
Chapter 321

“Don’t overdo it, ma’am,” said Yves as a way to calm her libido. The twin-sister, despite being part of Staxius, had embodied a very seductive and hungry personality. Young boys of which she imagined to be bathed in their blood, had her skin tingle.

“Sorry about that,” unknown to the students, she got her mind to the task at hand. Approached at the group who gave off the feeling of abandoned kittens ; moved to somehow avoid her gaze.

“Welcome to Phantom’s Airfield,” said in a commanding voice, the rest stood behind Eira who didn’t seem afraid.

“Is it just me?” interjected Simone, “-or does the lady resemble thy father?”

“Good eye there,” said Courtney who heard the mumble, “-I’m Lord Haggard’s twin-sister,” attention grabbed, “-you will be flying on the TU-03. Another team shall be waiting at the Capital at the next stop.”

Guided by guards, Class 2A with baggage loaded into the cargo bay were seated with treats and beverages. Courtney accompanied them for the flight. Readied, the plane taxied onto a more favorable line to then accelerate.


“Have you seen the choppers and vehicles Phantom owns?” commented Tony who peered out of the hublot.

“You interested in military affairs?” asked Courtney who stepped closer.

“Yes, very much so,” with a roar, the rotors went full throttle.

“My lady, should you not sit?” asked the boy in concern.

“No,” she chuckled with the plane taking off, “-this is too easy to lose balance over.” Confident, the nose lifted, though seated, the pressure had many pressed against the back. “See,” in midair, “-no need to sit when one can resist the pressure,” giving a wink, “-back to the matter, you said to be interested in arms.”

Nodded, “-were those choppers the RS-F1 and 2?”

“Look at you,” giving a clap, “-and correct. However, they’re not the normal model for it was specially made to suit Phantom’s need.”

“What about the guns the guards carried, DV-43?”

“Wrong,” in came Elliot from the cargo bay, “-those were the DVR-32,” he smiled, “-the commercial version of the DV-43, that only a few of our guards have. DV-43 is only useful if the user can use mana; the DVR-32 uses gunpowder.”

“I see,” hands-on chin, “-what about your rifle?”

“Knightfall,” a hasty response, “-Cursed Series Zero.”

“Never heard of it,” shrugged Tony who peered out the window again.

“Don’t look so shocked,” consoled Courtney, “-Knightfall is a very old weapon. The kid might not know how powerful it truly is.”

“If the weapon is old, surely one should replace it,” voiced Tony from a logical point of view.

“Don’t get me wrong,” turned Courtney with a sharp gaze, “-old as it may, Knightfall has the raw-power to destroy a tank.”

Frowned at the illogical prospect, Tony nodded to falsely acknowledge what was said.

Meanwhile, a few seats to the front, the girls were gathered around Eira who held a look of disdain. “Tell us the scoop, how powerful is your father?” asked Kim.

“Pretty powerful,” a nonchalant response.

“Surely you must know,” voiced Mille with a desperate gaze, “-we might be nobles,” stared at the back, it seemed as if she peered out the plane and onto the airfield.

“Even for royalty, I don’t think that amount of wealth is humanly possible.” To which Kim took out a piece of paper, “-if I’m to calculate this correctly,” joined, Mille gave a few pointers, “-I’d guess around Five-million gold has been spent on that base alone.”

“Five million you said,” refuted Anastasia, “-all that cash could have been used to help the people in need,” mumbled, it eluded most.

“What did you say?” noticed Christina who lend a hand, “-is something the matter?” filled with genuine love and care, hard was it for the girl to act up.

“No,” rolling her eyes to stare outside, “-don’t worry, I’m fine,” less aggressive, she breathed softly.

Continued throughout the journey, Eira had herself into an interrogation whilst Tony and his friend were mystified by tales of war told by Elliot and Courtney. The rare grit and attention to detail of the description of death had Timothy clicking his tongue in disgust.

Seated at the main-guild named Roth per the adventurer’s request, Staxius worked in the company of Serene. The reason for being named Roth was simple, tis was a memorial for a true hero. The first fighter who gave his life protecting a family of two out in the forest. Fang-wolves, an evolution of the first generation. This kind bore crimson-colored tail; a pack of seven could easily tear a village to shred. Tier 9-8 was the rank assigned for any mission concerning their extermination. The more the numbers, the high the tier; the highest gotten was Tier 5 as the quest detailed two packs of eight. Handled after a hard and prolonged battle, Roth, died saving the villagers. Short has it been since the guild was put in place. Discussed with Xula, the issue of Arda being a single body came to be a difficult prospect. Division of land and resources had to be made; the representatives already ruled a piece of land, what needed was a cartographer. The argument made was, “-if we don’t have a firm grasp on where borders end and where villages stand. The guild will not be able to guarantee the survival of said people. I’m proposing the idea to better manage our forces. For the sake of our people, Arda needs to develop, not to pollute the land, no, but to ensure a better life for the youth.” Understood, the queen proposed to have the idea be discussed in the upcoming representative meet. At the moment, only the Capital named Astral could be defended. Most knew firmly where to stop and what monsters resided. On expedition, adventurers were paid a bonus if information about what kind of monsters fought was given. Hence began the List of Mobs.

[List One: Astral] – ranked by numbers opposed to strength;

1. Goblins.

2. Undead Army.

3. Fang wolf.

4. Evolved Bat – Bloodthirst.

5. Desal.

6. Bustorn.

Uncomplete, those were the six common monsters one was expected to fight around the forest of Astral. Goblins, excluding Hobs, were usually easy to kill if alone and stranded. Their horde and coordinated assault had many fearing for the repeat of the Massacre. Undead Army; unknown from where they came, soldiers of warriors buried and not burnt would rise again on the full-moon. A curse of which the scholars knew not who or how it was cast. The only way to kill was to defeat, then burn the remains else it would rise again.

Fang wolves hunted in packs, nocturnal for the most part, if one was during the day, chances of meeting one were slim. That was only if the pack had plenty to eat; wildlife in particular.

Evolved Bats- Bloodthirst, not a fitting name for they were ghouls in the shape of bats. Migrated from Noctis Hallow; servants of the Nightwalkers. Breed by infecting any other monsters; the curse of blood was what made them fearful. Nonhuman and beast alike, they preyed on monsters if only to quench their pallets. Bloodthirst was the name given to the beast cursed. As for Evolved Bats; it was just to say to be mindful of those creatures for they carried the curse to infect all in their wake.

Desal, a type of tree monsters for the lack of information. During the few encounters, Desal mimicked the appearance of a tree to lurk and kill, tis was the only piece to go off of.

Bustorn; same type as Desal though it could change its appearances to flowers and bushes. A single touch from its torn and one could expect an eternal sleep. Desal and Bustorn, were passive, monster who attacked only if provoked. The difficulty and tier ranking of the monsters were assigned per the description of the Quest. Higher the trouble, the more money one had to pay.

Separate from said list, lived another. Tier-6 Emerald and above: [Boss Class: Astral]

1. Dale [Tier-5 Ruby]

2. Helt [Tier-4 Bronze]

3. Ginzo [Tier-4 Bronze]

4. Fhelo [Tier-3 Silver]

Dale, a humanoid elemental spirit who had the skill of Absolute defense. Located at the east of Astral, guarding a mountain pass that led towards the outer town of Vale. The inhabitants of said place would always have to go around the mountain range, a journey that took 3 months could have been made in 2 if only the pass was safe. Killed, it would be revived after two weeks. Either asked, the guild never sent people to kill said monster. Minimum requirement: Tier-5 Ruby above and four parties of six. 24 in total. Since Ruby was a high already, Tier-8 Steel was allowed to participate only if they were in the party of Tier-5.

Helt, a snake that guarded the abandoned mines of Melo to the south. There was no reason to go out and have its head.

Ginzo, resident of the west, guardian of the lake of Malt. Recognized by being an ordinary crow who perched on the outer trees. The best example of not judging a book by its cover for it held power over Sound. A single screech sufficed to have many fall unconscious and devoured by the neighboring beasts.

Last but not least, Fhelo, a griffin that came from the southwest. Land of another major mountain-range. The place wasn’t exposed for the journey took more than 4 months. Residing at the same peak under which Dale protected, the griffin rarely attempted human life. Hunting on animals, a few unfortunate adventurers who fought Dale were wiped in a single gust of wind.

Though only a part of Arda, Monster problem reined more outside the reach of Astral. Thus, the reason for a clearer map with all the towns and villages displayed. The plan to extend the guild to the other part was a long time coming.

“Guild Master,” spoke Serene with a fearless gaze, “-I’ve gotten the message that Class-2A will be landing soon.”

“Good,” stood with a sharp movement, “-I’ve gone over the Mob List. Have Bustorn be brought down to Tier-8. I don’t think they’re of many concern,” reached for the coat-hanger, “-let’s continue this later.” *Click,* curtains shut with a press, Serene reached for her coat as well.

???Class 2A is here. The girls are more interested in alchemy than fighting. Either way, what they learn here will be my responsibility,’ outside the Roth, they walked to the other guilds behind which trained new adventurers.

“Guild Leader,” marched with a disciple, her cloudy white fur had many beastmen staring with a contented gaze.

“Lady Nufry,” stopped, “-a pleasure to see thee again,” formal, they exchanged nods.

“Is it true the princess Eira will be joining the guild as temporary adventurers?” she asked seeking confirmation.

“Yes,” blinked, “-have you not read the report?”

“I have, though I thought his majesty, with no disrespect, to be a little overprotective,” her ears twitched.

Taken aback, he frowned to then smile, “-Eira is very much my daughter. Worrying is a normal feeling, still, preventing her growth due to mine feeling is selfish. Not that it matters,” breathed, “-I’ll have the students down for basic training. I’m hopeful that lady Nufry shan’t have a lack of resolve. Treat the princess as you would any other fighter, tis an order.”

“Lack of resolve,” she laughed in a scary manner forcing the bystanders to turn away in fear, “-that will not be of any concern. I’ll have her trained to fight monsters, count on it.”

“Tis in thy control,” he held out a hand, to which she accepted.

‘The time is here,’ walked to the top in the company of Serene, ‘-fighting in a training arena and the real world is much more different. I hope that you are to not give up.’ Unable to use mana as the Death Element was harmed during Avon’s rebirth; teleportation was out of the picture. Nevertheless, a portal to the overseer’s room stood at the ready on the first floor.

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