
Chapter 155

Skye was in utter shock as Zazzy growled low at the person invading her bubble. Marco’s touch was gentle and slightly soothing to her. She avidly felt an urge to lean into his hand, which was Highly unsettling to her. Confusion and desire fogged her mind at first, but then she remembered: Marco had access to Ether magic now. The princess glanced at the amulet around his neck, then pulled her cheek away with a hard stare, and a threatening growl from her dragon.

As soon as she broke contact, the befuddlement left her. Skye literally had to fight the urge to kick him as hard as she could in his groin. Warning bells rang out in her head, like they did every time she saw Marco. It hadn’t occurred to her that the danger was of.. That kind of nature. However, Tidas and Lawrence had clearly sensed it.

Keeping eye contact, Skye spoke with a curt tone; “While I appreciate the sentiment, I do not like to be touched by any man but my Husband, Prince Marco. Please refrain from doing so in the future.”

Marco smirked at Skye before he replied; “I’ll keep that in mind, dear little sister.. Now; I think it’s best if I retire to my quarters for the night. I’m sure Karena will need to be calmed after meeting the creature; she detests all things scaly and slimy.”

The Crown Prince turned slightly to glance and grin at his brothers. He nodded to them, then spoke a few pleasantries to the king before leaving. As he walked passed Skye, he stared at her as Zazzy growled again, then exited the room.

As soon as he left, all the tension in the room started to fade. Maevis knew he was trying to use magic on Skye. Like Tidas, it took everything she had not to take him out. Being the next king was only possible if he was alive, and he’d come dangerously close to not being so. From the look of him, Tidas was ready to kill his brother if he’d done anything more to his wife.

After a few moments to make sure he was gone; Lawrence removed his hand from his brother’s shoulder, looked to his father, and said, “A little warning next time you want to have All of us together.”

Magnus looked from Lawrence to Tidas as he spoke; “I shouldn’t have to warn you lads! He’s your brother and ally, and Your future king! He is your blood, how could you not get along?!”


Both Tidas and Lawrence looked at their father with dumbfounded expressions before Law rebutted; “Oh, I don’t know.. Maybe it’s the fact that he does things like raise a sword to his brother’s wife?”

“Or that he also hit on her afterwards?!” Tidas’ voice was strained as he spoke; trying to keep his anger in check.

“He was raising his sword at Zazzy, not Skye. And I don’t think he was hitting on her.. I don’t think he even knows how to do that,” Magnus replied candidly.

Tidas fumed internally as his father explained away his brother’s actions. He’d favored Marco long enough for Lawrence and Tidas to expect it, but this was utterly blatant. The brothers exchanged a look between them, then nodded at each other. It was their way of signaling to meet after the night was through. To discuss the incident and Marco.

After everyone finished their cake, Magnus had his servants bring out a very old bottle of blackberry bourbon he’d saved, and toasted to the new year. Skye finished her Yuletide story, then they chatted together about random things as they played with Zazzy. Magnus taught her a few tricks like fetch, paw, and roll over. Maevis marveled at her highly developed intelligence, considering she was only but a couple weeks old.

Lawrence was weary at first, but came around when Zazzy rubbed against him like a cat. Her horns, wings, and teeth aside; she did kind of look a little catty. She played and rolled over for belly rubs, purring and trilling the whole time. Everyone adored her; especially Magnus. The stories about dragon riders were some of his favorites growing up, and now he was playing with one.

Zazzy was affectionate and kind; ever careful with her wings and horns. Her claws were retractable, so she didn’t have to worry while playing. Skye was amazed at how she was handling herself. She planned on giving her some extra magic next time she fed her. Which, according to Peggy and Tidas, was far too often.

The journals said she’d be eating mainly regular food in her first five years, not magic. But Skye hadn’t let up on feeding her. She kept the same schedule. Feeding Zazzy either before or after her morning routine, and before or after she took her birth control. Both Peggy and Tidas thought that she was the reason Zazzy was growing so fast.. Until Skye checked the journals and found out about the survival gene dragons have.

They’d argued over it because it was also the journals that said Zazzy would consume less magic after she hatched. The conversation played out in her head as she watched the baby dragon play with everyone. She looked to Maevis as she threw a candlestick for Zazzy to fetch, and decided to get her opinion on the matter later.

The atmosphere was still a little tense, but Zazzy had mostly melted it away with her antics. Tidas was stewing slightly as he thought over his father’s response to Marco’s actions. They just didn’t make sense to him. If his father would’ve seen a courtier acting the same way with another’s wife, he would’ve chastised them publicly them for it. He knew this for a fact because he’d seen it happen before.

‘Why would he treat Marco so differently? He’s always favored him, but this; This was different.. Why would he ignore-no. Not ignore: Excuse his behavior? It’s like he can do no wrong lately.. Ha! If father only knew..’

As Tidas’ mind began to turn dark and brooding, Skye’s voice called him back; “Out your head, love.. Your place is here, with me..”

Gripping her husband’s hand lovingly; Tidas was met with his wife’s golden eyes as he snapped back. Tiny flecks of blue from her original eye color could still be seen when the light hit them. He missed her red hair and blue eyes occasionally, but Skye was still the most beautiful person in the world to him.

Cupping her cheek, Tidas leaned in to place a small, sweet kiss on Skye’s forehead. He wondered for a moment if she had any feelings of attraction towards Marco, but laughed it off instantly. He knew how much Skye loved him, and that being truthful was important to her. If any issues with their relationship ever occurred, Tidas had no doubts he’d hear about it several times.

As the evening ticked away, everyone began to break off. Magnus needed to get back to the banquet hall, and Lawrence and Tidas wished to discuss politics. Marie, Maevis, and Skye sat and chatted as Zazzy munched and played fetch. It was the most active she’d been since the day she hatched.

The baby dragon hadn’t had much time to run about before she’d been packed into a trunk. Playing was reserved for nighttime while they traveled. The snows had kept traffic in and out of the inns they’d stayed in to a minimum. Cutting down significantly on possible dragon sightings.

Skye imagined Magnus would want to take a similar approach to Zazzy as he did with the Fae: make an announcement. It most likely wouldn’t be as grand as his literal parading of Maevis during Yuletide. At least, Skye hoped not; she didn’t think Zazzy would like it.

The three women chatted away for a couple of hours until all three began to yawn. They covered various subjects like the new year celebration, Zazzy, and Marie’s most recent book. Skye and Maevis spoke of the Kringle family, but swore Marie to secrecy first. They wanted to make sure she kept it in the back of her mind not to say anything to Magnus about them.

When Maevis was about to explain what the White Stag was to the two, a knock came from the door. Since the guards that were at the door left with the king, Marie got up to answer the door. Upon opening it, a disheveled and downtrodden Peggy stood before her.

Marie welcomed the servant, then shut the door behind her. Peggy kept her eyes on the floor, too scared to see the disappointment in her bairn’s face. She’d lost the baby dragon, and wouldn’t be able to search for her properly without notifying the guards of What she was looking for. Causing a panic in the palace due to it, and endangering Zazzy in the process.

Skye noticed Peggy’s odd countenance right away. Concern covered her face as she got up from her seat, and approached her servant. Peggy looked up at her bairn, then immediately looked away; her eyes landing on Zazzy. She was smacking a wooden candlestick between her paws like a cat toy.

All of her shame turned to fury as she bellowed out; “YOU! There You Are! What the Bloody Hell were ye thinkin’ leavin’ the room?! Do ye have any idea how Worried I was?! Yer lucky yer only a babe, or I’d tan yer hide! Dragon Or Not!”

Peggy turned towards Skye; “And You! Did it not occur to ye to send someone to let me know that Zazzy was found?! I’ve been walkin’ up and down the hallways for nearly two hours!”

Skye shrinked at the harshness of Peggy’s tone. She only got mad like this when Skye had put herself in harm’s way. It hadn’t even occurred to her to let Peggy know that Zazzy was with her. As guilt began to fill her heart, a thought occurred to the princess that made her feel a little less guilty..

Skye placed her hands on her hips just like Peggy did and asked; “If she’s been missin’ this whole time, then why are ye just Now coming to me about it?”

“Peggy scoffed as she replied; “Well it’s not exactly easy to look for a baby dragon while keepin’ in a secret!”

“Ye wouldn’t have needed to go lookin’ for her at all, had ye reported her disappearance before!” Skye shot back while crossing her arms.

“Nor if ye would’ve sent someone to tell me!” Peggy nearly screamed at the princess.

Before the two could get into a yelling match, Maevis made a thin, small wall appear and separate the two bickering women. Surprised at the suddenness of it, both yelped like little lassies. Marie giggled as Maevis threatened; “If you two don’t act your ages, then I’ll bend you over Marie’s knee, and remind you of what happens to bratty children!”

Marie looked to Maevis; “Why my knee?”

“I’m a Fairy, dearie.. I may not be the size for it, but I pack the punch required,” Maevis replied as she pushed up her sleeves in a serious manner.

Peggy and Skye locked eyes as the makeshift wall disappeared back into the floor. They stared a moment, nodded, then turned towards Maevis. Zazzy came up between them, and sat on the floor where the wall had just come from. As Peggy and Skye tilted their heads down and apologized, Zazzy mimicked them.

Peggy looked down at the penitent dragon and muttered; “I’ll be expectin’ one of those as well, ye winged lizard...”

Understanding the old woman, Zazzy turned towards Peggy, bowed, then trilled at her in a softened tone. Seeing that the creature was as intelligent as she’d hoped, Peggy said, “That’ll do, dragon.. That’ll do..”

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