
Chapter 62

That day I also found out that Rebecca’s family only existed out of sadists. Well, except her father, who is a masochist.

Whatever, back to the time after I gave Kayda the flowers. I went back to my squad surprisingly. I saw Brenda swinging around my ice odachi. I actually thought she would take sometime before she would even try it out.

Well, whatever the second sparing match I had with them went way better for them. Brendas’ attacks were faster by a lot with the sword change. Apricots’ teamwork was better, and Sirones’ aim was better.

With them doing better, they actually almost made me use more than one sword. However, after the first spar with the changes, I got used to their attacks, and with my speed being way above theirs, I could dodge every attack. But I could not steamroll them like the first time. All in all, I was very pleased with my picks so far for my squad.

We had a couple more spars before Apricot had to go to Trinity, leaving only Brenda and Sirone.

Knowing we couldn’t spar anymore, I made them run and a lot. Maybe too much. I had to carry both of them back to their barracks to rest. Let’s just say many people laughed at me carrying Brenda, a tomboy princess carry, and Sirone on my back with my tail.

Dropping them off, I had dinner with the family and went to sleep, and that should have been my day, or so I thought, but hell, who would have thought this would happen.


“Apricot, are you sleepwalking?” I asked, looking at Apricot walking towards me with a blanket in her hands.

“No, I can’t even fall asleep. How am I supposed to sleepwalk then.” Apricot said with frustration, but I could hear fear as well.

“I see, nightmare again?” I said, lifting my head from the ground.

“Can I please sleep with you?” She mumbled, looking away in embarrassment.

“At least you asked this time,” I said with a small chuckle.

“Is that a yes or a no?” Apricot said, annoyed.

“It’s a yes, but are you sure my tree isn’t the most convertible place for any normal person to sleep at.”

“I will be fine if I sleep in your fur,” Apricot said, walking between my front and back legs before sitting down putting her back against me.

“If you say so,” I said, curling around her in the middle and my tail at the outside away from her.

“Thank you,” Apricot mumbled.

“No problem. also, if you want to talk about it, I do have some experience in what happened to you.” I said, closing my eyes.

“What you have been forced before,” Apricot said, surprised.

“Not quite,” I said, a bit embarrassed.

“You force yourself on someone.”

“NO! I might not have been a girl in my past life, but I would never force someone.”

“That doesn’t help your argument Kitsu,” Apricot said with a skeptical voice.

“You damn doggie, shut up and listen.”


“I was actually a guy in my past life, and let’s just say I lived with some bad people until I turned 15 after I was free from these defective human beings. I traveled the country for a year, and in that year, I have seen everything that humans can do to each other, from robing, killing, torture, and...rape. It wasn’t something a 15 – 16-year-old should have seen, but it was still one of the best years of my life. I lived alone, I could do what I wanted, and I could let out my frustrations as much as I like.” I explain with an emotionless voice.

“These bad people you lived with what happened to them.”

“...I killed them,” I said after a while

“...You mentioned rape. What’s the story about that.” Apricot said with hesitation.

“The first time I saw guys trying to rape a girl. I shot them in the head without hesitation. After that, I started to torture the guys I catch raping or trying to rape a girl. It was a way for me to help people. It was actually more to make me feel better in a way for what I have done and justify it.”

“What did you do to the girls.”

“Them, you see, I had a large build and a scar over my eye in my past life. In other words, the girls were mostly scared of me even if I helped them. But I did what I could for them.” I said.

“Was there any incident where you found a girl that was used as a toy for more than one guy?”

“Yes, there were a few.”

“How did the girls move on from that.”

“They didn’t. They committed suicide as fast as possible. Except for this one girl, man, was she a beast. When I knocked everyone out to get them off her and so I could report them to the cops. I didn’t think she would ask me after she cleaned up if we could actually torture them. I was so baffled I didn’t even think about it and nodded. That night I found out how dangerous a woman can be when she wants to be. I almost pity them for what she did to them, almost.”

“She must have been mentally strong to be fine afterward.”

“In a way, she was mentally strong, but after the night was over, she cried, and I mean a lot. At least she had someone with her that kind of understood how she felt. Even if he was a guy, she had someone to hug and cry with. I think that was what made it better for her in the end.

However, in my opinion, you are by far the mentally strongest person I have ever met. I mean, you didn’t try to kill the commander when you could. You don’t even want to mutilate this corpse. Meaning you haven’t let your grief out yet, though.” I said, hoping she will understand what I meant.

“I see. Will ... you...”

“Yes, I will be your crying bag,” I said.

“Haha...Whaa.” Apricot laughed for a while before it turned into a wail full of grief.

“Let it all out. My fur is waterproof, don’t worry,” I said, feeling her bury her face into my fur.

‘If it weren’t for Kayda talking to me yesterday, I would never think to do this for her. Hopefully, she never talks to Mom about this. Mom would instantly know I lied about helping a girl torture people. Like I will have someone else have my pry.’ I thought, snorting at my own story.

It didn’t take long before Apricot fell asleep, leaving with a question.

‘Did she at least left a note that she was leaving?’ I thought, hearing her relaxed breathing. Shrugging, I also drift to dreamland.

(Next day)

“Kitsuna, we have a major problem Apricot is missing!” Mom shouted, appearing under my tree.

“For fuck sakes, woman!? How many times do I have to tell you not to shout me awake!?” I bellowed, releasing all my killing intent at her.

“I don’t care. We need to know where Apricot went?” Mom said, ignoring the killing intent. I was about to answer her but felt that Apricot started to wake up.

“Mmm, Kitsu, why are you shouting like that,” Apricot said, surprising Mom.

“What?” Mom said, puzzled.

“Ask my mother why,” I said, standing up, leaving a groggy Apricot on the floor.

“Oh, morning Lady Draig,” Apricot said, fidgeting with the blanket, not knowing what to do.

“This is your fault for not letting them know. You sort it out. I am going to the lake. See you in an hour or so.” I said, walking off into the forest, still in my fox form.

(Stacy POV)

“This is your fault for not letting them know. You sort it out. I am going to the lake. See you in an hour or so.” Kitsuna said, walking into the forest.

“Uhm, sorry...” Apricot said, looking at me.

I was still surprised at the revolution that Apricot was sleeping between Kitsunas fur.

“What are you doing here, Apricot,” I said, making the girl embarrass. ‘Oh god, please don’t tell me.’

“I... I...”

“Don’t tell me you also have fallen in love with Kitsuna?” I said, facepalming.

“HUH?” Apricots said, surprised.

“Not?” I said with hope.

“No, Kitsu is a beauty, yes, but she ain’t my type, and I am pretty sure I am straight,” Apricot said with the last part with drought.

“Sigh, that’s good. I didn’t need a yandere dragon on me,” I said, relaxing.

“No, the reason I am here is that she is the closes person I have, and she can be quite supportive if she needs to be,” Apricot said, a bit embarrassed.

“Aah, I see, nightmare,” I said, nodding.


“Okay, then don’t worry about it. Though just know I will also listen if you need any help. You are part of my daughters’ squad. I can’t have a mentally unstable person working with- Actually, never mind, it won’t change anything if you are stable or not. But I will still be there to listen if I have time.” I said, shaking my head.

‘Thank you.’

“Oh, and a warning for in case. Make sure you find out what sort of relationship you want with her, and not romantically related as she is already taken.” I said, not wanting Kayda killing someone innocent.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. I am 100% certain I won’t ever see her as a partner,” Apricot said with confidence.

“Well, if you say so. Still watch out to who sees you sleeping here.” I said before disappearing to the dining hall.

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