
Chapter 330

As a Nation, it is our expressed intent to represent a People who provides nourishment and protection and quarter to any in need, no matter where they may be in the greater galaxy. We are a People dedicated to assisting the dispossessed and disenfranchised anywhere and everywhere they may be found.

For we are a collection of those similarly dispossessed and disenfranchised, and who once needed nourishment and protection and quarter in our individual lives. And while the Republic may stand, we will always provide such to those with greatest need and offer whatever relief we are able to provide.

As root to our cause, we declare our recognition that all within the Republic are endowed with fundamental rights, embedded within them not just through citizenship, but through their natural existence as a member of the galaxy.

Those Fundamental Rights are embedded with three Major Pillars: The Right to Freedom, the Right to Equality, and the Right to Unity. Each of the Pillars are of equal importance and weight in comparison to the other, and no Pillar is ever more important than the others.

Furthermore, every Pillar itself consists of Primary Tenets, each of which are also equally important as the other, and no Tenet has hierarchical significance or importance above the others, either within or outside of their home Pillar.

I) Right to Freedom

All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the immutable Right to Freedom. So long as they are members or citizens of the Corvus Republic, this Right can never be taken away or invalidated.

-The Freedom to Be-


All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic are wholly free to explore their individual selves, and define their identities of their own free will. All are free of oppression, stigmatization, or devaluation of their identities, and have the collective and individual power to defend themselves against such oppression, stigmatization, and devaluation.

In addition, all members and citizens of the Corvus Republic respect this right among others, even if the others in question are not members or citizens of the Corvus Republic.

Furthermore, this does not grant any members or citizens of the Corvus Republic to oppress, stigmatize, or devalue others identities, regardless of their affiliation or membership to any nation within the Hegemony of Free Peoples, or with the greater galaxy.

-The Freedom to Build-

The members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the freedom to build and shape their individual existence as they see fit. All have the right to choose a path that brings them joy and purpose in their lives, so long as their paths do not impede the paths of others.

In addition, all members and citizens of the Corvus Republic may choose to recognize this right among other denizens of the galaxy, and in doing so must respect those paths as they would their own.

Furthermore, this does not grant any member or citizen of the Corvus Republic the automatic ability to impede anyone’s path or Freedom to Build, regardless of who they are, who their affiliation is, or who they represent.

-The Freedom to Express-

The members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the absolute freedom to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions in public forums without fear of retaliation, ridicule, or repression. All are free to express themselves as they see fit, even in opposition to those who hold competing thoughts, ideas, and opinions.

In addition, all members and citizens of the Corvus Republic may choose to relegate this right to everyone they may come across, and thus extend such courtesies to all who wish to express themselves.

Furthermore, this does not grant any member or citizen of the Corvus Republic the ability to suffocate or stifle anyone’s freedom to express themselves. The galaxy is filled with myriad thoughts, ideas, and opinions, none of which can truly be seen as superior over others.

II) Right to Equality

All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the immutable Right to Equality. So long as they are members or citizens of the Corvus Republic, this Right can never be taken away or invalidated.

-Equality in Vote-

All current and living members and citizens of the Corvus Republic hold equality in their vote, where none are deemed to hold more or less importance over any others. Every member and citizen of the Corvus Republic holds the right to make their vote heard, whenever a ballot or referendum is made.

In addition, though there will be those who are appointed to positions of leadership and guidance, their voices are held as an amplification of the vote of the collective, not as an increase in potency of their individual vote.

Furthermore, no members or citizens of the Corvus Republic have the ability or the right to remove anyone’s vote, regardless of their current status, position, or temperament.

-Equality in Value-

All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic are equal in their value to all others. Though some may be appointed to positions of leadership and guidance, they still hold an equal share. All are provided the same resources and opportunities as the others, and are given an equal share regardless of contribution to the Republic itself.

In addition, this does not impede or control any other sources of value that any given member or citizen may possess. Our individual value is separate from our collective value, and all are free to increase or decrease it as they see fit, so long as they lawfully respect the Pillars and Tenets under the Articles laid here.

Furthermore, none have the capacity or ability to impede anyone else’s individual or collective value, whether or not they are members or citizens of the Corvus Republic, or are appointed leaders and guides within the Corvus Republic, or are members or citizens of the Hegemony of Free Peoples, or to anyone in the greater galaxy as a whole.

-Equality in Health-

All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have equality in health, where all have access to nutritional foodstuffs, natural or regenerative havens, life-saving medicines, and various forms of physical, emotional, and mental care.

In addition, this does not limit where any member and civilian of the Corvus Republic can go to improve or maintain their own health. More critically, they may choose to provide equality in health to any not already a member or civilian of the Corvus Republic.

Furthermore, no members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the right or ability to remove anyone’s access to the maintenance or improvement of health for themselves, for others, no matter their allegiance or affiliation.

III) Right to Unity

All members and citizens of the Corvus Republic have the immutable Right to Unity. So long as they are members or citizens of the Corvus Republic, this Right can never be taken away or invalidated.

-In Unity we Guide-

We, the members and citizens of the Corvus Republic, vow to guide each other to the best of our abilities in order to further grow. Those of us who are most experienced and trusted may be temporarily promoted to positions of leadership and guidance.

In addition, the leaders and guides have the right to work with each other to ensure that the needs and desires and goals of the Corvus Republic are met with satisfaction both collectively and individually.

Furthermore, no leaders and guides have the ability to withhold their knowledge and expertise to otherwise cause decline and despecialization within the Corvus Republic, the Hegemony of Free Peoples, or the greater galaxy. They also do not hold the ability to withhold others’ knowledge and expertise to otherwise cause decline and despecialization in anyone.

-In Unity we Defend-

We, the members and citizens of the Corvus Republic, vow that we shall defend each other, as well as defend the Pillars and Tenets laid here, with the full capacity of our physical, emotional, and mental abilities.

We vow that we shall do so with our words, our thoughts, and our actions, as peacefully or as vigorously as necessary.

In addition, we members and citizens of the Corvus Republic may choose to extend our unity of defense to those we deem necessary, such as to the Hegemony of Free Peoples, or anyone in the greater galaxy. We will especially extend our unity of defense to those dispossessed and disenfranchised, without loss of vehemence or ability or legality.

Furthermore, no member or citizen of the Corvus Republic, or any leader or guide of the Corvus Republic, has the ability or right to inhibit or interfere with any member of the Republic attempting to unify in defense.

-In Unity we Ascend-

We, the members and citizens of the Corvus Republic, exist to grow ever further, individually, collectively, and universally. We shall always extend our hands to those in need, and offer membership or citizenship to those who have no nation to speak of.

There are those dispossessed and disenfranchised. There are those forgotten and forlorn. There are those who are invalidated and incarcerated. We vow to be the solution to their woes, or at least offer some degree of relief to their lives.

In turn, our nation of humanitarians will grow further, fly higher, and bring peace to any and all who seek it. The more we grow, the more we can help. The more we help, the better the galaxy.

Furthermore, we vow to do so until the fading of the Republic itself.

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