
Chapter 70

The sharp sword lash was suddenly deflected and cut open the ground and walls next to the rider leaving him virtually unharmed.

The figure in the shadows that had revealed himself as soon he attacked, suddenly violently retreated but it was too late, his head suddenly exploded before a late sound echoed.

“Bang.” The headless figure soon evaporated into dark mist, only the sword marks on the wall and floor left to signify that the previous occurrence was not an illusion.

A few minutes later walking into the dilapidated warehouse was a short-haired dark skin female, she was draped in a long grey coat that covered the numerous pistols, knives, cargo pants and plain shirt underneath, and strapped on her back was a heavily modified sniper gun.

Her metal boots echoed as she walked into the warehouse walking straight towards the spot she had previously gunned down the attacker earlier.

“He escaped.” Her cold icy voice sounded as she stared at the lanky pasty skinned man donning a pair of round spectacles, sitting on the only chair in the warehouse.

“That is a shame isn’t it Miss Archer.” Flanders unique sarcastic voice resounded but he did not look up from his smoking laptop on his laps as he tried to remove the extra device he had added to it which saved his life in the previous attack.

After a few trials and finding out that there was no way to save the mechanical creation Flanders stood up and said to the archer who was standing there silently watching him.


“Well it’s been a fun game but I think I will retire now, I trust our deal still counts after all I have helped you send one of the opponents out and counting me it will be two, you are four people away from winning...”

“I will keep my part of the bargain you don’t have to worry about your contractor.” The archer interrupted him knowing and promised knowing exactly what he wanted.

She had inadvertently found his summoner, Flanders summoner had been threatened by her and if she killed him that meant Flanders would be leaving the holy grail war early, after analyzing the pros and cons Flanders’s had discovered he couldn’t be around his summoner 24/7 to protect him and calling for bodyguard would do no good as the archer seemed to have a space talent that would make protection meaningless if she wanted to kill, considering Flanders’s himself never thought of winning he decided to play along and help her and judging from the little clues he had gathered he knew she was a wild practitioner who most likely had not been exposed to the void and good systematic practice doing a favour to someone like her who possessed a quite good space talent was basically an investment on his part as he was sure when the war was over whether she won or not she would most likely be given offers to join a force in the void.

After packing up everything Flanders stood up and said while throwing over to her a surveillance device he created that was connected to almost all appliances in the city that had a sort of camera “Well then I guess this goodbye.”

‘Bang’ a bullet to the head was his response, as he was losing consciousness he could vaguely hear the voice of the archer saying “thanks”.

Feeling the prompt in her stigmata that signified another person was out of the game Ruth turned around and left the empty warehouse although there was no body as Flanders body had disintegrated with him being out of the game but the two loud gunshots would definitely alarm the police and expose her presence to other competitors.

Walking out of the door Ruth activated the invisibility device Flanders’s had made earlier for her and swaggered unto the street undetected by anyone.

The archer; Ruth was a war orphan born in the slums of a small technological plane in the void, a lone mercenary with no systematized practice her only talent was her precise gunmanship which she had practised for as long as she could remember, after a few years accumulating mission rewards she finally saved up and acquired an illegal genetic awakening medicine on the black market of her planet the use of which allowed her to stabilize her life level as a level 1 creature and allowed her to awaken her own talent.

A few days ago she was lucky enough to stumble upon a voucher for the holy grail war during one of her missions which was to hunt down a businessman who had a close connection with the void, upon completion in the spoils she searched from the man’s corpse she had found the voucher, a few days later the war started and she was summoned.

Although she was very frightened at first after being summoned, but the messages the world will imprinted in her mind made her calm, and the mention of rewards made her greedy although there was no specific mention of what the rewards were but she could infer that such an event with numerous individuals from the void rushing to participate was definitely not going to be stingy with the rewards, this was the chance to change her destiny.

Her summoner is a terminally ill patient and the only member of a rundown magic family who had come to star city to try and see if he was fortunate enough to be chosen for the war, as luck would have it he was chosen.

After being summoned and realizing her summoner’s condition she knew she was basically on her own, she had walked around and found the black market, it was easy since this plane was a little bit similar in some aspects with her hometown, after some twist and turn she had encountered riders summoner who was an intelligence dealer and had threatened, the rider who noticed his summoner was threatened had no way but to accept her demands and provide her with help.

A few moments later Ruth walked into a rundown bungalow, stepping into the dimly lit house she deactivated the device and walked straight to the living room where there resting on the sofa was a deathly pale bald young boy.

“You are back.” The young boy who noticed her appearance opened his evidently tired eyes and said softly.

“Yeah.” Ruth replied plainly as she removed her coat and unloaded the numerous weapons she had strapped on herself.

“Hey archer can you tell me how life is in your hometown?” Seeing she was done and was resting on the sofa next to him the tired curious boy couldn’t help but ask.

She kept silent for a while about to decline but when she stared into the boy’s bright eyes that reminded her of some distant memories she couldn’t help but soften as she started “There is not much to tell....” Her cold voice unknowingly turned warm as she started telling some common stories she had heard during her childhood.

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