
Chapter 187 Chronos And Me

The second Horse Gavarel military base was not weaker than the first in the slightest.

The massive dome that surrounded it was equally massive and foreboding looking, and the weapons platforms all over it was probably greater in number.

And the bad thing was, or rather, good thing, depending on how you look at it, unlike the first base, all of its soldiers were present!

As soon as I reached the base, I picked up the resonance of at least two hundred thousand biomechs!

AND thirty five Captain grade biomechs!

AND five which were at an even higher grade!!

But impressively, I also noticed that at least ten thousand of the biomechs nearest to us were already in ruins.

It took Bruce freaking Pang thirty freaking seconds to destroy ten thousand biomechs?

Doesn\'t that mean that he could single handedly destroy the entire base with all of its occupants in ten short minutes?


I was about to open my mouth to complain to the Ancestor when my resonance told me something incredible.

Of the two hundred thousand biomechs in that particular base, a full one hundred thousand of them were… unprotected by Darkblood Energy.

I needed no second invitation.

Poof! Poof! Poof!

"WHAT THE HELL?" Bruce Pang bellowed in shock as the battalion of biomechs he was massacring suddenly disappeared around him.

"Heh heh heh." I snickered triumphantly and unleashed a thousand laser gun platforms all around me and began to unleash complete hell upon the remaining biomechs.

I had very solidly taken the lead once more!

Both of us began to shamelessly kill the remaining Horse Gavarels at a clip that could only be described as astronomically catastrophic.

But the Horse Gavarels were not without their own high level fighters.

Within seconds, the fearsome auras of five biomechs that were above normal white mechas shot out from the rear of the half ruined base towards me while thirty five normal white mecha grade biomechs converged around Bruce Pang.

It was a standard strategy when fighting against two enemies of seemingly different strengths.

Send out a bunch of weaker fighters to distract the stronger enemy while killing the weaker enemy with your full strength.

Then while the stronger enemy was distracted by your weak fighters, take him by surprise and kill him.

"Good strategy! The only problem is… you picked the wrong weaker enemy!" I shouted gleefully as I unleashed powerful drones of all shapes and sizes to impede the advance of the five beyond white mecha biomechs.

At the same time, I also unleashed one hundred exceedingly powerful gold grade rifles.

Each of them were nowhere as strong as the incredible platinum grade rifle I made earlier in the experiment. But together, they could give that rifle a run for its money in terms of sheer destructive impact.

As soon as the five biomechs appeared, all of my rifles took aim at their weak points.

The five biomechs were as large as the strongest white mechas at over a hundred meters tall.

They all had uniform black armor, and had fearsome patterns engraved on them which gave out a disheartening feeling to all that laid eyes on them.

All carried the usual Horse Gavarel weapon of twin spears, each grasped by two hands on their left and right.

The only difference was that each of the ten spears carried by the five Horse Gavarel leaders were exceedingly dangerous looking.

A strange warp of sorts covered their blades, and I had the distinct feeling that if those spears were to land direct hits on my strongest armor, they would be able to pierce it with ease.

"I won\'t let you get close enough to use them." I thought resolutely. "I will cut you all down before you get to melee rangr!!"


All of my rifles fired at almost the same time and smashed into the five biomechs with exhilarating power.


"Holy smokes! What are those biomechs made of??" I could not help but shout when the five biomechs burst out of the massive explosion almost completely unharmed.

A strange protective field that was still burning slightly shimmered around them.

"If you can resist explosives so easily, then let\'s see if you can deal with nanoparticles as well." I said determinedly.

With a thought, I changed all my rifles into the strongest particles I could create and sent them surging towards the five mechas with the intention of encasing them completely in impenetrable covering.

"If I can\'t destroy them, then maybe I can capture them instead!" I thought.

Within a split second, all five biomechs were covered by a thick layer of powerful mecha armor!

Booom! Boom!! Booom!! Booom! Boooommm!!

Loud sounds of powerful struggles could be heard from within the armor that covered the five mechas.

I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fist.


All of the armor around them suddenly collapsed upon them and sunk into every single nook and cranny.

I sent all of the nanoparticles deep into the biomechs and then with a single vicious thought, I turned them into blades and severed everything they could sever.

Tendons. Wires. Blood vessels. Connectors. Muscle fibres. Everything.

Within seconds, all movements ceased from the five Horse Gavarels.


With their deaths, somehow the Darkblood Energy protecting them dissipated and I was able to absorb them with ease!!

"Yes!!" I exulted as I felt the serious firepower of the five beyond white mecha biomechs fill me up.

Without a doubt, I was one of the strongest white mechas in existence!

I turned to look at Bruce Pang, fully expecting him to still be in the heat of battle against the thirty five biomechs.

But of course he wasn\'t.

He had killed them very, very quickly and had long gone to the rest of the base to unleash complete hell upon them.

"Too bloody fast!" I muttered as I quickly manifested as many laser guns as I could and started firing at the biomechs just outside the range of Chronos.

The battle (between Chronos and me) was on.

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