
Chapter 172: DROP THE LAWSUIT!

Chapter 172: DROP THE LAWSUIT!

However, it seemed Mr. Dawson did not want to let this matter go so easily. "Is it because of him that you decided to divorce Aidan?" The middle-aged man narrowed his eyes dangerously at Giana. "You have an affair with him?"

"An affair? With whom?" Giana asked in a slightly raised voice, seeing how her own father gave her an accusing look. "What affair do you mean?"

Giana didn\'t understand what her father was saying. It couldn\'t be that he knew about her affair with Ramon, right?

And it didn\'t even cross Giana\'s mind that her father was actually talking about Dillon. Therefore, Giana\'s frown deepened when Mr. Dawson slapped her very hard.

"Tell me!" Her father roared. His voice thundered around the room. Luckily the room was soundproof, so noises inside could not be heard by the people outside. "What is the real reason you filed for a divorce from Aidan?!"

A heavy slap on Giana\'s cheek made the woman nearly fall and crash into the table while sending all the documents on it flying to the floor. But, luckily Giana quickly regained her balance so she didn\'t end up as sorry figured as she could have imagined.

Although now her face felt hot and stinging from Mr. Dawson\'s slap, she still tried her best not to cry in front of her father.

"Drop the lawsuit immediately!" Exclaimed Mr. Dawson so angrily that almost left his whole face turn even more darker. "Stop your crazy actions!" He shouted.

On the other hand, Giana bit her lower lip and took a deep breath to muster up some courage to look at her father.

For some reason, at a time like this, Dillon\'s face flashed through her mind. The expression on his worried face for a moment before he left this room gave a little warmth to Giana\'s heart.

At least, that way Giana knew that there were still people who were really worried about her.

Because both Giana and Dillon knew that nothing would be alright as Mr. Dawson came here with such a facial expression.

Things like this could not be avoided.

Actually, Mr. Dawson was not someone who could be called as easy-going and often used violence to make his point cross. And, it could be said that this was the third time Giana had been slapped by her father in her life.

But, it was different for this one case. For once, Giana didn\'t want to back down and obey her father\'s orders blindly. She did not want to return to her false married life with Aidan again.

The thought of it alone was much scarier than facing her father now.

Therefore, with her head held high and in a firmer voice, Giana refused his order. "Never." This answer left Mr. Dawson utterly flabbergasted. "I will never drop the lawsuit."

"YOU!" Mr. Dawson\'s anger was unstoppable when he landed another slap across the cheek of his daughter. "You really dare to fight me now!"

Giana closed her eyes tightly when the second slap she received made her head dizzy, leaving her gaze all blurred.

And when she tried to bite her lip to endure the pain, Giana could feel fresh blood running down her tongue, which turned out to be from a cut on her lip.

Her father really didn\'t hold back when he hit her. He didn\'t even hesitate to use all his strength to hurt his only daughter.

"Drop the divorce suit!" Mr. Dawson shouted the same line as what he said earlier. Because that solely had been his original purpose for coming to this company. "Drop the lawsuit, or I\'ll do it myself!" The threat would really be carried out if Giana still chose to remain stubborn with her stance.

However, it seemed that this time, there was no threat that could shake Giana\'s determination to follow up this decision of hers.

"Even if father withdraws the lawsuit that I have filed, Aidan will surely file for one." Giana took a few steps back, anticipating that her father would hit her again. "Which one do you think is better? Aidan divorcing me or me divorcing him?"

Mr. Dawson squinted and looked at Giana with dangerously narrowed eyes, as if he was going to kill his own flesh and blood in the next second.

But, luckily, this was just Giana\'s imagination, because Mr. Dawson just stood there for a while before he finally decided to break this emotional silence.

"Tell me what is the reason you suddenly asked for a divorce from Aidan?" His voice no longer rose up to a few octaves high, but that didn\'t mean he wasn\'t any less scary. Precisely, Mr. Dawson seemed even more of a concern for his daughter when he was speaking quietly like this, making him look even scarier than usual.

Meanwhile, Giana did not immediately answer her father\'s question. She studied Mr. Dawson\'s face and her expression changed as she finally relented; "Because Aidan is having an affair." Gian growled softly. "He has been having an affair for a long time!"

Mr. Dawson frowned, as if trying to digest that answer, but a moment later, his response literally made Giana feel like she was losing her mind. "Maybe because you didn\'t give him an offspring."


Giana had never felt so stupid in her life, except for this one time, where she couldn\'t even properly express her emotions at the statement her father made.

So, all this time they thought; Giana has problems with her body so she can\'t give Aidan an offspring.

But, have they ever thought that the real problem came from Aidan?

In fact, there was a lot of speculation about the sudden divorce between Aidan and Giana, and one of them was because Giana had not yet conceived an heir for the two families.

For a moment that felt really really long, Giana seemed to lose her ability to speak, until a sentence escaped her lips like a hiss. "Dad, you didn\'t really say that, did you?"

Mr. Dawson did not flinch. He looked at his daughter with the same sharp eyes and gave absolutely no sign that he was sympathetic to Giana.

"Stop making things worse," Mr. Dawson said in a cold tone. He didn\'t want to know anything about what happened to Giana. What he wanted was stability in his own company, which would soon be disturbed if someone smelled the divorce suit filed by Giana.

"Making things worse?" Giana snorted and laughed. A laugh that was far from friendly or funny, a laugh that was forced and would make anyone who heard it frown, including Mr. Dawson."I have made things worse?" She asked back sarcastically.

"Stop with this childish attitude of yours." Mr. Dawson gritted his teeth tightly. He had never felt this angry with Giana because his daughter before, would always follow whatever he ordered. But apparently, that wasn\'t the case now.

Mr. Dawson would slap Giana twice to make her bow. However, today was an exception, where Giana, even after the second slap, still looked so defiant and couldn\'t be brought down.

"Then stop being this ignorance," Giana replied, making Mr. Dawson widen his eyes. "Because I won\'t obey you this time." She declared.

"GIANA!" Mr. Dawson\'s roared very loudly, at the same time, a third slap landed on Giana\'s cheek again.


Hailee, who was in a very good mood this morning when she woke up, suddenly became all gloomy after she received a call from Giana. She was very upset that the woman managed to get her cell phone number.

But, if Giana managed to get her cell phone number, that meant she could get Ramon\'s cell phone number too, right?

"Impossible," Ramon answered from the other end of the line when Hailee called him to report what happened this morning in an irritated tone. Ramon could even imagine Hailee twisting her face into one of her annoyed expressions at this moment, as if he was sitting opposite her.

"Why?" Hailee asked grumpily. Looking very dissatisfied with Ramon\'s answer.

Meanwhile, Ramon listened to Hailee babbling while inhaling the aroma of his coffee. He looked relaxed and calm, as if this didn\'t bother him at all.

"Of course it is impossible, because she will not be able to penetrate the security system on my cellphone," Ramon then explained briefly why it would not be possible for Giana to do this and also why she was able to get Hailee\'s cell phone number so easily.

On the other hand, Hailee was listening intently, occasionally pursing her lips with an unsatisfied expression. "Okay then, because I don\'t like that woman bothering you."

From across the phone, Ramon laughed. "Bothering me? Isn\'t she bothering you?" He asked in a calm voice.

"Oh, I don\'t mind if she bothers me, because I can handle her just fine. What matters is if she starts bothering you and your work," Hailee said casually, shrugging her shoulders as if she didn\'t care.

"Why?" Ramon asked in a tone full of anticipation what answer Hailee would give.

"Because if she interferes with your work, then it will also affect the income and money I receive. What if the management of your company is in chaos and it runs into a deficit?" Haileeasked worriedly as if she understood how to manage a company. "Don\'t forget, I own a few percent of your shares in your company."

The corners of Ramon\'s lips twitched and if he could turn back the time, then he would choose not to hear Hailee\'s words.

How could Hailee think like that?

"It won\'t happen." Ramon grumbled and Hailee laughed at having managed to piss this guy off.

But, she didn\'t stop there.

"I promised to meet with Ian this afternoon, at the cafe near your office, when you\'re done, pick me up, okay?"


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