
Chapter 607

Inside Kryzsha’s cave, her faithful stone servants could be seen going about tending to the needs of her mistress while receiving the tributes of other creatures.

Unlike her stone servants, Kryzsha’s life was much more comfortable. The colossal creature of draconic nature spends most of her time simply enjoying the attention of her servants or the fruits of her minions. Perhaps the only difference was the presence of a guest who refused to leave, Myrilla.

For a being who was usually too busy wandering the vast cosmos carrying out her duties as a Celestial, Myrilla seemed rather carefree sitting on a stone chair as she ate some of the fruit brought by the stone maidens.

Seeing the calm attitude of Myrilla, who seemed to treat this cave as her home, Kryzsha didn’t know if she felt upset or helpless about it. For Kryzsha, dealing with the ghost of the woman she loved was always a headache, one she’d rather not have to deal with.

Suddenly, as if she saw something in the distance, Myrilla turned to the southeast. After a moment, she smiled and commented. “Looks like those girls are on their way here.”

Although she would prefer to do so, Kryzsha could not pretend that she did not notice Myrilla’s presence or ignore her words. Besides, Kryzsha knew exactly who the angel of love was talking about.

With no choice but to reply, Kryzsha commented. “Was expected. Xiauyue and Fei Long had asked me for help a few weeks ago to take them to that region of the continent. Since Claire and the other Desmond women came to help those two, it was only natural that they would return to this place.”

Although she didn’t refute anything, the lazy dragon said, Myrilla took a long look at Kryzsha’s majestic form before asking a question. “I’ve been wondering for a long time, why are you helping those two?”


Kryzsha opened her pair of draconic eyes and answered without turning to face Myrilla. “I do not know what you mean.”

Despite her refusal and apparent disinterest, Myrilla persisted. “Well, you’ve never been the most active individual, so I find it strange that you’ve become so close to those two girls, going as far as to help them over the past few years. In the time we’ve known each other, you’ve never shown any interest in interacting with anyone outside your stone maidens, which is why I’m curious.”

“It’s just a whim, nothing more.” Kryzsha responded somewhat defensively.

Myrilla noted the dragon’s attitude but chose not to pursue the subject further. What Myrilla didn’t expect was for Kryzsha to take the initiative to ask her own questions. “Anyway, what is your real interest in all this, Myrilla? I don’t believe for a second that you’re taking such a long break from the battlefield just to watch a wedding. Even the angel of love would not be so capricious.”

Myrilla puffed out her small chest and began to show off as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “There, you are wrong, my dear friend. Love must be celebrated and protected as the most sacred thing in the universe. For me, there is no love too small or insignificant. Besides, it just so happened that these girls happened to be friends of Desmond, who is performing a task on my behalf, so I decided to stay and observe.”

Tired of Myrilla’s endless talk about love, Kryzsha focused on the other things the angel said. “Wait, you said Desmond is doing a task for you; that doesn’t sound like something you’d do. You tend to be annoyingly disinterested.”

Myrilla didn’t bother to hide the truth and answered. “This time, I decided to follow the example of a friend who makes many deals with mortals. To tell the truth, I didn’t plan on demanding anything when I helped him, but I needed someone to do something for me, so things ended up like this.”

All laziness seemed to disappear from Kryzsha at that moment as the self-proclaimed goddess of the mountain looked thoughtfully at the angel. “You’ve never been one to leave something to others that you can do for yourself. Where did you send Desmond, and what the hell did you ask him to do?”

Kryzsha could see concern and a grim expression on Myrilla’s face for the first time since their reunion. “The place I send him to is dangerous, but he should be fine. It’s not really a place where it’s impossible to survive or anything like that, at least not for him, but it would be a different story if it were me who went there.”

Although Kryzsha found it unheard of that there was a place Myrilla dared not go, she was not quick to contradict the angel of love. Wanting to hear more of the story, Kryzsha stared at Myrilla until the latter relented.

“The reason why I dare not go to that place is very simple; I have no power there. As you know, I am a Celestial, my existence is quite unique and special, and I abide by rigorous rules. I am just a reflection of the hundreds of aspects that made up the woman known as Myrilla before her death. As such, I see and interact with the world around me through that aspect.”

Although she understood the Celestial race, Kryzsha still listened attentively to Myrilla’s explanation. Ignoring the pain she felt at the mention of the woman she loved, Kryzsha caught some of the words of that same woman’s ghost. “Wait, what kind of world renders a Celestial like you powerless?”

Myrilla showed a smile filled with helplessness and bitterness, and she answered. “A world without love.”

Although Kryzsha already expected that answer, he’s still caught her off guard. As much as Kryzsha always teased Myrilla about the relevance of the concept of love, the dragoness was well aware that certain fundamental aspects remain unchanged around the cosmos, and among those was the emotional spectrum that made up intelligent beings.

No matter how different the concept of love might be between one intelligent species and another, it was almost impossible to find a species that did not have such emotion within itself. This applied to many other emotions and concepts, which was largely why the Celestial race was so feared. Just imagine an entire race of beings whose existences are so deeply tied to those concepts that they can draw power from them.

Kryzsha still remembered a legend she had heard a few centuries ago. Where an immense war between at least a dozen worlds was stopped dead when a certain adorable-looking angel in too-pink clothing appeared. The pink angel appeared, riding and leading a legion of dragons using nothing more than the cheesiest of all powers, the power of love.

That was how absurd and powerful existences like Myrilla were, whose power could not be measured by common sense. As long as a being had love in her heart, Myrilla would have a source of strength and influence in her heart. Of course, no one had ever expected Myrilla to take advantage of how lustful and loving the dragon race was. Even now, they act as her hunting dogs when someone angers the angel of love.

In any case, Kryzsha was well aware of the strangeness of an entire world where Myrilla was devoid of power, Unless... As if a terrifying thought suddenly occurred to her, Kryzsha looked at Myrilla with disbelief and a hint of fear. “Wait, you didn’t send him to a world in Oscuras territory, did you?”

As if finding her own words hard to believe, Kryzsha continued. “No, there is no way you would do that. That would be the same as sending that man to his death. In the first place, you couldn’t infiltrate their territory and get out alive, not after that incident you caused a couple of centuries ago. The entire chaos faction territory is on high alert against you.”

At Kryzsha’s accusations, Myrilla pursed her lips and puffed out her cheeks childishly as she responded. “You say that if I were some kind of cosmic danger.”

Feeling Kryzsha’s sarcastic glare, Myrilla dropped her childish act and answered seriously. “In any case, the Oscuras were asking for it. But no, don’t send Desmond into their territory. Like you said, I’m not even capable of doing such a thing without unleashing a full-scale war. However, the matter with Desmond does have something to do with that problematic and psychotic race; Have you ever heard of the Dark Genesis project?”

In the vast universe, few things could cause as much hatred, resentment, and revulsion as the name Dark Genesis. Dark Genesis was a topic that only maximum powers and those involved in the eternal war between order and chaos were aware of. Kryzsha was one of those powerhouses.

Unlike the rest of the people in the Martial Sovereign World, Myrilla knew who and what Kryzsha really was, so she was not surprised by the look of recognition on the dragoness’s face.

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