
Chapter 292

“I didn’t mean it in spite,” returned Staxius with a calmer tone, “-it’s just...” pausing to find the words, “-it’s just that the Gallienne I know, the one who decided to embrace unity – would not resort to violence that quickly.”

“I see,” she nodded in agreement, “-dear Staxius,” she smiled, “-you’ve misunderstood what the goal is.”

“Do tell,” intrigued, he waited.

“Figure it out,” she stared with a smile, “-war isn’t my object.”

‘A challenge,’ taking a step back and staring out the window, ‘-she doesn’t want war. Then what’s the real objective, if she were to announce my involvement and Sharon’s rescue – Kreston would be viewed as turn-coat. Basing my assumption on the fact that the events during the tournament must have been squashed – the simpler answer is often the right one,’ with a spark, he turned with bright red eyes. “Are you willingly trying to force a revolt out of the possible spies and devotees of Kreston, a governmental purge?”

“Spot on,” she bowed, “-as expected, I intend to purge the capital, not fully, but to a point where the shadow of Kreston isn’t looming over us. I’ve set the plan in action since the day you set off to rescue Sharon, the change will happen on the day the interview is broadcasted. Let’s just say that the outcome will decide how close our province will become. Sending Piers, prince consort, to Arda was my decision as well. It will prove to all that peace between Humans and Ardanians is possible – simply put, a common enemy. A certain spy from the Order’s Whispers has been keeping tabs on their activity.”


“I’ll leave the purge in thy hands then, majesty,” suspicious to relaxed, “-a sound judgment,” they entered the studio. Left behind were the host, her assistant, and apostle with no idea what the two had said.

‘A political purge,’ sat facing Aceline, Sharon sat to his left. The queen headed back to the castle, ‘-she’s cunning, then again, she’s the lady who imprisoned me for sixteen years. Time will tell if her plan works, a political purge isn’t that easy to scheme. Goldberg is out of the picture I presume, or the step-sister might have retained the title of Duchess – a puppet leading the nobles.’

“Welcome to my studio,” voiced Aceline, “-I’ve no idea what you and Gallienne spoke about earlier, nevertheless, the interview will be broadcasted live. It should be simple since you did the same thing in Iqeavea,” she winked and turned to Sharon who pressed her hands and recited a prayer.

Grey with warm colors dotted around, the studio hosted nothing extravagant. A table on which rested microphones, a window behind which stood the supervisors as the show would begin. Hitting 14:00, “-good afternoon,” in a jingle, “-people of Hidros,” her energy made the greyish room lighter and sparkle. “The weather doesn’t seem that bad considering how hot it has been. I wish I could lay back and relax at the beach in Plaustan right about now, the salty aroma, just thinking about it makes all the trouble fade away,” talked in a personal manner, the listeners felt the familiarity and friendliness.

Fifteen minutes past, “-I have with me two special guests in the studio, first and foremost, we have a lady whose words have touched the heart of many. Following the way of stars, Sharon, Apostle of Syhton; who the newspapers reported missing,” signaling her to speak. “Good afternoon, thanks to the grace and generosity of goddess Syhton, I’m honored to have been invited by the Pride of Hidros,” soothing, a reversal of how she acted in the company of friends.

“Next, the man who escorted me to Iqeavea safely – the first-ever platinum adventurer, Xenos. Guild leader of Kniq and Guild master of Arda; you’ve no idea how many strings I had to pull to get him on here,” she winked, an obvious lie to make the situation more enjoyable.

“Same as the apostle said, I’m honored to be here today,” deep and strong, it sent shivers down their spine.

They who listened live couldn’t believe their ears. News outlets, listening to the broadcast were ashamed – the first platinum adventurer.

“Before I pick thy brains, let’s start with the answer many of us want – where have you been, Sharon?” On that, the explanation of how Kreston kidnapped her and did unspeakable things was said out loud. Her voice, trembling, made many angry – Aceline added her touch and tried to comfort. Swaying the public opinion, especially justice crazed warriors – in taverns and inns, they yelled to voice their frustrations.

Time showed 14:45, “-we’ll be back after a short break,” the sobbing intensified.

“Are you ok?” asked Aceline, they went off-air.

“Yeah,” raising her head, “-I’m fine,” wiping her nose, “-how was the act?” she winked.

“So it was fake?”

“Obviously,” turning to Staxius, “-how was my performance, like it?” she asked.

“For someone who’s a bishop, I dare say that an acting career might have suited you best. Then again, those who spread the word of god are often the most hypocritical – I’m not impressed in the least. Tis thine job, to preach wholeheartedly even if what you say is utter nonsense at times,” sternly he glared.

“Fine,” rolling her eyes, “-there’s no need to insult me. I do what I have to do as the bishop,” leaning closer, “-I’m an actual apostle you know,” pulling down her robe and exposing a bit of her chest, “-see, it’s the mark of Syhton. Say what you want, I’m genuine,” covering up, “-your turn will come, old man.”

“I see,” a smile portraited itself, “-what about this then,” pointing to the left cheek, “-what does that make me then, I bear the mark of three gods.” Silence whelmed the room; Sharon was awestruck whilst Aceline drank water and discussed it with the supervisors. “Look at your face,” a flick to the forehead, “-I’m joking, it’s a tattoo as a sign of my lineage to the god I worship. Same as you, I follow the words of the Death Reaper, a god, or destroyer as spoken in legend.”

“Death Reaper you say,” her eyes squinted, “-does Xenosious bring any memory.”

“Well yeah, it’s the founding of Xenos, my nickname. How can I not remember, the Death Reaper, charged with taking the life of Syhton when she was but an angel, was stopped by a god who had fallen in love with her. Resentment followed, the world plunged into darkness and the angel gained immortality and to forever be trapped as stars to never become full again. The Curse of eternal darkness, that’s what I remember, it might be wrong but who cares,” he shrugged, “-it’s not like we know what happened at that time.”

“Are you guys ready?” asked Aceline, “-Sharon’s display sure was award-worthy. I’m sure Gallienne loves the results.” Giving a countdown with three fingers held up, *three... two... one... start,* on which the idol took charge to segue into Staxius’s entry. “Now that Sharon has calmed down, Xenos, care to recount in greater detail how you managed to rescue the apostle?”

“Sure,” taking the mic, “-I’ll ask the listeners to take what I’m about to say with a grain of salt. Kreston, the province is very well as the rumors say it is. I met many, many people, they’re very secluded and hate to have intruders – a xenophobic province. Per orders from her Majesty, I followed suit, eight months, living in constant fear. Each step I walked felt as if the last, perish the thought of sleeping, common was it for tourists to be slain at night. I lived on hunting and made a makeshift camp on a tree, that aside, I had to employ various tactics to gain their trust. Mannerism, dress code, their culture, without learning those, there’s no way I’d sit here today. I blended and became a member of their church – once one walked into that realm – the people are like me and you. Easy going with quirks, though on the extreme, they mean good by heart. To not disclose any information, a family who ran from Dorchester during the holy crusade, welcomed me with open arms. They understood the situation, thus, days turned to weeks, the months, till the last day. I had help from friends waiting for the day I sent a message for extraction – that’s how I became the first Platinum adventurer.”

“Amazing,” drawn fully into what he said, Aceline could but watch in awe. Snaping out of the dream, more questions were asked. One by one, answered, the populous grew to know the leader of Kniq as a strong, charismatic, and unforgiving man. Not the complete embodiment of a hero; that mantle had been claimed by Achilles and her noble acts. Rather, the title given was Xenos the Protector. The end steadily arrived came; bidding goodbye, Amber time finished.

“Well done,” taking off her headset, “-that was amazing, I never thought that it’d be such a success. The result is more pleasing than expected,” standing, the door was held open by Scott who smiled.

‘Over,’ with a nod, Staxius left the room and beelined for the elevator, ‘-I was careful to not come across as someone who hates Kreston. Neutrality is best when faced with strangers; the effects of a misplaced word has a lot of power.

The name of Xenos grew, it also increased Kniq’s repute, a win, win situation. Hearing the news, the members of the guild scattered across the province, smiled and relished in the idea of him returning.

“How was it, the interview,” awake, Adete spoke in the middle of a yawn.

“Not that hard, I said what they wanted to hear,” teleported in the attic, a crash echoed around the house. Followed by an argument, ‘-intruders?’ he asked and reached for Tharis – kept in a chest not far from the way down.

“I told you so many times to not mess with the kitchen utensils, you know full well we can’t cook, come on sis.”

“But sis, is it that bad if we try to learn now? We’re young maidens after all,” leaned on the counter seductively, the argument turned to laughter. Sneaking down, aimed and ready to fight, “-drop the FORK.”

“AHH,” startled, the room exploded with the cacophony of metal against the marble floor.

“Now this is a sight I have missed,” with a smile, Tharis lowered. Dressed in a black uniform with a badge embroidered on the right side, checkered skirts, leggings up to the thigh, and black shoe, Emma and Emmy held one another in fear.

“Master?” spoke Emma, “-when did you come back?” asked Emmy.

“Yesterday,” disarming the pistol, “-I guess it was true, you both come by to clean and visit the mansion whenever is possible. How’s school?”

“Seriously?” picking up the fork, exchanging glances, “-WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN,” they dashed and stood menacingly, “-EVERYONE HAS BEEN WORRIED,” Emma held the knife close to his neck. What the face told and what the mouth said could not have been any more out of sync.

“Come on,” ignoring the words, “-is this how you greet an old friend,” a group embrace, the frivolous shouts, and questioning turned to silence. “I’m glad to see that you’re both safe and sound,” letting go, “-students, never would I have dreamed the two trouble makers who sought after revenge would become lovely ladies.”

“We were kind of...” staring away in embarrassment, Emma tried to answer.

“We were forced,” Emmy completed the sentence, “-Viola gave us two options, either study or study...” a sigh followed.

“Sounds exactly like her,” smiled Staxius, “-are you girls free or busy?”

“We’re free today, a break from all the studying, it’s a pain but it’s quite fun,” voiced Emma.

“Want to go into town then?” he asked with a calm voice, “-I know I sort of disappeared without saying anything. Nevertheless, I want to know what happened when I left, and also treat you two to some sweets and a few presents.”

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