
Chapter 333 320

"You keep saying Puppet, but what does that mean? Does it have to do with I can\'t disobey you?" Daisy asks.

"Indeed it does. You\'ve missed out on a lot while you were in the Gem. The humans cast a worldwide spell to call champions to their side during the Great War between the species.

The Laughing God decided that was a bit unsporting, so he altered the spell to apply to most races. Then it spread among the new generation, giving them the power of Legendary Heroes, which we now call classes. Specific abilities can let them use magic or make them significantly stronger and better in combat."

Misha smiles at her confusion and decides that it\'s OK if she hugs the bunny. "It\'s a lot to take in, but I was once living in another world until I was summoned here and given the class of Cleric. It let me use Healing Magic, which didn\'t exist in my old world, and as I used my new skills, I got stronger, just like the Heroes of Legends. A third of the world is like me now, with a class. Most were born here, but a few summons still show up every year, bringing new ideas to the world and changing it even more."

"Will I be like that? Able to use magical spells?" Daisy asks.

"I\'m not sure if you can get a class since the body you\'re in is one of my Puppets, but I can surely give you a few skills and spells. What did you dream of doing in your previous life but never got a chance to? Or what would you like to do in this one since you\'ve got a fresh start." Cain asks.

"What are my duties in this life? Am I a bed Consort again? I don\'t get what a Puppet is."

"It just means that I made your body with Magic, and I can control it. Other than orders that I give you, you\'re free to do anything but harm my allies." Cain explains.

"So, now I need to decide what to do with a mostly free life? That\'s a lot to ask of a Bunny." Daisy sighs.

"If you prefer, I can give you direct orders?" Daisy nods at Cain\'s suggestion.

"Daisy, if you could do anything, what would you do with your spare time?" Cain asks, using [Noble Command] even though it\'s unnecessary on a Puppet.

"I would sew pretty dresses all day long," Daisy answers automatically, covering her mouth and glaring at Cain.

"See how easy that was? It\'s not even a problem to achieve. I can give you the Tailoring skills of a Master Tailor and a room next to the other crafters to practice your trade."

"Will there be a quota? Who will I be serving? I\'ll get an actual indoor room, even as a commoner?" Daisy\'s confusion isn\'t fading, so Cain turns to Paige for answers.

"All Luccans, even Royalty, were considered property of the King, but didn\'t get the title of slaves, they were just commoners and potential heirs. The word Consort was reserved for those who gained enough favor to work directly for the King.

So, Daisy here was a Consort chosen to have children with the King. They were a nomadic culture on the frozen plains of the Northern Continent, so very few actual buildings existed, and most slept in large communal tents for warmth."

"Alright, I understand now. Yes, you\'ll get a room, because we have multiple houses and don\'t live as nomads. Instead, our cultures have established farms. There won\'t be a daily quota, only special requests for a specific item. For now, you can help Misha and Cyrene here make clothing for whatever functions they need. Misha also has strong Tailoring skills."

"Mistress Misha, Mistress Cyrene, it will be my honor to serve you." The bunny declares, bowing with her head to the ground. She doesn\'t even come back up when Misha keeps petting her ears.

"No need to be that formal; we\'re not Royalty. Cain is a Duke, the highest rank of non-Royal Nobility, and we are what you might call his Consorts, but as free women." Misha explains.

"Expect to have people pet your ears. Bunnies are extremely soft, and most species find it a relaxing activity." Mary laughs, seeing the bliss on Misha\'s face.

"So some things never change, do they? That\'s fine." Daisy giggles.

"We should leave the Dungeon and head home, though. It\'s getting dark, and Daisy has a lot to learn." Cain suggests, and everyone packs up their snacks while the bunny looks lost.

"Don\'t worry; we\'ll feed you once we\'re back in the Royal Residence. We\'re currently visiting with Princess Paige\'s family." Cyrene whispers, indicating which Elf she means, and Daisy smiles and nods but doesn\'t say anything.

If they attracted a lot of attention yesterday, it\'s easily doubled today. Lamia and Snake Kin have an instinctive love of bunnies just as strong as the Bunny\'s fear of being wrapped up.

Just a tiny bit of their animal nature that transferred through centuries of evolution, but it has led to very awkward relations between the two species for as long as anyone can remember. They\'re unwilling to approach and strike up a conversation today, though, not with a protective Cyrene plus Princess Paige here.

Fortunately, Daisy is good with heights, not having a problem with the rope bridges or the thick glass floor of the room. She looks extra confused by the sleeping arrangements, though. Hammocks weren\'t a thing where she came from, and the thought of everyone sleeping in the same style and size of bed broke every bit of common sense that she brought from her past life.

"It\'s too hot for a regular bed or anything else. These hammocks are perfect, and increasing the size doesn\'t increase the comfort." Cain explains with a smile for her confusion.

"Now, let\'s sleep. I am looking forward to doing that again tomorrow." Cyrene cheers, happily going through her available skill options, zoned out in the middle of the floor.

Daisy looks like she desperately wants to help the Lamia to bed, seeing how she\'s spaced out but has no idea how she might move the serpentine Warseer.

"You get used to it. She used to be blind, so she got used to just spacing out wherever she was when an interesting thought occurred to her." Misha whispers, picking up the diminutive bunny and placing her in a hammock.

"One more question. What\'s an inventory? It asks if I want to put my clothes in inventory as soon as I enter the hammock." It seems like they\'ve got more than a few things to cover tonight; sleep will have to wait.

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