
Chapter 178 One At A Time

Without hesitation, I spread my resonance out and to my utmost pleasant surprise, I realized that in the distance all around us, we were completely surrounded by machines of sorts!!

"Oh my god! These Horse Gavarels have mechas! And they have completely surrounded us!" I cried out happily.

Bruce Pang: … …

Ancestor: … …

Although they understood why I was happy, they still found it difficult to completely digest that a piece of news which would have completely spelled their doom if they were without me, was actually awesome news which was equivalent to an endlessly hungry fat dude finding out that he was surrounded by thousands of his favorite dessert!

"I am free to unleash all my power here, right?" I asked them happily.

"Feel free to absorb and transform into anything you want." The Ancestor nodded. "Just don\'t unleash platinum grade explosions."

"Awesome!" I cried out and immediately spread my red energy out to the maximum.

"They are Biomechs." I immediately realized as soon as my resonance enveloped the first Horse Gavarel completely.

"Impressive. Just ten short years and they have managed to develop their experimental biomechs to such a degree that even allowed for mass production and deployment. We should have fought harder to suppress them in that war." Bruce Pang commented with a sigh.

"What\'s with their strange and… freaky design?" I complained lightly as my resonance continued to envelop more and more Horse Gavarels.

Their shapes were mostly like seahorses with several critical differences.

Their tails weren\'t curled forward like seahorses, but were spread out backwards like a peacock\'s fan-shaped tail.

Instead of small cute fins at their sides, they had two pairs muscular human arms that ended in at least seven fingers each. Every Horse Gavarel held two massive spears with two hands, one on each side.

Their snouts weren\'t short and stubby like seahorses too, but long and muscular like elephants.

And finally… they were huge.

The smallest among them were at least 2.5 meters tall, with the largest going up to 5 meters in size!!

All of them were half covered with armor which were impressively connected to their brains and became part of their bodies.

"Hahahahaha!" I laughed out a very cocky laughter as my red energy enveloped the final Horse Gavarel. "You dumb horseshits! I have your lives in my hands! With just a single thought, I can completely wipe all of you out!" I shouted triumphantly.

They answered with yet another volley of Black Air Beads which they released from their elephant like snouts and which shot towards me with startling speed.


Their attacks landed on me and caused another ten layers of armor to disintegrate.

"Bastards!" I shouted. "You dare attack your daddy? Die!"

With a vicious thought, I made my red energy crush each and every Horse Gavarel!



My jaw dropped.

My red energy… failed to break them down into particles!!

"What the hell? They are resistant to my red energy??" I said, completely stunned by the shocking development of events.

I had never, not even for the briefest second, ever considered that such a thing could exist.

"A counter for my red energy actually exists??" I remember thinking in horror and watching my previously rock solid dream of becoming a Mecha Emperor start to become less solid, and the once smooth and clear road towards ultimate power became shrouded in fog.

"Focus on defense, and let\'s capture one biomech." The Ancestor said coolly. "We\'ll find out what makes them resistant, and wr can develop a solution."

As a veteran of thousands of battles and many wars, having plans screwed up within seconds of executing them was something he was not only used to, but also something he was expecting.

His calm demeanor coolled me down immediately and I started to move towards the nearest biomech.

"Try and absorb those wrecks." Bruce Pang said as he pointed to several biomechs destroyed by my laser barrage earlier.

I waved my hand towards one and clenched it decisively.



The wreck disappeared with a poof and immediately a stream of grey particles surged towards me.

"Their resistance comes either from their life energy or their biomech energy. It is not their material." Bruce Pang quickly summarized.

With another wave of my hands, every single of the hundred or so biomech wreckages disappeared and surged into me, providing a much needed defensive boost.

Feeling somewhat cheered up that traditional weapons still work against them, I unleashed close to a thousand laser cannons this time, and unleashed volley after volley against the damned Horse Gavarels!

However, after a few hopeful seconds, the much anticipated sound explosions did not come.

"The damned Horse Gavarels somehow found a way to resist my laser cannon fire as well?" I exclaimed with great incredulity. "What exactly are we fighting against? Full blown mutants that can adapt on the spot??"

"The Horse Gavarels are all rounders." Bruce Pang said grimly. "They attack and defend well, they have good team work, good adaptability and most important of all, good intelligence. They have faced attacks from conventional mechas for hundreds of years. They have learned how to counter most conventional attacks. If you want to clean them up all at one shot, you\'ll need to use something that they have never experienced before, like…"

"My red energy." I finished his sentence dryly. "Which coincidentally, they are resistant to. They are insanely strong!"

"Not necessarily." The Ancestor shook his head lightly. "If the ancient chinese were to give up everytime they faced enemies hiding behind their high walls, then we won\'t have the brilliant strategems of Sun Zi."

"He is right. The thing preventing your red energy from working are the high walls behind which your enemies are hiding. What do you do now?" Bruce Pang added.

I narrowed my eyes in determination as I understood their point and let the lesson sink into my heart.

They were absolutely right, of course.

The damned Horse Gavarels had somehow very luckily found high walls to hide against my red energy.

But if I can\'t take them all down at one shot, what\'s preventing me from taking them down one at a time?

I raised my hand and pointed at one of the smallest Horse Gavarels nearby.

"Go." I said softly.

At once, all of my red energy surged towards it from every single direction.

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