
Chapter 124


“She was asking for it, okay.”


“Please say something.”

“... I will hear both sides of the story before judging you. Be glad you saved me.” She said, nodding to herself in satisfaction.

“Sigh, what a pain.”

“Now, what is our situation?”


“What do you think?” I said, smiling at her.

“Seeing as you risk passing out to save me. You aren’t strong enough to fight them alone.”

“Ding ding, you’re correct. I might be overpowered for my age, but there is a lot of black pandas stronger than me.” I said, pointing at her with a smile.

“Black pandas?” She asked, tilting her head.

“The devil cultists wear a black panda costume sometimes,” I explain with a slight chuckle at her reaction.

“Is that so.”

“Yeah, it’s quite funny.”

“Whatever, I am glad you woke me up and all, but I don’t think two mages will be good in a fight. Especially when one has almost no mana, and the other one is as weak as a low-class mage.” She said, shaking her head.

“Hmm, 2 mages? Oh no I am not a mage per say. I do use magic and spells, but I am a close combat fighter with a lot of mana.” I said smugly.

“Huh? Wait, then how did you make this perfect fortification.” She said, looking at the room.

“I use ice weapons, so I need to be able to make strong things with ice. this is like breathing for me.” I said, gesturing towards the walls.

“I don’t really understand?” She said, tilting her head at me.

“I am Stacy Draigs disciple.”

“Oh... ooh damn, seems I lucked out having you save me. So, what is your class? It should have to do with weapons, right. Hmm, maybe even weapon master.” She said, beaming and overly happy.

“Nope, I don’t have any class yet. I am only 14 years old. It’s too early for a class, really.”

“You don’t have one?” She said, looking at me like I was stupid.

“Though I am a demon fox with 3 elements.”

“That... sigh, what a crazy family.” She said, just sighing, not wanting to go on.

“Yeah, I am still not used to my fire and lightning, though.”

“Huh, how aren’t you used to them?”

“They kind of changed like a week ago.”


“Sorry, let’s not talk about that right now. People are already here trying to break through my ice. I will give them another 15 min though.” I said, looking at the exit.

“Shit, just a fair warning, they do have some sort of projectile weapons with drugs in them,” She added with a thoughtful expression.

“I dought it would work on me but thank you for the warning.”

“Why do you think it won’t work.”

“I am quite good in the healing abilities. Anyways here is some light armor. You do seem the same size as Kayda at the moment, so I think it will fit you.” I said, taking a set of armor out of my storage.

“That will be useful, thank you. Hmm, you won’t by chance have extra clothes as well.” She said, taking the armor inspecting them.

“Yes, I do. Here you go and use this wall for some privacy.” I said, giving her a set of clothes and making an ice wall.

“Okay, thank you.”

“Make it quick you have 10 min at most,” I said, walking towards the exit. Crouching down, I started taking out spears and shields from my storage.

“Fuck, this is harder than I thought.” I heard the red demon say, frustrated.

“Do you need help?” I asked, not turning around.

“No, I am fine. Haaah, there it’s on.” I heard her say before walking around the wall.

Looking at her, I nodded in satisfaction. Instead of the gown, she was now wearing a jean with a loose t-shirt. It was probably too big for her at the moment. Over those clothes, she had boots on with some knee pads and a breastplate she didn’t put the helmet on for some reason.

“Why aren’t are you wearing the helmet?”

“Aah can say the same to you. Actually, you aren’t wearing any armor as well.”

“Speed type fighter, something like that will only get in the way,” I said, shrugging before getting back to setting up my weapons for the fight.

“Fair enough. The reason why I didn’t wear it is that I have horns.” She said, parting a small part of her hair showing me a small black horn.

“Oh, didn’t know demons get horns?” I said, looking at the horn curiously.

“They don’t.” She said bluntly.

“... I see, so they changed your bloodline,” I said, nodding before slamming a shield into the ground.

“Not change per say but strengthen.”

“Aah, that’s right, you guys are from a devil bloodline. So, you’re a devil now?”

“Sadly, not only half.” She said disappointment write all over her face.

“Only half? I can fix that for you if you want?” I said nonchalantly, slamming another shield into the ground next to the other one.

“You can do that!?”

“Yeah, I did it for a half-angel a month ago. So why can’t I do it for a devil.”

“You did it for an angel?”

“Yeah, and regret it to this day,” I said, standing up from my crouching position bringing two belts with 7 spears clipped into each.

“What are you going to do with those.”

“Woman, did the long conversation fuck your mind over,” I said, tilting my head at her.


“We are about to have a fight. What else am I going to do with explosive spears,” I said, stepping the 2 belts cross over my back.

“Fight? Explosive spears?” She said, confused.

“Yeah, you see the spearheads. Those will explode on impact... I hope they do.” I said, pointing to the spearhead.

“Explode, you hope they do!? You’re not even sure they will work!?”

“Well, no, not really. I am not a master after all.” I said, shrugging.

“So, you’re winging it.”

“Yes, and you supporting my winningness from behind those shields,” I said, pointing at the three shields in the ground.

“Uh, I guess that can work for the cover. Sorry for being so confused.”

“it’s fine. Just try your best in supporting me okay,” I said, petting her head while smiling.

“Uh, will do.” She said, nodding.

“Good, now get in the position they are coming,” I said, pushing her to the shields.


‘I only have just above 1000 mana. I can’t use a flash step for this fight at all.’ I thought, looking at the black smoke where the entrance is.

[Kayda Pov]

[1 hour 53 minutes ago]

“Hey, butler, I need some of your men, like right now.”

“Huh, and why would I do that?”

“Kitsuna got captured.”

“By whom exactly.”


“The devil cult. I can explain this while we make our way to the fortress in the slums.” I said, getting annoyed by his nonchalant expression.

“I cannot do that, ma’am. As the young lady is there right now, I as the head butler make-”

“If you think something like that will work on me, you are solely mistaking,” I said, grabbing his collar.

“Let me remind you who-ugh.”

“Let me remind you that I have more authority than you in this country.”

“This is the territory of the Anabald.”

“Are you... stupid? Don’t you realize that I can actually just kill you on the promises that you were suspicious?”


“If you don’t. Whatever, I am taking over command of the Anabald troop, and you will be put in the dungeon until further notice.” I said, throwing him against the wall knocking him out.

“What a pain.” Walking up at the butler’s unconscious body, I sat him down, finding a scroll in his pocket. Looking at the front screen, I saw that he was on a call.

“Oh, it seems we were found out.” The other person on the call said before ending the call.

“Kitsuna is going to laugh at me if she hears I didn’t see this coming,” I mumbled, putting the scroll in my pocket.

“Sigh, now what? I can’t actually trust the Anabald military anymore,” I said, taking the butler up.

“... Kayda, your dumbass, there’s the fucken guild. I can ask for help there,” I shouted, frustrated before jumping out of the window with the butler in hand. I flew to the closest adventure guild.

[6 minutes later]


“I need help like right now!” I shouted, slamming the guild doors open.

“Who dares to slam My Guild... Kayda, what are you doing here?” The guild master shouted from the second floor until he saw me.

“Yo, can I have some backup? And they must be strong.”

“How strong.” The guild master said, jumping down the railing to the ground floor.

“My level strength will be awesome,” I said, getting a sigh from him.

“That going to be hard. How fast do you need them.”?

“Under an hour, please.”

“you’re not making this easy. Clair, you heard her contact the other guilds and tell them about this.”

“Yes, guild master.” One of the receptionists said, nodding.

“So, mind telling where we are going. Oh, and why you are dragging the head butler of the Anabald around.” The guild master said, pointing at the unconscious body in my hand.

“Sigh, it’s troublesome, I tell you,” I said, sighing.

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