
Chapter 283

Afterward, Vincent spent the remaining time of the one hour looking around for any signs of hidden assassins. Kazumi helped by scouting the area with her wisp body only visible to Vincent.

Most noble properties, such as mansions, were isolated. There was a thick tall wall between the inside of the property and the outside. The closest buildings were about a couple of meters away.

However, the noble streets weren’t dangerous like the other districts because two-person soldier frequent patrols deterred crime. They would keep an eye for shady stuff or if someone was brave enough to steal from a noble.

Kazumi could see many people approaching the mansion to find out what had happened. Many nobles and their employees asked around to find out about the green light and loud noises. However, no soldier who was sent to protect the Lionheart family and anyone inside the mansion mentioned the death of Viscount Demel Blackheart.

It was confidential information. Thus the soldiers declared the wall collapsed with signs of tampering, and they were investigating the situation seriously.

Kazumi heard a few people walking alone say how the dragon gods finally listened to them. It appeared Demel Blackheart was hated by many nearby.

Vincent took one last look at the half-burnt front garden before he went to the smaller guest hall. Vincent furrowed his brows, and his conscience felt guilty of the destruction his attack left behind.

*Present time*


[I just checked our surroundings since it’s better to be safe than sorry. However, we don’t need to worry much. The soldiers are still guarding us.]

[You must be exhausted by now. So, why don’t we call it a day?]

-Yeah, an hour passed but, Lilith and Iris are still upstairs. I hope everything is fine.-

Vincent returned to the small guest hall. He saw Ester and Sakura turn their gazes on him. Ester slightly raised her hand and waved a few times before placing the hand on her lap.

As Vincent requested before he left, Ester had recently finished informing Sakura regarding their situation and who was a part of his family when she noticed Vincent enter. She stopped and raised a smile. It seemed talking for an hour with Sakura didn’t put her in a bad mood.

Iris entered the smaller guest hall and saw Vincent entering at the same time from another entrance. She went over to Vincent and informed him, “Lupa’s eyes look better after I checked on her condition multiple times. She is sleeping soundly, and I hope my treatment is enough.”

Iris looked nervous when she was talking about Lupa. It was her first time seeing someone with an eye condition, and it wasn’t a common one at that.

Iris was afraid she couldn’t help after seeing blood instead of tears, but fortunately, it was from a side effect instead of a harmful condition. Relieving the pain was enough to help Lupa, but Iris wanted to discover more herbs. Ordinary materials weren’t enough.

Iris later continued about the other two patients.

Leonis looked at Iris as if she was the last doctor in the world, while Lilith thanked Iris and worried about her mother.

However, Iris didn’t mention how nervous and scared she was in the presence of humans without knowing one of them for more than a few minutes.

Iris asked to help without any assistance because she felt she wasn’t worthy of Vincent. Iris wanted to prove herself even though she didn’t feel too confident about being surrounded by humans she didn’t know. She wanted to overcome her gray goblin trauma.

However, with one smile and a nod from Vincent, the pressure of everything resting on her shoulders started to ease. Vincent’s presence reassured her.

Iris raised her hand and fiddled with her hair while saying, “The three old humans and my future sister are still in the bedroom. The golden-haired human woman you healed looks healthier, but the old human woman needs rest.”

“Thank you for your hard work Iris. It’s good news to hear about everyone’s condition.” Vincent raised a smile and warmly said, “I don’t know what to do without you.”

Iris stopped fiddling with her hair, and her cheeks blushed. She even took one small step from the surprise his words brought up.

“I know you must be tired by now, but I will need you to use Seed Rebirth for five flowers that the soldiers are going to deliver. ” Vincent said.

Vincent approached Iris extended his hand. “Eee!” Iris squeaked when he quickly sidestepped and extended his hands, one behind her back and one behind her legs.

Vincent lifted Iris, and princesses carried her over to Ester and Sakura on the sofa. He peeked at Iris and saw the cute grayish demigoblin was covering her face.

[Iris is blushing, hehe. By why do I have a feeling Ester and Sakra want a ride as well? Their eye tell many stories, yet none will probably exit their mouths.]

-I am not an attraction in an amusement park.-

[Who knows, hehe.]

[Your new forward behavior is amusing to see. You are also taking the lead before I stimulate... I mean, help you win some love points.]

Kazumi quickly reiterated her mistake while she was having fun watching Vincent taking the lead.

Kazumi always felt like an interactive commentator, but now the main character of her romantic drama show used her comments to better himself. Thus, her input was starting to decline.

Ester moved and made some space. Then she patted the sofa to have Iris land in between her and Sakura.

Vincent gently lowered Iris on the sofa and asked, ” How did you two and the others arrive so quickly?”

“Didn’t you have to run on foot, leave the city, find those hiding, bring them back, apparently return Koss and Kass’s horses, and then rush here with the remaining three horses?” Vincent asked while mostly looking at Ester. He looked surprised while asking as if Ester flew in the air rather than ran on foot.

Iris kept hiding her face embarrassingly while Ester smiled at the frowning Vincent.

“It was all because of our impatient wolf girl. This is what happened...”

Ester revealed how Lupa managed to tame one of the three private guard’s horses with intimation and fear. It seems the impatient Lupa wanted some praise and insisted on ongoing in the city and meeting Vincent’s or Ester’s team.

Lupa showed her adventurer’s card to enter when they arrived in front of the gate. Still, the gate soldiers denied Lupa’s entry and even wanted to arrest her for interrogating. The gate guards mentioned something about looking like a shady slave trader.

Iris slightly moved her hands from her face and said she tried to remind Lupa to talk like humans do. Iris thought humans had their own unique language, similar to how she could speak the goblin tongue. However, it didn’t take long to realize how silly it sounded.

Lupa smirked and recalled how arrogant nobles talk. She could hear more and pick up many people boasting or flaunting their power. It seemed this was the special human language Iris was talking about to the naive Lupa.

Lupa smirked and puffed her chest. Lupa started by boasting how she knew what the special human language was. However, the gate guards scratched their heads while questioning what the special human language is.

“Lupa outdid herself this time, hehe. She knows how society works, hehe.” Ester chuckled uncontrollably.

Iris slowly moved her mouth and said from behind her hands, covering her blushed face, “L-Lupa said many names. T-the humans looked sacred. W-we were allowed to e-enter.”

[Yep, that’s how society works, haha.]

[Lupa must have named the Sunrise, the Lionheart, and maybe even the Blackheart families. They are families with the power, and it wouldn’t be wise to deny their entry if the boasting Lupa had connections to the nobles she named.]

[Well, who likes taking risks when their livelihood could get threatened.]

-I hope you aren’t teaching Lupa bad things or tainting her innocence when I am sleeping. –

[I’m innocent until found guilty.]

To Vincent, it meant yes.

“What about the horses? Koss and Kass’s horses weren’t with you. Did you really have time to return them, or did something happen to them?” Vincent asked to change the subject.

“L-Lupa took us to a human building with horses. W-we entered with no problems after Lupa said the name, Ben.” Iris nervously replied.

[I guess Lupa wanted to be praised for managing to do this much by herself and her confidence to succeed.]

-Let’s see if we can add one more variable to her actions.-

“Iris, how many times do you hear her say the words ‘Best Girl Lupa ‘?” Vincent asked with a smirk on his face. Ester smirked as well after Iris answered, “M-more than ten times, I think.”

Sakura didn’t get involved in this subject. However, she began to wonder what kind of woman the unconscious wolf girl proclaiming to be Best Girl multiple times was.

“Lupa has been a great help, but that can be said for you three as well. Everyone helps in their own way, and it becomes a synergy when the thoughts of protecting the other are aligned.” Vincent raised his hand and gently tussled Iris’s hair.

“We are a family now, and I will go through thick and thin for my family.” He continued.

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