrowed.

“Listen,” with a casual smile, “-if you girls want to have something fancy, I don’t mind.”

“I want a burger,” voiced Celina nervously.

“The lady has spoken,” winked Igna, “-come on, are you not tired of fancy food,” they locked arms, “-fast-food for now.”

“Fine,” she gave, “-on one condition; you better cook us a lavish dinner later.”

“Consider it done.” Hand in hand with Celina and arms locked with Alicia, they seemed more of a young couple bearing a child than anything. Few gentlemen stopped and stared.

“See,” whispered she, “-I’m a knockout.”

“Don’t get a big head,” fired he.

Lunch ensued without much hassle. Fast-food glory, the gluttony shown by Alicia had him facepalm. She bought most on the menu and finished it all. The other two exchanged confused glances, after which, Celina broke into mild laughter. Seeing her smile all but reinforced the responsibility of her well-being.

‘She looks like Eira,’ thought he staring off in the distance, ‘-ok, not look, but feels like her. The nonchalant attitude and a peculiar hint of strength. Guess it’s why I felt compel to care.’

“Alright,” they returned from the washroom, “-shall we start?”

Shop after shop, as Igna said, “-don’t worry about the price-tag, buy what you want or need.” They did as so, Alicia’s taste was more refined than it appeared. Celina picked a few of which were the ‘popular’ clothes girls her age wore. Most were inspired by pop-idols. Laughter from before amplified as the lass smiled from the heart. The sight sufficed.

“That would be 200 Exa,” said the attendant.

‘200 Exa... that’s a whole-months pay for some people. We’re at the first shop.’


“Sorry, here,” the phone tapped against the card-reader.

“Thank you, have a good day,” said she.

“You really kept the word,” added Alicia.

“Don’t worry about it,” he smiled, “-get what you need.” Thus, the trip continued, make-up, lingerie, clothes, shoes, accessories, Alicia didn’t hold back. They spent an average of 250 Exa per shop. Seeing them have fun and chose what one wanted, ‘-money is meant to be spent,’ added éclair sneakily.

It reached a point where a trolley had to be used to keep the number of bags. “Celina, make sure you have enough clothes.”

“I’ve gotten more than enough,” said she, “-Alicia is picking for her and me too.”

“Igna,” she paused at a fancy shop for men, “-are you going to stay in those shabby clothes or?”

‘Clothes,’ the reflection cast onto a headless mannequin. ‘Formal clothes, how long has it been since I’ve worn a suit?’

“Hey, are you ok?” wondered she.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s move on,” they continued.

“Igna, are you sure?”

“I suppose. éclair, I’m confused, I feel weird, don’t know who I am anymore. What’s my name, Igna or Staxius... I feel like the former but act like the latter, it’s... it’s, I’m scared I might lose myself.’

“Listen to me,” said he, “-there’s nothing to lose. You are who you are. Staxius, Igna, who cares about names.”

“I’m scared I might end up the same...”

“Stop right there,” the tone lowered, “-you’ve already massacred a gang. There’s no turning back. Embrace who you are. I think it’s better this way. Look at their smiling faces, look at Celina. Here, ask her this.”

“Celina,” they paused, Alicia skipped on forward.

“Yes?” she stopped and stared.

“-do you regret me killing thy parents and taking you away from home?” heavy words dropped onto her skinny arms, her face showed no response.

“No,” frown turned to a smile, “-I’m grateful. It’s fun hanging out with Lady Alicia and you. I never really got to do this at home. Even if father was relatively wealthy, I was treated more or less the same as the maids. Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” he backpedaled, “-want to come with?”

“Where are we going?”

“To buy me some clothes.”

*L’angine’s couture.*

“Good afternoon sire,” said a well-dressed attendant, “-how might I be of service?”

“Good afternoon,” returned he, “-how fast is it to have a custom piece made?”

“Depends on what you’re seeking. Might I ask the occasion?”

“Everyday wear,” said he.

“Then, follow me. I recommend what we’ve already made. Refitting should take more or fewer thirty-minutes.”

“Grey,” said he.

“Grey?” paused the attendant.

“Yes, grey.”

A multitude of items was shown, all of which ranged from 300 Exa upwards.

“I like this one,” he pointed to a piece resembling the one worn on the first day at Claireville Academy. The enrollment that snowballed into the present.

“Would you like cufflinks and other accessories?”

“Might as well,” smiled he, “-I’d like other variants of the same model.”

“As you wish. Please, head on to the changing room, we’ll take measurements and fit it right away.”

Forty minutes passed; Alicia went round the whole complex and figured they were lost at the last instant. Scanning shop after shop, L’angine’s couture sprawled in the distance.

‘Why’s there a crowd of people gathered?’ ambled closer, ‘-oh, tis because of their reputation. Most can’t dream of affording their suits. The clientele is mostly nobles and rich businessmen. It sure looks classy and reputable.’

“What you think?” asked he nodding to Celina.

“Handsome,” said she, “-you look like a prince.”

“Oh please,” he laughed, ‘-that title is for my cousin.’

“Sire, that would be 4000 Exa for five suits, shoes, and matching cufflinks.”

“Very well,” he paid without regrets.


“Mind if I ask thy name?” wondered the attendant in a respectful voice.

“Igna Haggard,” returned he.

“Are you perhaps of noble birth?”

“Does the answer really matter?” commanded he across the dark-brown pupils.

“Forgive my impertinence. Tis more for security reasons.”

“I see,” he handed over an identification card, “-all the information required is on here. Furthermore,” he handed over the signet ring ,”-this should help as well.”

‘Let me see,’ browsing the computer, “-Igna Haggard of the Haggard dynasty. I apologize,” the information had him breathing heavy, ‘-a nephew of King Staxius. Related to the Ardanian royal family.’

“Are we done here?”

“Young master, if there is anything our shop might do, please let us know.”

“Garments for ladies,” he glanced at Celina.

“Yes – though it’s not that elaborate of dresses. Our sister shop focuses more on a hybrid of traditional and modern. Would thee like an escort?”

“I’d appreciate it.”

“Very well,” said the attendant taking to the entrance. “-If you would, please follow me.”

“Where are we going?” wondered Celina.

“Getting you some clothes,” said he.

“I don’t need any.”

“Oh please,” he patted her head, “-let’s see what they have first.”


An elegant figure accompanied by a young lady left the shop. ‘Must be nobles,’ thought she staring their back, ‘-where are those two at?’ the man turned to smile at the young lady, ‘-wait,’ she caught the profile, ‘-that’s Igna.’

“Igna, wait up!”

“Alicia, where have you been?” they joined to follow the attendant.

“I’ve been looking for you,” the eyes kept on gawking up and down.

“Something the matter?” wondered he.

“No, it’s just... the suit feels at home. I’ve seen people wear formal attire before, not like this, there’s another feeling, can’t get my hand on it.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said he, “-I bought a few for the fun of it.” The time came for him to fill the wardrobe. The sister shop displayed pretty dresses and expensive outfits. They fell in love almost instantly. And so, the shopping spree continued till 14:00. In the end, they filled up the trunk and part of the back-seat.

“Come on,” voiced he resting the suit-jacket, “-we need to shop for groceries.”


A music-shop caught their attention before the hypermarket. “Celina,” said he, “-let’s stop here for a bit.”

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” wondered Alicia.

“Sally’s quest...”


Small on the outside, the inside could have been farther from appearance. Guitars laid in full display on stands and hung on the ceiling. Piano, drum-sets, more emphasis was placed on the guitars. The sound of the instrument being tuned drew them in further. Celina’s eyes drew to bass, as for Alicia, she kept admiring effect pedals not knowing what they did.

“Hey there,” said a cheerful assistant, “-how can I help you?”

“Hello,” returned he, “-just browsing at the moment.

“Take your time, sir,” he returned to a group of loud guitarists.

‘I’ve never owned an instrument before,’ he walked about, ‘-oh, I like that one,’ he ended beside the young musician.

“It’s a good guitar,” said he to Igna.

“Good you say?” paused to stare, “-Hey, are there any more models available?”

“Yes, but they’re way more expensive than the ones we have here. I’d recommend starting with a cheap one.”

“I see, still, I’d like to see more.”

“As you wish,” nodding to the supervisor, “-this way.”

“Come on guys,” said the young musician, “-he’s opening the vault.”

The excitement in the boy’s eyes showed in full, the door unlocked to a dark room. The bulb flickered to show multiple instruments kept safely from out of reach. The price-tags were also things to consider.

‘No brand on this one,’ he stopped at the centerpiece, ‘-a pentagram and that’s it?’

“You’ve taken a liking to the cursed T-style,” said he.


“Not actually. Since it has no brand name nor maker, we nicknamed it the cursed T-style.”

“Can I try it?”

“Sure, just a warning, it’s sort of hard to play.”

Flamed top, part of the lower-body had scratches and loss of paint. The pickup showed signs of rusting. Strings were changed for once. ‘What do you sound like?’

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.