
Chapter 138

Although it was called that way, in reality, there was nothing ceremonial in the event, the only thing that happened was that a device was placed in the center of the podium with a large esper crystal on top of it; so that when a person passed in front they would place their hand on the crystal.

The truth is that as ignorant as Kyuru was on the subject, she was quite right about the nature of the ceremony, as it consisted of using the device to control the Esper crystal to inject a large amount of energy into a person’s body, and in that way empower them with an esper skill.

As for what ability said person would awaken, the military had no way of knowing because they did not understand much the very nature of the Esper energy; they had only learned some of its uses through trial and error.

As people went by, they went through the procedure and when they finished they were questioned by the military about the type of ability they had awakened; after which they were asked for a demonstration.

As expected so far, about half of the people awakened a skill after the procedure, but the vast majority of them did not possess a skill that was powerful enough or useful by military standards.

There were all kinds of abilities, some quite common like controlling the wind or fire, while there were other abilities a little more strange; But since these were highly dependent on the talent of the user even some abilities that should display great power were useless when the person wielding them had no talent.

Such was the case with the vast majority of elemental abilities since, in theory, they were the ones that should most clearly have combat potential; after all, it was hard not to say that a person who could fire flames at will was useful.

The problem was when someone had pyromancy, but the best thing he could do was light a match because that spoke a lot about the potential of the esper; it was likely that even if the military gave him vast resources, said person would end up being less effective than an assault rifle.


At the end of the day, the military looked to people that had the potential to be strategic weapons, not losers who consumed their resources to end up being useless.

As time passed, some espers gradually appeared that caught the attention of the military, the first was an elemental user who could control the earth with enough force to generate spikes of earth that could pierce a car, the second was a user of wind that could move at high speed and generate gusts of wind that could launch a person into the air.

There were even a couple of espers with reinforcement abilities, one of them had incredible strength and defense that could fight ten soldiers alone; while the other had a skill that strengthened his intellect and memory.

In the end, both were accepted by the military, the first for the combat forces while the second would be sent to the intelligence division.

But in events like this, there was always someone who stood out, it was inevitable that among the disappointments and the successful cases there would be someone extraordinary, and that was exactly what happened near the end of the ceremony.

She was a girl I did not know, about my age and beauty in her own right, she had extremely short hair for a girl, but that gave her a different charm to her appearance; In addition to her delicate features and her indifferent expression, she embodied the image of an ice princess.

When going through her awakening, a wave of energy emanated from her being visible with the naked eye, the temperature seemed to drop a couple of degrees and we could all watch as the girl’s hair went from brown to an extremely light blue color like ice.

After that it was no surprise to anyone that the girl had a rare and extremely powerful ice manipulation ability, if the earth user could destroy a car with his ability if he tried hard; this girl could destroy a school truck completely.

She just finished her display of power and the military seemed to see her as wolves would look at a sheep, some of the looks were, to be frank quite unpleasant with nefarious intentions without hiding; It was not a secret that there were cases where certain people with military power forced women of great talent to marry themselves or with relatives to increase their power or influence, they did not fear the power of women because they used to threaten them with their families.

Claire even felt a little worried about the poor girl’s situation, but there was little she could do, while Claire felt bad about what the future might hold for this girl of icy beauty; the general stepped forward causing all his soldiers to retreat.

After a few words with the girl, the general handed her what looked like an envelope with documents inside it before allowing the girl to leave; It was clear to everyone that inside the envelope was probably an incredibly favorable contract accompanied by a huge check, but it was a shame that the girl ignored everyone and she happened to observe the rest of the ceremony from the side.

Soon it was my classroom’s turn to go through the ceremony and to no one’s surprise the idiot Brayan was among the people who attracted the attention of the military with his powerful pyromancy ability; Well, although it was a fairly common ability and certainly lacked potency compared to the ice beauty of the earth user, it was also true that pyromancers had great destructive power.

After receiving a few words from the military, Brayan approached with arrogance emanating from his entire body in Claire’s direction as if he was trying to prove something, but before he even had a chance to say anything; Claire interrupted him by making a statement first:

′′ Don’t even bother, this doesn’t change anything; So save your breath and leave me alone ′′

Anger filled Brayan’s entire expression before he went into a vicious expression for a moment after which Brayan left without saying a single word, watching Brayan’s back as he left; Claire just shakes her head as she thought that this poor fool would probably end up meeting a miserable end at the hands of Desmond.

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