
Chapter 341

During the whole ordeal, Intherna slept inside Staxius’s shadow. Her body was readied, her mind as well, though, the soul had yet to fully transmigrate. A process that would soon be complete; the only requirement was sleep. Lizzie protected and cared for, at Hidros, a new day began. In tow, Achilles vowed to follow to the depths of hell. Ranked Tier Four- Bronze, her help was welcomed.

“Alright,” breathed before entering the portal; he held a sword and a gun. Orenmir the cursed, and Tharis the judge. Old allies, comrades he didn’t take into a battle that often since Blood-Arts alone sufficed. The Triangle; proof of his divinity, had completely stopped the Death-Element. It functioned more efficiently and gave more power at a constant rate. The innate physical ability was doubled. “Are you sure about this?”

“Yes,” readied, an old companion stood with Kniq’s uniform, “-this is the only path I can follow, master, to return into thy team.”

“Welcome back,” one step after the other, “-the Ardanian Guild,” stepped out into the office, Serene stood at the ready near the desk.

“Good morning, Majesty,” bowed with pants opposed to the usual skimpy outfit, there was a dignified aura oozing.

“Good morning, Serene,” sat on the chair, “-meet Achilles, member of Kniq and a close friend.”


“Pleasure to meet you, ma’am,”

“Likewise, Lady Serene,” exchanging smiles, each turn to face the master in want for more information.

“Something the matter?” asked for he felt their gazes, Serene frowned.

“I see,” shaking the head lightly, “-have Achilles registered to the Ardanian guild. She’ll be of great help,” pointing at her neck, “-guild tag of Bronze, though I’m pretty sure she’s silver by now.” Understood, they left for the evaluation room.

‘I can focus on the matter at hand,’ papers of varying types laid across the table, reports from Serene and her underlings that scoured the shadows of the capital. ‘The nobles seem to be put off by something or rather someone. Why aren’t they making a move, is Xula responsible? Eira’s gone, the supplies should be readied soon.’

“Majesty,” knocked the door harshly.

“Enter,” from glossing over the papers, he stared whoever entered.

“I’ve come with news, my liege,” said Youst heavily breathing.

“Go ahead,” suspicious, the face showed no emotions.

“A meeting of the representatives has been called by the Queen.”

??Shit,’ stood, “-it might go to hell if she starts to go out of control. The representatives know nothing of what has happened.”

“It’s taking place in 3 hours.”

“That should give some time to prepare,” dashed to search for Serene, the door to the evaluation room barged.


“Come with me,” he ordered with a serious face. Quick on her feet, “-what is it?” they stood away from prying eyes and ears.

“There’s a council meeting, I don’t have any idea on what will be discussed. The Queen made her move, I think it’s in retaliation from me taking Lizzie away. Get in touch with Aurora and the other clan leaders, we might have to back out of the council if things turn for the worse.”

“If that happens, the Nightwalker will become a separate Kingdom with you as the head. I don’t have to spell out the implications, a new kingdom inside Arda, the people might turn against us since we’re the most powerful. United against a common enemy, if she’s plotting against you, our people might stand to suffer.”

“I know, there’s no need in repeating the issues. Have Aurora ready herself in case it happens. Besides,” placing a hand on her shoulder, “-I’m the Blood-King, if she decides to follow the path of war, I’ll show no mercy and take Arda by force if that is what’s needed to save the people.”

“Guild master with Haru, Mieshre, Ryul, and Skokdrag under thy command. You’ve got six, including Aurora and Gabrielle, of the representatives as close allies.”

“Yeah, have a contract written with Ryul’s claim as representative and power revoked. We’ll blackmail the poor boy, the battle-starts here.”

“As you wish, master, I’ll have the others be notified of her majesty’s not so ideal mindset. The seed of doubt has been sown across into the noble faction. They seem to be on the neutral side. Give the word and we’ll have them raise a coup against the current monarchy.”

“Sowing the seed of destruction; I like it, Serene, I’m glad thou art my ally.”

“Yes, you did save the nightwalkers from that eventual devastating coronation. Bearer of the First Progenitor; let us follow the path of peace till it ends, then, we’ll carve it out by death.”

“That’s the intent,” vanished in smoke, the representative arrived faster than predicted. ‘The pawns are on the move; everything has been carefully planned and set-up. I suppose provoking Xula worked better, taking Lizzie away forced her out of that deranged mindset. She should, I hope, see what I’m trying to accomplish. The one behind this might show-up, who knows, I need to be ready for a potential declaration of war.’

Soon to be called upon, the representatives teleported one after the other. Walked with nonchalant gazes, none knew of what had happened so far. Rumors and only rumors, today was the day where the truth would be revealed. Aurora, Gabrielle, Haru, Mieshre, Ryul and, Skokdrag, were very much conscious of what transpired. Serene played a big part in giving the information without seeming to want a favor in return. Spoken in such a way to have them feel guilty of knowing the truth, the five walked in with woeful expression. One of sympathy for the King who stared blankly into the sky. As for Ryul, he got a nasty surprise upon reaching home. A letter of which showed a picture of the contract he had signed, stood menacingly. No sender nor information, the message read was ‘keep quiet, we know of thy relation with the Queen. Very improper for a representative, if you don’t wish to be exposed to the public and stripped of thy title and power, keep quiet and don’t voice thy opinion. Glory to Arda.’ Written with the same font and style the queen’s assistant used; the fear of being exposed, pressured by the King and the supposed letter, Ryul’s mind turned empty. A mindless doll with constant agony over what could happen.

The time of reckoning arrived, walked solemnly with a slouched posture, Staxius arrived at the throne room. Queen Shanna was nowhere to be found; this gave time for a little gossip to go around. They who peered over the balustrade were saddened. A king who had done so much was betrayed in the end. Whispered from one to another, the representatives soon engaged in a discussion.

“He poured everything into saving our Kingdom,” mumbled Haru with a tear, “-I saw him try everything to save one of my companions.”

“King Staxius’s generosity knows no bounds; he spent a fortune to purchase rights to a land from where the Dwarves could work and make a living,” frowned Skokdrag.

“The deaths of the adventurers sent into that supply run had a bad effect on him. I saw his visage grow tired and woeful; he can’t have a moment’s rest. Not to mention our Queen’s...”

“Please, don’t speak of that in here,” mumbled Ruslan with an ashamed glance.

*Clop, clop,* walked up the stair, “-hello everyone,” allowing them all to see his woeful expression, it quickly changed to a smile with the intent of reassuring the people. “I think I arrived a bit too early for this meeting, Queen Shanna is probably getting dress,” laughing nervously, he sat without making eye contact. Despite everything, he tried hard to put on a face, tis was the thought across everyone’s mind. It pulled on their heart, even the hardest of fighters could but look away in regret. A true man who cares for people around him, turn to a mess of incertitude. A pang of guilt whelmed from inside, a guilt none knew the origin.

A few minutes later, Queen Shanna arrived in the company of someone new. A lady to be precise. Paying no heed, Staxius stood to pay his respect as did the others. Gazing upon Shanna with an affectionate look, she took a look and rolled her eyes in disgust. Everyone saw that exchange, at that moment, the battle was won. The spark of hate and disappointment burst into a blazing inferno of revenge. The sight of a beloved king turned to ruin, he who had done so much for the people of Arda, he who gave his humanity, he who sacrificed his life, he who saved the people upon the day of the Massacre, he who had made strides in Arda being a kingdom accepted by Hidros, he who had given job opportunities by the idea of opening Town Eden and much more, said man, was betrayed by the one they followed.

“Let the council meeting begin,” said Ruslan with the Sage besides.

“I’ll commence,” voiced Shanna, “-due to unforeseen circumstances, I’ve decided to call back all the Royal Guards to the capital. Fighting monsters is the job of the adventuring guild, therefore, Guild Master Staxius should be able to do that much. As for the mines, we’ve sworn not to destroy the forest, yet, someone had permission to start construction. Lastly, I’ve sold all arms due to the kingdom lacking funds. Today’s discussion will be on how the kingdom moves forward.” All her words were directed to one person, the King, he had done all those things with the underlying implication of going against Arda’s rules.

“Majesty,” spoke the Great Mother, “-having the guards called back will only increase the death count. Do you wish our people to suffer?”

“No,” sternly, “-I want the Guild to take care of the only job their tasked to do. When a plumber is called, you don’t ask for him to mason the house, do you?”

“If I may interject, that’s quite unfair on thy part,” voiced Mieshre, “-give that the guild is tasked to kill monsters, our priority is to serve the people. At the moment, the number of adventurers qualified to fight is low, we need help from the guards else tis will be a senseless death.”

“Are you referring to the certification?” glared the queen, “-that’s an utterly worthless idea. Those who sign to being in the guild must be ready to die per their Quest’s demand. Training isn’t necessary, even if they die, the money that is made should compensate greatly.”

“That’s quite enough,” started soft to harsh, “-Queen Shanna, may I remind you that the Guild is under my command. I shall not tolerate insults directed to the young fighters. They are well paid, yes, however, that doesn’t come from monster slaying or quest. Even now, the guild isn’t making a profit, most of the quest’s givers are poor and in desperate need of help. I’m proud to say that despite the meager pay, adventurers still choose to help, for they know the despair of being left alone without aid. Each week, I pay 2000 Gold, out of my pocket, to help support the guild. Regardless if someone walks in without money, the guild will never push them away. We’ll pay for their quest, we’ll list the request from our own coffers; saving the people is what matters, nothing will ever change,” overwhelmed by disappointment, “-are you implying that the guild isn’t doing its job? The people who register are the ones who do it without pay, tis the first thing we say before someone signs up. Do you know what they say in return? Pay or not, people close to me died because of a monster. I’m here to save the people, not to turn a profit.”

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