
Chapter 460

At first, it was just Estella, who looked at Desmond with eyes full of adoration, that little maiden of marble and metal had gotten her spark of life from Harmony and looked at Desmond as her creator, so it was understandable.

Revna and the girls in Garden were a different case altogether. Desmond pulled them out of the darkest depths of despair, but it was always with a price, a condition in mind.

The necklace that the girls wore was more than a decoration, strictly speaking, that necklace turned the Garden girls into Desmond’s slaves, that was why he was unable to understand the smile that Tania was giving him.

As if sensing Desmond’s gaze on the collar, Tania undid a couple of the uniform’s buttons, revealing more clearly the collar and part of her cleavage. Like Desmond, the Garden girls had left a lot in the past, so showing her bare skin to a man, made Tania a little embarrassed.

With a slight blush on her cheeks, Tania stroked the necklace around her neck and spoke, both to herself and to Desmond. “You know, when Master rescued us, most of us thought that the greatest mercy you could show us was to kill us. Death would be an easy outlet for our pain and it will save our benefactor from trouble. But even that was a luxury for us, who couldn’t choose our own destiny.

We were at your mercy and if you had been a monster similar to those who held us, prisoner, we could not have done anything. So, you took out these necklaces and offered us a deal.”

“I offered you a life of slavery. It doesn’t matter how much I’ve embellished it back then or all I’ve given you until now, the reality is that I made you into objects that I can dispose of at my will,” Desmond interrupted with some sternness in his tone.

Tania smiled in response, she wasn’t upset with Desmond’s interruption, quite the opposite. Ignoring the interruption, Tania continued. “Master you are too harsh on yourself and miss the most important point... You gave us a choice. You showed kindness and care to a bunch of broken and tarnished women. You who found us in a deplorable state, with our bodies covered in filth; you offered us another way. At first, I had my doubts, just like the rest of the girls, but when I saw Revna take the first step, I couldn’t stay behind; At the end that was the right decision.”


Tania paused for a brief moment, undid another button on her clothing, and began to walk over to Desmond’s seat as she continued her speech. “It is just as you said, these necklaces mark us as your property, something that you can dispose of at your will. If you wish, you could order whatever you wanted and we could not refuse. But what have you asked of us? You asked us to train to become stronger to be of use to you instead of being disposable objects. You asked us to study so that even in servitude we do not live in ignorance. You asked us to take care of each other and that when the time comes, we will be of use to you.”

At this point, Tania was already in front of Desmond, where she knelt down. “And what did you give us in return? You healed our wounded and polluted bodies. You gave us the power, knowledge, and ability to survive. You gave us a home, and you made sure we had a warm and bright place to come back to; you even gave us all kinds of little luxuries and joys. Let me ask you, Master, why did you do such a thing?”

The sincerity and intensity with which they shone in Tania’s eyes left Desmond speechless. Tania had always been like a caring older sister within Garden, but now she questioned him almost fiercely. It’s not like the question came with bad intentions or anything like that, it was just that Tania’s fervor was hard to face.

Tania allowed her Master’s silence to stretch out for a brief moment before she did something that would make all the girls in Garden gasp. Even Desmond didn’t know how to react when Tania took his hand and slipped it into her exposed cleavage.

“Tell me, Master, what is the need to treat us with such kindness? From the day we put on these necklaces, we stopped being people and became tools, so; Why do you treat us so well? If at this moment, you ask me to take off my clothes and use my body to please you, I will obey without hesitation. But you won’t do that. Not because you are repulsed by a broken woman like me; no, but because you are too kind to force me to do such a thing. You have so much power over me, over us, yet you give us more than you ask in return.”

Tania let Desmond take his hand away from her, she saw her Master looking back at her in a complicated way and thought: Master really is too nice.

Tania practically crawled over to Desmond, placing both hands on his lap, bringing her breasts closer to Desmond’s crotch, and looked up with eyes full of overflowing emotions.

“Just like you said, the manners, the formalities, the dress, and all the rest, none of that is necessary. But for us, it is something so necessary, it is our pride. Master, this is your garden, you can take any flower here and enjoy it any way you like. We are here to serve you in any way you can imagine, to make your life easier and more pleasant; we could not live with ourselves if we could not do that for our dear and kind Master.”

And there it was, that vortex of madness and obsession Desmond always saw in Revna’s eyes, though this one was less intense. Desmond had no one to blame for all of this but himself.

Desmond was forced to meet Tania’s eyes, who already had her hands on his pants buckle, she really seemed determined to “serve” him at this point. But Desmond didn’t succumb to lust no matter how strong the temptation was, he couldn’t afford it, not when Tania’s hands were shaking so badly.


Revna, who had been watching from the shadows for some time, was forced to interrupt what was happening to spare her Master a possible catastrophe. “Master, I’ve called Miss Claire and Miss Sasha, they should be here in a couple of minutes.”

Tania reacted like a cat whose tail is stepped on, she jumped up and hurried to fix her clothes. Occasionally, she would cast resentful glances at Revna and complicated glances at Desmond, who for some reason managed to keep his cool.

It’s not like Desmond wasn’t surprised by Revna’s sudden appearance, but he was already used to having his shadow looking at a lot of things she shouldn’t be looking at so he didn’t think too much about it.


“Yes, Master?”

“Why push yourself so hard when you clearly still have a hard time being that close to a man?”

Tania smiled bitterly as she realized that her Master had seen right through her. However, that bitterness vanished in a breath, and soon, her smile became infinitely beautiful and pure.

“I am Garden’s older sister, it is my responsibility to convey my sisters’ thoughts and wishes to Master.”

“I see. And if I had agreed, what would you have done?” Desmond replied.

“I would have tried with all my heart to bring pleasure and relaxation to my Master.” Tania answered without that beautiful smile leaving her face.

Desmond just couldn’t understand this woman’s logic. “Are you serious?”

Tania finished fixing her clothes and started to set the table again, preparing for lunch but not before responding. “Of course. After all, even now, the Master doesn’t fail to prove that everything I said before is true; you are too kind.”

Desmond didn’t answer anymore, he didn’t know how to do it. Tania seemed so genuinely pleased as she placed the plates on the table, she even hummed a little tune.

The world had proven to be much more complex than Desmond had ever imagined, good and evil, that black and white that had always been so difficult to separate before now seemed like an impossible puzzle. And now Desmond had to ask himself if he was the one limiting himself by holding onto ideas from the past.

Desmond was a man of constant change and evolution, he was not so rigid as to never change his thoughts and ideas, but all of that would take time. For now, he would try to accept all these emotions and devotion that Garden had offered him wholeheartedly.

With that in mind, Desmond sighed wearily and spoke to a certain group of girls who had been hiding badly ever since he started his conversation with Tania. “Since you let her sister step forward to speak for you, the least you can do is help her with this little task, don’t you think?”

Yulei, Kira, Sara, and Natalie came out of hiding looking a little embarrassed both for being spying and for what they had seen while they were doing it. However, they quickly got down to business, but not before answering Desmond’s question with glee.

“Yes, Master.”

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