
Chapter 441

Marco sighed before turning; “What is it little brother? I would like to sit and relax a bit before I enjoy the coming show.. How does it feel to know that you’ll be competing against her?”

Tidas shrugged; “Not like it’s the first time. I just wanted to inform you that I will be stopping by your office around three o’clock tomorrow. Please be there.”

Marco nodded in the positive; “What do you wish to discuss?”

Tidas narrowed his eyes on him; “Many things.. The north in particular. Don’t run away, brother.”

Marco grinned, but it didn’t reach his eyes as he replied; “I’ll be waiting for you in my office. See you at three..”

The two brothers turned their backs on each other, then went their separate ways. Tidas returned to his friends and wife while Marco sat down next to a surly-looking Karena. Draco and Sheri stood behind them a few feet back, and watched the crowds for anything amiss.

Marco honestly envied how approachable his brothers were. Lawrence was intimidating like he was, but had a humorous air about him that made him easy to get along with. Marco could stand him for certain increments of time, but Tidas was the exact opposite of his oldest brother..

Where Marco used cold calculations and logic to make decisions, Tidas often decided based on his morals, and the circumstances of the situation. The two had grown up similarly, but had focused on the different aspects to their lessons. Tidas believed in justice and people, but Marco only believed in order and logic.


It made both their father and other brother frustrated to see them only looking at one side of the coin.. ‘Neither of them will ever be a decent ruler unless they can understand balance..’

As the thought crossed Lawrence’s mind, he looked over at his father..

Magnus had been in excellent health since Skye and Tidas had left for the Highlands, which Lawrence found odd. He’d been declining for the past few years until Skye had started to treat him on a regular basis. He found it strange that his father had stayed healthy after she and Tidas had left, and wondered what the initial cause was..

‘Did she heal a long-term illness that the palace doctors couldn’t detect? I hope that his health keeps for many more years.. I don’t want to even think about what my brothers will do once he passes.. Alcon is going to go through some rough times..’

“Lawrence? Lawrence?! Did you hear me?” Shasta asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

“I’m sorry, dear. I was thinking about something that I’d rather not, so thank you for that. I’m all ears now: what did you ask?”

Shasta huffed, but let it go as she reasked; “Is throwing clothing in someone’s face a legal move in the game? I know Skye won regardless, but I just want to know.”

Lawrence shrugged; “I honestly don’t know. King Murdoc didn’t object, so I assume it was fine. As long as the Barriers weren’t obstructed, and Skye didn’t use magic: the results are the same.”

Shasta flicked her ears back in annoyance for a moment, then exhaled her frustrations out. She was in a good mood, despite the bickering they’d all done before coming to the banquet room. Karena and Marco had ruined enough of her time lately, and Shasta wanted to have a good time with Skye, and rub it in their faces.

It was a petty thought, but she was sick of their interference with her life. Karena was destroying her wedding, and Marco was putting obstacle after obstacle in front of her. If he had it his way: Shasta would stay in Alcon.

Since she was the Vice Commander of the RMC, he believed that she should remain within the kingdom’s boundaries. Lawrence argued how ridiculous it was to be separated from his wife, then Marco went for the low blow..

“It’s not like she can have a child with you, so what are you worried about? You would see her whenever you came for the Summer Games and Mage Trials. Plus whatever nonsensical holiday you decide warrants a visit. I really don’t understand your issue here.”

Lawrence started to snap at Marco for his insensitivity when their father had stepped in. Both he and Lawrence worried about the treaties that would pass to Marco when Magnus’ time came. He couldn’t tell his father, but if Marco couldn’t compromise over Shasta, then as the King of Ruscovic: he saw no future as Alcon’s ally.

‘It’s not my place to step in on another kingdom’s governmental functions, but if Marco goes down the path I see him already walking.. I hope Tidas asks for my aid before I have to step in. It’ll look bad if I invade my brother’s kingdom without another to take his place..’

As Lawrence lost himself in his thoughts again, Shasta shook her head with a small smile. It was an annoying habit that all of the MacArthur men shared, but she found it cute when Lawrence did it. She assumed that the novelty effect would wear off over time, but for now: Shasta was just enjoying herself..

The next rounds were drawn, so Magnus called out for Douglas Gallaway and Michael Felix. The crowds cheered and chanted for their favorites as the two competitors went around. The Barriers were all strong, capable men, and had finally caught in to the rhythm of the game.

They tried to knock the competitors off as they passed, but they were just as good at evading the Barriers as each other. Gallaway had a solid pace and gate as he ran along, but Felix was more cat-like in his jumping and timing. Taking special care to watch his footing.

The two had a much longer round, which worked to Skye’s favor. She wasn’t ready to play again, and wasn’t sure if she would be by the time her next turn would come..

Shasta had grabbed several mugs of mead brought by the Highlanders, and handed them out as she waited for Lawrence to come back to reality. They cheered for their first round victories, but Skye just stared into her mug. When Tidas came back from having the few words with his brother, he had immediately asked Skye what was wrong.

Skye took in a shaky breath, exhaled, then downed half of her mug’s contents before whispering; “Twas the same voice.. It was Marco..”

As confusion spread across his features, Tidas asked again; “I don’t understand, love.. What about his voice?”

Skye swallowed hard before replying shakily; “Me dreams.. The dark man.. I thought he was Richard, but it was Marco. The one who says Ima his.. He calls me his Little Lass.. And that’s what Marco just called me: Little Lass.. I’ll never forget that voice, Tidas. I don’t know why it didna click before, but it’s him..”

Anger surged within Tidas as he looked over at his brother. He was talking casually with his guards like he wasn’t a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He took a step towards him ready to snap, but Amara grabbed him by the shoulder.

“Now, now.. No need ta go makin’ a scene at a nice party like this one. Ye might make people think poorly of ya fer snappin’ at yer brother in public over yer wife’s dream.. Think it through, laddie. Dinna give him any ammo against ya fer any reason..”

Tidas loosened his posture, and nodded at Amara as he replied; “Thank you for stopping me. When you say it out loud like that, I guess I would’ve come off as a mad man.”

Amara grinned; “Always happy ta put a man in his place. Now..”

Sitting down next to Skye, Amara took her trembling hands into her before speaking in her gentlest tone; “Dinna worry yer pretty wee head about him, deary. If the worst he can do is talk smack to ya in yer dreams, then he’s no threat now. Just keep in mind that ya be surrounded by friends that are more than happy ta kill fer ya. And ya got a devoted hubby that I canna see leavin’ yer side without someone bein’ wit ya.”

Skye nodded in agreement, but still didn’t like the ominous sinking feeling in her gut. The last time she’d felt something similar was when Bibalow tried to kill her, and when the assassin she’d stopped had tried to kill Magnus, Lawrence, and supposedly Marco. She still thought that Marco had a hand in it, but the investigation had led to Meccano.

As Skye focused on calming herself, Michael Felix won his round against Douglas Gallaway. The two were friends at court, so there were no hard feelings between them. As they were received positively by the spectators, the next fight was one that many were excited to see: Tidas versus Wallace.

They had played against each other in the Highlands many times, but that was with their traits active. Wallace was usually the winner up until the final month before they went after Tidas’ uncle. Tidas had been the reining champion, much to Wallace’s dismay.

The Barriers were now completely comfortable with what their jobs were, and they looked at the two men with eagerness reflected in their demeanors. Wallace wasn’t so much their target as Tidas was. It was rare for his magic to be restrained, and a few of the Barriers thought that without the use of his trait: Tidas would be weak.

As the two men readied themselves to play, Skye dashed up to her husband’s side, and said; “I’ll choose you ta dance wit regardless, but I’d like us ta play a round together first. Havin’ our magic sealed away doesna happen often, and I wanna see which of us is stronger.”

Tidas internally sighed with relief to see his wife’s spirit up. He had seen both Amara and Murdoc speak to her, but he hadn’t heard what Murdoc said.. ‘I Really don’t like having my powers sealed.. I feel like I’m going deaf or something..’

Tidas grinned at his wife as the thought passed, and he said; “So long as you promise not to be upset when I win..”

Skye barked a sharp laugh; “Cocky, aren’t ya? Aye, I promise. As long as you say the same. I dinna want ya sulkin’ cause yer wife beats ya.”

As the crowds started to chant, Tidas kissed her cheek, then stated as he got onto the shield; “I promise not to sulk if I lose. But if I win, then you have to do something of my choosing..”

Skye quirked an eyebrow at her husband; “Like what?”

With a seductive gaze and a cocky smile, Tidas replied; “All I’ll say is that you’ll enjoy it, too, love.. You’ll see when I win..”

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