
Chapter 70 (LXX) Hollow Knight

"I\'m not done yet!" Jackson shouted, spinning and kicking a panther in the face, sending it flying backward. He sliced the arm from another, then kicked it in the side, shattering its ribcage. He flipped through the air, spinning and kicking another panther in the face, breaking its snout and cheekbone.

The panthers continued to swarm him, but he persisted in evading, deflecting, and striking counterattacks with his twin moons. He continued to spin and slash, using his momentum to throw him away from the panthers\' attacks.

The panthers continued to push forward, attempting to surround him. Jackson continued to dodge, parry, and counterattack as he clashed with the Blighted Panther Knight\'s Shield.

He spun and blocked a series of attacks from the panthers, circling again and thrusting his blade into the panther\'s shoulder, tearing through its flesh and muscle. The Knight rebounded his shield against Jackson, knocking him a few steps back, and thrust with his massive spear.

Jackson spun, avoiding the attack, and kicked the Knight in the knee, sending him tumbling to the ground. He turned and kicked the Knight in the chest, sending him flying backward as another panther launched toward him. He blocked the attack with both swords, throwing the panther away in a fluid motion.

The panther roared in pain, attacking Jackson\'s exposed flank. He spun and caught the blade in his hand, pulling it back as the panther tried to pull it free. It screamed in pain as Jackson twisted the blade, ripping its skin open.

Jackson spun again, releasing the panther\'s blade as it fell from his grasp. He turned again, slicing through the panther\'s stomach as it collapsed to the ground.

The Knight landed in the dirt, groaning in pain as he quickly stood, rising to his feet and glaring at Jackson. "You\'re strong," the Knight smiled viciously. Its etherial voice was nothing louder than a harsh whisper, yet it still echoed throughout the jungle, making Jackson shudder.

Jackson nodded, taking a deep breath, preparing himself for what was coming next. He looked over his shoulders, seeing the few remaining panthers closing in on him. He glanced over his arms, sighing in relief that Amelia\'s weapons were still burning brightly, ensuring they were compatible with his power and ready for whatever might be coming next.

Jackson took a step backward, raising his swords as he prepared himself. He closed his eyes and focused his mind, drawing on his inner reserves of power. He felt this power bubbling within his body and his spirit grew more robust.

Jackson opened his eyes, looking over the charging panthers, and grinned. He took a few quick strides towards the nearest panther, lifting his swords as he ran. He slammed his scimitars into the creature\'s chest, piercing through the creature\'s hide.

The creature screeched loudly as it fell to the ground, dead before it hit the ground. Jackson turned to the others, continuing to run as fast as he could while keeping an eye on the charging panthers. He ducked under the swing of one, jumping to avoid the sweep of another, landing behind it and stabbing into its back. He jumped again, flipping and slashing at the third, cutting through its throat as it fell to the ground.

Jackson turned again, running full speed as he dodged the swings of the Knight\'s spear. He dove to the ground, sliding underneath the last creature\'s attack, slashing at the back of its leg. He rolled to his feet, sprinting past the panthers as they crashed to the ground, dead, leaving only him and the Knight.

Jackson stopped suddenly, standing tall as the Blighted Panther Knight approached. The two locked eyes, staring each other down. The panther snarled and growled, baring fangs dripping with poisonous saliva. The Knight snarled and growled, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth.

Jackson felt the pressure build within him, the energy flowing freely as he focused his mind. He breathed deeply, exhaling as he gathered his thoughts. He reached inward, focusing on the raging power within his core, feeling it start to boil its contents out. He concentrated on his spirit, pouring his willpower and determination into his body.

Jackson held his breath as he waited for the moment to arrive. He would need every ounce of strength he had to defeat this thing.

The two warriors stared at each other, neither moving. They were evenly matched, both holding their ground. The panther\'s muscles tensed as it readied itself, crouching low, poised to pounce.

Jackson\'s heart pounded in his ears as he stared the panther down. He clenched his fists, feeling the power surging through every inch of his body. His spirit burned bright, burning hotter and brighter than ever.

Jackson\'s heart beat faster as he closed his eyes, focusing his willpower and mana. He opened his mouth and let loose a bloodcurdling scream, unleashing a primal roar as he poured all of his strength into his blades.

The twin scimitars glowed with an eerie light, crackling with electricity as Jackson\'s entire body began to shake. A surge of pure white electricity flowed from each of his blades; Jackson\'s body shook violently as the electric current coursed through him, filling him with raw, unbridled strength.

Jackson gasped as he released all his pent-up frustration and anger, letting it flow through him like a torrent of seething fury. He could feel his soul burn with the sun\'s heat as the fire of his spirit consumed everything in its path as he launched himself forward.

Jackson leaped into the air, propelled by his newfound strength. He brought his scimitars down, slicing across the Knight\'s torso, carving a bloody gash along the beast\'s abdomen.

The Knight staggered backward, clutching the wound in shock. Jackson followed, spinning quickly as he brought his scimitars up, slicing deeper into the Knight\'s side. He swung again, opening a gaping hole in the Knight\'s armor.

The Knight stumbled backward, falling to the ground as it struggled to stay upright. Jackson swung again, severing the head of the Knight from its shoulders. He landed beside it, breathing heavily as he watched the life fade from the Knight\'s lifeless corpse.

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