
Chapter 338

The night wrapped its elongated fingers around the castle. A witch who had grasped upon the apple of creation, the apple of what was pure and righteous, the night had taken yet again. No moon, no stars, only darkness from miles on end.

Soon, Staxius and the retainers that willingly served his purpose followed. Led by Rosetta, a feeling of utmost duty to not fail the monarch. Stepped into where stood the entrance, guards who had shut the gates were baffled. Ruslan in the company of the old sage was thunderstruck. Lizzie on one side and Rosetta on the other with, maids and butlers, of which were combat-ready with the strength being twice as strong as the guards, walked with cold-glances. The strongest out of the last line of defense.

“Majesty,” waved Ruslan nervously.

“I’ve no time to speak,” ignoring the counselor, he walked through a portal leading inside the alchemic tower. There, another portal that exited into the mansion.

“Still dusty from before,” commented Staxius with a slight cough.

“May I ask to where we are?” inquired Rosetta who straightened her glasses.


“We’re at my mansion,” climbed onto the first-floor, “-no name for it’s too much a hassle,” led into the corridor that contained the bedchambers, he walked out to the balcony. Opened with a fresh breeze, “-it’s night and barely visible,” stood inches from the balustrade, he gently caressed the babe.

“The estate is massive,” commented one of the assistants.

“Well,” turned to finally stare those who had come, “-why don’t you introduce yourselves.”

“I shall go first,” said a handsome man with spotless pale skin, blue eyes, wolf-ears, blond hair, a piercing on the right ear. Gently sloped nose with a rounded end, the eyes were petite and vibrant, “-Rile from the Wolf-man tribe, I’ve come to serve thee, majesty,” bowed, the black-suit added to his overall charm.

“Laurence from the Arachnids’ sect,” a well-built body, strong face, sharp-jaw, dark-black eyes, and stubby facial hair. “Before his majesty asks the question, the Arachnid sect is very much rare. Our people aren’t that lucky when it comes to breeding. Nevertheless, as rare we might be, our powers far outclass many when it comes to strategical wars.”

“I do apologize for my brother’s tone,” interjected a girl shorter than the rest, “-tis just how he speaks. Might come across as rude, but I swear, he means no harm,” rambling, she quickly shook her head and bowed sharply, “-I’m Laura, Laurence’s older sister.” Braided dark-brown hair to one side, black-eyes, a gentler skin-tone than her brother, with a piercing on her lower lips.

“Do forgive these two,” came another girl, “-they can get a little over-hyper at times,” knee-high boots, a parasol in one hand, the hair tied meticulously, the outfit differed from the others. Dignified with a certain vampiric esthetic to it. “Blood-king,” on her knee, “-it’s my honor to serve under he who bears the blood of the first progenitor. I’m Seiran of the Lie par le sang clan.” Black hair, frighteningly pale, a sharp nose, eyes of which screamed of thirst, she always kept a smile.

“Raise thy head,” spoken thunderously, a subtle rumbling came from behind. ‘A wolf-man, two arachnids, and a nightwalker, quite powerful.’

“Yes,” added Rosetta, “-the four you see here will serve thee till death. Each came on their own volition; I had no part in convincing.”

“Good,” taking a deep breath, “-welcome to my mansion. From today forth, thou shall live here in the Noble district of Hidros. Rooms are over there,” he pointed, “-take any you wish. The one with balcony is also up for the taking, I don’t care for disparities between servants and master,” glossed across, “-Rosetta, thy work starts now. I have guests coming shortly, the bar-downstairs is ruined. Have it locked,” keys thrown, “-you’ll be in charge of the mansion from now on.”

“Sire,” approached Rile with the eyes at the floor, “-please change into the proper attire for it’s dirtied.”

“Yes,” approached Rosetta, “-I’ll take care of her Highness.”

“Alright,” walked inside shy of the door, “-but first, go make thyself acquainted by the mansion’s layout. Unload the bags, I’ll be at my room,” and off he vanished in the corner.

“Head-maid,” spoke Laura with a sparkle in her eye, “-this mansion is big.”

“I second that,” slurped Laurence, “-there’s a lot of dark-corners to make webs in.”

*Smack,* “-now isn’t the time, dear Laurence,” smiled Rile with utmost pride, “-we mustn’t sully our master’s reputation.”

“Why did you smack me,” rubbing his head, “-is that the correct way for the heir to the Eastern tribe should act?” smirked Laurence.

“Shut it you two,” sighed Seiran with an alluring voice, “-we have jobs to do, a duty to serve his majesty.”

“I agree,” nodded Laura.

‘Can’t believe these four are the best combat-servants in Arda,’ shook in disappointment, “-alright, let’s move.”

“Yes ma’am,” taken to the rooms, the retainers quickly ran around the mansion to familiarize the layout.

“Wow,” said Laura in awe as the visit continued.

“Yeah, the king of Arda is super-rich,” commented Laurence with the eyes gazing upon Void and Red-fury.

“Get to cleaning,” ordered Rosetta with a mop in hand, the bar-room was in a complete mess.

‘Now then,’ sat on the bed with curtains shut, Lizzie slept peacefully. ‘I brought Lizzie to Hidros. The four that followed seem to be very strong. Her safety is assured.’ Walked to the door, the curtains opened. ‘Next is to have the vampiric cure for daylight sickness.’ Spun to face Lizzie, ‘-you look so much like Xula. It’s a shame I had to do what I did. A broken Queen without a place to turn too, that should be bait enough for the mysterious man to show himself. Eira, I believed what you said, the Queen had a part to play. Might be wishful thinking, though I think someone is pulling her strings. All that confusion will bring about senseless destruction. That’s the only way to bring whoever it is out into the wild.’ Three tasks presented themselves: the rescue of Eira, providing aid to the Wing-wolves, and to bring out the puppet-master.

*Knock, knock,* “-majesty?”

“Yes, come in.”

“I think that the guests you speak of are already here,” reported Rile with a bow.

“Have Rosetta come to my room.”

“As you wish,” he scurried away. Putting on a t-shirt and shorts with flip-flops, the muscles definition shone, it filled out the clothes. Untied and parted down the middle, the white and crimson hair was left to hang. Crests, necklaces, guild-cards, all were placed inside a locked coffer to the side of the bed. The ancient marking seemed as if elaborate tattoos down the arms and legs.

“You asked for me?” the door opened to have it be closed once again, “-majesty!”

“What,” he opened the door in turn, “-I’m home, can a man not wear casual clothes?”

“Casual, are you serious, I’ve shivers just looking at you,” with the same tone as a mother with similar aggression and a mild touch of humor, the face could but give a small grin.

“Well, it’s perfect attire,” stepped out, “-take care of her highness, the guests will be here soon.”

“As you wish,” she bowed and entered the room.

‘A moment’s peace,’ hands inside the pocket, he skipped down the stairs with clothes none had seen before. Always well-dressed and formal, the sight of the king in casual clothes had the servant’s stopped.

“Majesty?” called Laura with an inquisitive tone, “-is that you?” she stopped polishing a golden statue next to the stairs.

“The one and only, do call me master, majesty is a little bit too formal. Haggard if thou wish, do drop the title of majesty for now,” exchanging with the others, “-out in Hidros, I’m known as Xenos, an adventurer, and leader of Phantom. A king is a king inside his domain alone. Outside, he’s but another target for the taking.”

“Understood, master,” harmonious, they were still nervous about living with such a powerhouse of a man. Flickers of light followed by the air being cut echoed to the porch.

“What is that?” asked Seiran with her parasol in hand.

“A helicopter, members of Phantom have come to visit,” facing Laurence, “-have tea and some snacks readied. The fridge should be full of supplies.”

“On it,” he nodded and walked without making a sound. Abusively loud, the chopper landed with two figures jumping out. Lessened to a stop, the silent peace returned. Walked to the porch, a figure stood with a massive gun on the back. Blood dripped down the cheeks. The other stood gracefully with a fully-drawn sword with blood on its end. Sensing the danger, three out of the four, walked to stand menacingly behind Staxius. An aura of dread oozed, from cheerful to serious, the face tensed for an eventual fight.

“Master,” somber to out in the open, “-it’s a pleasure to see you,” said the first figure.

“In shorts and t-shirt,” remarked the other, “-should have seen this coming.”

“Courtney and Elliot,” voiced Staxius, “-glad to see you made it.”

“My brother called after all,” as if teleported, Courtney skipped to embrace her brother.

“Lady Courtney, please, do you not see the scary people behind?”

“Calm it, Elliot, they are powerful and I doubt we’re here to fight,” she winked.

A palpable tension rose, “-enough, that is enough from everyone,” he cut the would be strain.

“Damn it,” sighed Seiran, “-alright, let’s get back to work.”

Sat with tea and snacks served, the dining hall felt slightly full. Emptied, the days of when Kniq roamed around was a good memory.

“Why did you call for us?” asked Courtney with a few sips.

“I have a job.”

“Does it involve killing?” asked Elliot.

“No, it’s guard-duty.”

“Care to elaborate?”

“Sure, due to circumstances, I had to move away from Arda. A lot is going on – I had called on thee to help in guarding the mansion. You see, I’ve brought Lizzie along. She’s still a babe and defenseless, that’s why I needed the extra assurance.”

“My niece is here?” asked with an excited smile, “-where is she?”

“Sleeping,” commented Laurence with a smug tone.

“Is that so,” her expression sunk, “-are you sure you want to use that tone?”

“Courtney,’ yelled across the table, “-don’t, that’s the way he speaks. Leave the man alone.”

“Fine,” rolling her eyes to the snacks, “-oh, yummy.”

“About the guard duty,” interjected a more serious Elliot, “-what does it entail? And why both of us?”

“Simple, I had plans to choose only one. Since you two are the closest to Cake and me, why not protect my daughter as well.”

“Count me out, I already told you I came here to fight,” she refused with a grape in mouth.

“That’s what I figured. So, Elliot, what do you say, why not take some time off the battlefield. I’ll make a portal from here to thy house, that way, you can spend time with thy sister,” the suggestion piqued his interest fully.

“Take time off the battlefield,” materialized the spirit of Knightfall, “-a bold statement.”

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