
Chapter 255

“I see,” said Isorin with a smile, “-you’d like to sell some of thy research to me?”

“No,” the head shook, “-I’d like to give you some of my scrolls as a gift. Do with it as you wish, sell them to collectors or wealthy adventurers. There is plenty to come soon, all I wish from thy is goodwill. The time might come soon where scroll could turn into something essential,” he paused and stared up, “-imagine a dragon befalls town. Arrows and guns won’t do much. Then, in the shadows, an adventurer pulls out a scroll within which has an SSS-ranked spell infused. One that could destroy a town, the possibilities are endless.”

“In the wrong hands, it could also be used against us,” the wizard argued.

“I’m sure the good outweighs the bad. I can’t help but think about the uses it might give us if war is to erupt suddenly. Who knows, maybe the main continent gets attacked and the Imperial family is exiled to Hidros. Queen Gallienne would have to rightfully step-down as queen. The well-balanced situation we have will crumble. Adventurers forced to fight soldiers, invade other places, lay waste to settlements,” the reaction from the wizard didn’t seem normal.

“Even though what you say is but a product of fantasy, the possibility does exist. I can’t fathom another war – Scrolls, the Alliance with Arda, beings that are more than natural. Hidros is a hotbed of fuses waiting to blow.”

“Whatever the case, my loyalty lies with Arda. They are the people who took me in and gave a place to stay,” he stood, “-if Hidros does ask for help, I’ll gladly join the front. This is what an alliance is for, to help one another.”


“I guess,” he sighed, “-I’ll take these scrolls and spread its name and fame. That’s what you’re counting on isn’t it, free publicity.”

“Whatever do you mean?” followed by the signature wave, Staxius left the mages guild and headed back to Pandora. Without noticing, the grey clouds turned to dusk. Already somber and dark, not many saw from whence the sun returned.

“Are you sure not returning to the mansion and Arda is wise?” asked Adete when they entered the shop. “You did sort of leave without telling thy precious queen,” she pulled out her tongue.

“It’s nothing new, I always leave without saying anything. Goodbyes aren’t my forte,” the locked door opened with a beep. The light toggled into an amber color. Not harm on the eyes, the same as lighting a candle, warm and soft – a relish for the mind.

“Guess you do have a soft spot, vampire,” she laughed.

“You bet I do,” he smirked, “-a soft spot for the people I care about,” the gaze soon changed to emotionless, “-sadly, don’t ever think that the weak spot can be exploited. I’d not stop even if my companions are to die before me,” he had noticed it too. ‘Since I met Xula, Eira, Lizzie, and the others, I’ve been feeling much more at ease than before. I dread the day we’ll part ways. Have to sort out these feelings. The dream about me and Xula showed the truth. Turning soft won’t accomplish anything. I’m a vampire and the heir to Lord Death. There’s no need to be merciful; the new Staxius may be strong by strength and body, but the old Staxius was far stronger by mind and soul. Calm and compose, feel Dark-arts, feel the state of nothingness I once thrived in,’ the eyes focused on theorizing a way to make Angel’s Dust. All the knowledge was here, it became a game of crossing; different procedures with different ingredients in some disorderly fashion. Rain poured, outside, the cold wind blew across the empty streets and made howls upon hitting buildings. The first floor dimly lit, Staxius worked the night till daybreak.

A new day without much change. The weather remained angry and gloomy. Umbrellas broke by the sheer force of gusts, the rain felt like pebbles hitting; it took a change for the worst. Town square, usually filled with newspaper sellers, stood empty. Many took refuge under shops and buildings to wait for the downpour to halt. Some braved the storm and headed to work. Tardiness and excuse were a thing of shame – none wanted to be a burden. The start of a new week, lucky were those students who had vehicles.

“Lizzie,” Auic called, “-I don’t think that master will be home today,” now stood with Kniq ready to leave, the girl waited.

“Come with us,” offered Undrar, “-the weather is too bad to be taking public transport,” her face held a smile.

“You too, Auic,” voiced Achilles, “-we’ll drop everyone off and head out. Mondays are a bit slow. Not to mention the guild had to pay out many quests as it’s the start of a new month. It should be fine.”

“That’s kind of you to offer,” Auic interjected, “-I’ll just take the portal to work. It does link to Pandora, from there, I’ll head to the headquarters.”

“Then it’s settled,” Undrar said with a smile, “-Deadeyes will stay home with the twins today. You three are in bad shape and need rest. Don’t cause too much trouble,” the vehicle headed out.

“Food has already been made. Heat it when you eat,” with a pat on the twin’s head, Auic climbed to the attic.

“Let me in, come on,” a voice came from outside. “-I know you’re in there,” it shouted.

“Who the hell is making all that noise?” inside Pandora, Auic headed for the door to find a drenched Dorothy.

“Finally, someone answered,” she stared up with a pale face, “-I was getting worried,” her speech slowed.

“Let’s get you warmed up first,” she offered and returned to Pandora.

The weather didn’t let up, late in the afternoon, the rain continuously ailed the citizens. Void stood outside the shop, Auic assumed Staxius was up in the lab, sadly, when she came to the door – a shock pushed her away. None knew where he had gone, Dorothy was sent back home. The secretary and vice-leader decided to take a day off, no work could be done. Hence, the duty to take Lizzie back home fell onto Undrar. Time was 15:00, no sign of Staxius anywhere.

“Good afternoooooon Hidros,” in a jingle, a voice came through the radio, “-the weather here has been atrocious. I can’t even get out without three or four umbrellas. Nonetheless, armed with a coffee, I’ve returned,” the voice was that of Aceline. “Let’s begin Ocher Time with me,” a relaxing show ran by the idol herself. One that any could tune too, no real schedule and no real plan, it was as she wanted – free from everything else. “Before we begin answering calls, there’s an announcement. A few hours ago, the Order and Claireville Academy gave the dates of the Inter-magical tournament. It’s from the 24th to the 28th. A few colleagues of mine will perform live for the opening and ending ceremony. Many of you fangirls out there will be pleased; Sugar, the singer, and guitarist who’s been making the land tremble in Iqeavea will be joining the festivities. Not only him, but some other stars and superstars answered the call. Most notably, the duo from Autumn’s Blossom, will be here on stage with us all. I don’t know about you guys, but Autumn’s Blossom has taken my heart and soul. Each episode is one filled with...egh... I can’t,” the air cut to music, “-sorry about that,” it returned after a few minutes, “-I sort of had a mishap.” The show continued without worry. People joined in, requested songs and such, mainly calm and peaceful.

‘How long have I been asleep,’ with a few sniffles, ‘-look at the rain outside,’ he commented as the noise made was as if bullets hitting the window and roof, ’15:10′ indicated the clock. In the background, a radio played. Adete’ slept across the buttons and accidentally tuned it to Ocher Time. ‘Guess the pride of Hidros is back from the vacation,’ he thought and leaned back. In front laid packets of white powder, around three of them.

“First progenitor,” he called and stood, “-wake up,” pinched by her tail, she awoke the instant he lifted.

“Don’t do that ever again,” face flushed and erratic, Adete awoke with a lot of emotions.

“Awe,” he mocked, “-did I touch a sweeth spowt.”

“Ha-ha, very funny,” she charged straight to his neck.

“Cut it out,” and again, pulled by the tail, her reaction remained the same.

“I’m going to kill you,” held with the index on her forehead, the girl lashed out indiscriminately.

‘Guess the tournament is in a few weeks,’ the face returned to emotionless, “-we need to go meet with Jason.”

“Angel’s dust?” her assault stopped. Not inclined to respond, he took the packets and teleported inside the bar.

“Not meeting with the other bartender today?” Adete asked yet again.

“No time, I need to get this out as soon as possible,” from the cave to the bar, Jason stood and cleaned as normal.

“Shadow,” he said.

“Long time no see,” a snap conjured a mask, one made of blood as opposed to store-bought.

“What’s the occasion?” the bartender asked.

“I’ve got a gift for Renaud,” he whispered and laid out the packets, “-from his favorite alchemist. I made a new blend of white gold. It should be more potent than the others are selling. More addicting without the fatal side effects, the major ones anyway.”

“Ask and you deliver,” Jason couldn’t hide the excitement, “-this is great,” he smiled, “-here,” another few cigars, “-a gift from yours truly as thanks for the fast service.”

“I’ll take it,” kept inside the suit jacket, “-about the game of chest we spoke of, I heard that three out of the four pawns were taken over. I never thought that he’d be able to let one of them get close to the Bishop.”

“Give one? It’s more like he let that pawn get to the Bishop. The next plan did take a while to formulate but the player sure was smart. Patience is key was what he said,” Jason fired back.

“I just hope that the Bishop doesn’t get overrun by a mere pawn. That would be embarrassing even if it was a trap,” added Staxius.

“What the opponent didn’t realize was that when the attention turned to the Bishops and Knights trying to stop the four pawns, the Queen made her move into checkmate. Even if the pawn is to take Bishop with help from Knights; a castle stands ready to avenge the Bishop.”

“I see,” he sighed, “-a game within a game. Reckless as he might have been, I hope the Queen realizes that the opponent could have had another piece ready to move. Another piece that slowly moved into checkmating the reckless King.”

“The game will end in whoever outplays the other, for now, let’s keep the talk for another time,” a weird chess talk, ended.

“See you,” a handshake later, Shadow vanished.

“What was that chess talk all about, it made no sense whatsoever,” Adete complained after they returned.

“It’s more like a code, a discussion about a game of chess. Fictional of course, but who’d judge. None’s going to eavesdrop onto something so boring. What we discussed was the spies; the pawns. All and all, I’ll skip the details, I asked about the status of the war. What was told was that Cake is ready to make her move. It’s going to be reckless; I wonder who’s the Castle – guess she has a plan B. In the end, I gave a word of warning, one that said to not get tunnel vision by trying to capture the King. Look at the broader side of the game.”

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