
Chapter 294

Cough * Cough *

Trying to wipe the blood from his mouth, Desmond kept a stoic expression briefly before cursing in annoyance: “What a tough bastard, I guess it was the right decision not to try to have a fair fight against him.”

Taking a brief moment to adjust his breathing as he held his wounded chest Desmond estimated that he had at least a couple of broken ribs plus some internal damage, which could already be considered good enough considering the opponent he faced.

“To be honest, I don’t think you suffered enough,” Desmond commented as he looked at the still kneeling corpse of Feng Sho, showing the kind of deep contempt Desmond felt.

With his hazy eyes dripping tears of black blood, the veins all over his body swollen, his mouth full of coagulated black blood, and an expression of pain and despair on his face; Feng Sho died a horrible death.

Still, Desmond didn’t think it was enough, not after checking the corpse of Feng Sho’s latest victim, that’s why even as he saw the deplorable state in which Feng Sho’s corpse was found; Desmond didn’t feel the slightest bit of mercy.

Removing one of his from the sheath, Desmond didn′t hesitate to shake his wrist vigorously, slicing off Feng Sho’s head cleanly and catching it with his other hand as he commented sarcastically: “Well, at least I’ll put your head down to work”

Resisting the urge to beat himself up for such a bad joke, Desmond withdrew as silently as he could from Feng Sho’s residence with the head of the place’s owner in hand and decisively headed in a specific direction.


Regarding the mess he left behind, Desmond just took a couple of bulky items stored in his hunter’s book and arranged the scene to fit his plans.

Knowing exactly where he was going, Desmond soon reached the entrance to one of the most luxurious districts of the roaming cloud sect where Xiauyue and Mei were already waiting for him with some concern written on their faces.

“are you OK?” They both couldn’t help asking at the same time.

To which Desmond only nodded as he discreetly disposed of the empty container of the healing potion he had just drunk to stabilize his internal wounds and replied with a smile that only he knew how much effort it took him to put in: “What could have gone wrong? ”

But how could Xiauyue and Mei not know how difficult was what Desmond set out to do without their help, not to mention that without giving any explanation about the reasons Desmond had summoned them both to this place after asking Xiauyue to arrange a meeting with her father; the sect master.

“What are you planning to do?” Already knowing in advance that Desmond would not be sincere about the difficulties he went through, Xiauyue changed the subject in question trying to find out why he had asked to meet with her father.

But Desmond didn′t respond adequately to the question and instead, he just smiled mischievously and asked, “Do you trust me?”

What else could Xiauyue do besides give a helpless sigh? Without even bothering to reply to Desmond, Xiauyue merely led Mei and Desmond to the sect master’s hall where her father was already waiting for them.

Desmond had a hard time on the road as he tried to hide how fickle his steps were, bursts of intermittent pain continued to emanate from his chest at times but clenching his teeth and hiding his pain behind a smile Desmond continued their way.

Of course, on the inside, Desmond couldn’t stop cursing the already dead Feng Sho, who would have thought that the last blow from a dying man would be so devastating? Even Desmond underestimated the amount of internal damage he had suffered due to the fiery nature of Feng Sho’s Ki.

Maybe it was only Mei who noticed that Desmond was not as well as he wanted to pretend, although it wasn′t Desmond’s facial expression or a gesture that gave him away ... It was the aroma, the smell of blood that occasionally reached Mei that with her keen senses she not only identified that the blood belonged to Desmond but she even noticed the occasional small drops of blood dripping from Desmond’s left ankle.

However, Mei Fei Long did nothing or say anything, as concerned as she felt about Desmond’s condition, she also knew that talking about it would only hurt the pride of Desmond who cared for it more than he likes to accept.

Each with their thoughts, the trio soon reached the entrance to the sect masters hall, where Xiauyue tried to explain some of the most basic rules of etiquette when dealing with her father but her explanation was interrupted when Desmond opened the entrance doors wide and entered with an aura of arrogance and impetus.

As soon as the doors were opened, what entered everyone’s vision was a room in a traditional Chinese style with wooden floors and only a table with a tea set on it.

Across the table stood an older man in his forties, long dark hair pulled back into a ponytail, his eyes emitting a stoic glint and his sword-sharp eyebrows giving his rather handsome older face an unapproachable vibe.

Not caring at all about appearances or etiquette, Desmond didn’t even wait for the other person to speak or introduce himself as he directly sat down on the wooden floor in an unseemly manner before pulling out Feng Sho’s gruesome-looking decapitated head and he placed it on the table.

Needless to mention, Desmond’s action caught everyone off guard but unlike Xiauyue and Mei who were clearly shocked, Xiauyue’s father barely raised an eyebrow before commenting in a flat tone: “I didn′t think that the first man my daughter brought to meet him would threaten me as soon as he entered the room.”

His comment although somewhat curt still managed to make Xiauyue blush slightly as Mei put on an awkward expression. Desmond on the other hand was almost as stoic as the man in front of him as he shrugged before responding with a carefree and informal tone: “Although understandable, there are still two errors in your previous statement”

Slightly interested in this calm but disrespectful young man in front of him, Miao Taolong kept his calm expression as his body began to emanate an invisible pressure and asked, “I see, in that case; What mistakes did I make? ”

Ignoring the pressure exerted on his body, Desmond replied: “The first mistake would be to assume that I come here to meet you as your daughter’s suitor, although it is understandable given the current atmosphere of the sect and recent events... it seems your second brother cornered you pretty well ”

It was brief but Miao Taolong’s expression darkened for an instant before returning to his usual calm as he waited for Desmond to finish speaking leaving the latter quite surprised by the temperament of the man in front of him.

Knowing that it was useless to continue testing the waters, Desmond went straight to clearing up the second mistake as he stepped forward to what he hoped would be a successful negotiation: “your second mistake was to believe that this head here is a threat.”

Perhaps finding the whole scene somewhat ridiculous, Miao Taolong couldn’t help but comment with a slight notch of unfriendly tension in his voice: “Not many guests bring the decapitated head of an important member of my sect.”

But to his surprise, Desmond responded almost instantly with a mean, mocking expression: “Not many sect masters are so calm when someone brings the decapitated head of an important man to their table.”

Without even blinking at Desmond’s witty comment, Miao Taolong responded with chilling indifference: “I’m waiting... waiting for you to give me a reason not to kill you, my daughter would not bring before me an incompetent man who only knows how to provoke others and I happen to have plenty of time tonight ... do you want tea? ”

Knowing that keeping the act would get him nowhere, Desmond removed his bombast and returned to his usually serious demeanor; although the playful smile never left his lips as he replied: “I would never refuse a cup of tea, but it would not be appropriate to put it next to the excuse that I brought with me.”

Nonchalantly pointing at Feng Sho’s decapitated head while calling it an excuse, Desmond’s comment finally managed to capture the interest of the sect master; especially when Desmond proceeded to push the head away from the table and instead left what an old book and a white fruit with black vine patterns on it.

“It is fortunate that I also brought some gifts with me, otherwise I would feel like a bad guest” Desmond commented after using a strand of water mana to clean the blood on the table and make it flawless.

Seeing all the exchange happening before them between Xiauyue’s father and Desmond, both Mei and Xiauyue were unable to keep up with this strange conversation that seemed to be full of little mind games and clashes between egos.

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