
Chapter 271

“Not necessarily, the members of the blood scorpion sect are not very close to each other, but at the same time they are extremely territorial and proud so they will not take kindly the slaughter in that stone meadow; nor the trace of corpses with arrows stuck in their chests, “explained Xiauyue who had also got bored because she had nothing to do inside the cave.

A little intrigued by the way these devil sects think, Desmond couldn’t help but ask, “Are all devil sects the same? They don’t sound like the kind of place a person would go if he had a choice. ”

“That is probably the point, people who join these sects usually have no other option, most of their members are people who were expelled from other sects or some kind of criminal; although there are also those who join because they share some kind of ideal with these sects and their cultivation methods are usually faster than traditional methods.

Regarding your question, I don’t know about the rest of the diabolical sects but at least the bloody scorpion sect and the five poisons sect that are the closest demonic sects to the roaming cloud sect have this kind of mentality.” Xiauyue explained trying to time when the food was ready.

“Is the Five Poisons Sect as dangerous as the Blood Scorpion Sect?” Desmond asked somewhat interested after his scorpion hunt earlier today.

“It is difficult to say, as the name implies, the five poisons sect cultivates all kinds of lethal poisons and its members are people with whom it is very difficult to deal, but unlike the bloody scorpion sect, it does not actively seek to kill others to use them as resources and the reason why they are considered a diabolical sect is because their training in the poisonous arts alters their personality making them quite irascible.” Recalling the details he knew about the five poisons sect, Xiauyue explained how little she knew about it but the fact was that practically everyone avoided the sect five poisons if they could help it; because nobody wanted to end up poisoned without the possibility of obtaining the cure that was in the hands of these poison maniacs.

“The food is ready, it was fortunate that we found a gray mountain deer; believe me, their meat is delicious “Interrupting the conversation with a pot of venison stew in hand and a gluttonous smile on her lips; Mei wasted no time and started serving some stew for everyone.

After the first bite full of that intense and delicious flavor of deer together with the creamy texture of the stew accompanied with some wild vegetables that served to lighten the flavor; Desmond and Xiauyue had to admit that when it came to cooking none of them was Mei’s match.


It was quite a shame that the huge pot of stew prepared by Mei won’t last even fifteen minutes, one could only be rendered speechless by the trio of gluttons that ate without any regard for calorie counting.

“It hardly seems like spring, is it always so cold in these mountains?” Feeling a draft of icy air caress the back of his neck, Desmond couldn’t help but complain about it.

And it was Mei who had more experience venturing into nature who explained: “At night these mountains are always very cold, but this is nothing compared to winter, only the most powerful beasts or those with enough fur roam these mountains with the heavy snowfalls that fall every year; a human being just temp death by trying to traverse this place in the winter. ”

“Still I didn’t think it would be so cold, my Ki is not the best suited to deal with the cold” Xiauyue commented pointing to the small blue Ki flame on the tip of her finger that instead of repelling the cold seemed to attract it.

In that sense, Mei Fei Long was not better because her Ki also did little to repel the cold, so both girls directed their attention to Desmond whose abilities were not fully known by both girls.

Feeling the inquisitive gaze of the duo of beauties, one calm and the other heroic, Desmond scratched his head helplessly thinking of a solution as the campfire wasn’t doing much to keep the cave warm.

Looking at the campfire and the small embers that occasionally bounced from it, Desmond had a little idea, closing his eyes and focusing his senses on feeling the meager mana that surrounded him Desmond used his will to slowly gather the mana particles around him and he used his mana to ignite the mana around him by forming small luminescent particles of warm orange around him.

Now with his body covered by what looked like a very faint orange breeze, Desmond felt the small particles of fire mana keeping him warmly away from the cold around him, and best of all, the mana consumption was negligible; he could probably maintain this state for a whole day without exhausting himself since he was mainly using the mana supply in the atmosphere around him.

It took them a brief moment but Xiauyue and Mei soon sensed the new source of heat in the room and saw the almost imperceptible fiery glow around Desmond.

Of course, it was Mei who always used to act on impulse who ran quickly with her body huddled against Desmond like a cuddly puppy leaving both Xiauyue and Desmond with an uncomfortable look.

“It’s cold,” Mei said shyly giving Xiauyue a sideways glance, having only realized so far how intimate her actions seemed.

Seeing Mei’s face full of tenderness looking at her with puppy eyes, Xiauyue could only let out a helpless sigh and refuse to comment on it, but her silence was brief when another stream of cold wind entered the cave causing her shivers and with a shy expression and a sweet voice say: “You’re right it’s very cold”

Without saying any additional words, Xiauyue approached Desmond’s other side and hugged him with a shy tenderness that revealed how unaccustomed she was to physical displays of affection and being so close to other people, but she still managed to hug Desmond close enough to herself that her delicate arms reached out to Mei and held her affectionately.

Mei who felt Xiauyue’s slender fingers cling to her arms, directed her gaze towards Xiauyue only to see the shyness and warmth mixed in her eyes before Desmond’s almost imperceptible whisper made its way towards her: “Take the initiative”

Taking courage from Desmond’s words, Mei took Xiauyue by her hand and slowly and gently pulled Xiauyue towards her at the same time that she pushed Desmond towards the wall of the cave causing him to lean against it.

Now with Xiauyue closer to her, Mei took her very gently and tenderly in her arms and dragged Xiauyue with her to Desmond’s chest before basically forcing the trio to sit in the cave with her and Xiauyue snuggled together sitting on Desmond’s lap and laying their cute faces on his chest.

Watching the tenderness and affection shine like the most beautiful of flames in each other’s eyes, Xiauyue and Mei smiled softly as their eyes blinked more and more wearily.

With one of their hands hugging Desmond’s back and the other holding the hand of the target of their affection, Xiauyue and Mei felt that all the loneliness they had ever felt melted with all the warmth they felt right now and as if both had the same idea; They both looked up to see the face of the man who had taken the initiative to help them express their affection for each other.

Watching the pair of pampered kittens on his chest look back at him, Desmond just smiled warmly before feeling both girls use one hand to lean against his chest and watched as each of them rose with a different warm glow burning in the depths of each other eyes before both girls kissed him once more on the face.

This was the third time that they did something like this but unlike the previous times this kiss was slower and the feeling it conveyed to Desmond was much warmer.

Removing their sweet plump lips from Desmond’s face, Xiauyue and Mei looked at each other once more before burying their cute little faces on Desmond’s chest as close to each other as possible before pretending to sleep.

But Desmond still noticed how in a very discreet but affectionate way both girls kissed a couple of times on the cheeks, it was such a simple gesture but they found a way to pour so much love in which any spectator would feel their heart melt and Desmond was not The exception.

And for the first time in a long time, Desmond was able to sleep without feeling that lingering loneliness that always chilled his soul every night he spent away from the women he loved.

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