
Chapter 51 (LI) The Jackal

"AHHCHOO!!!" Victoria exclaimed, rubbing her nose and sniffing as she lay in a medical bed covered in bandages.

"Is there a draft Ms. Snow? Would you like me to close the window?" A Flaming Dawn nurse exclaimed as she frantically rushed over, reaching out as Viktoria slapped her hands away.

"I\'m fine! Get off me!!" She shouted, causing the nurse to flinch before returning to her post as Viktoria turned her head, staring out the window.


"Okay, Khione, Return!" Jackson ordered, exiting the bathroom wearing only a towel as the kitten mewed, leaping off the bed into the air and vanishing before his tattoo regained its vibrancy; he returned the bodysuit and got dressed, leaving his hotel room and departing the massive inn.

He turned toward the plaza, heading toward the meeting\'s location with The Jackal. He passed through the main gate of the city\'s walls and stepped along the cobblestone road leading down from the castle district until he arrived at an area where many shops lined both sides of the street.

No signs indicated what kind of business these places offered, but each storefront sold random sorts of goods. One shop sold leather armor; another, swords made of steel or silver. Another place seemed to sell nothing more than foodstuffs, while another displayed various clothing for men and women alike.

He passed by all of these, heading for the stoop of a high-end residential building where Viktoria had stopped him earlier. It looked like any other apartment complex on the outside, so it wasn\'t easy to tell that this particular home belonged to one of the most notorious people in The Tower.

He knocked twice and waited. After about five minutes, the door opened slowly. Standing inside were two figures: one tall and thin, the other short and stout. They wore matching black suits—the taller man\'s suit coat open, revealing a white shirt underneath, while the shorter figure wore a long, dark gray trench coat. Both their faces bore expressions of extreme displeasure.

Jackson ignored their looks, stepping forward between them and entering the house without being invited. Once inside, they followed behind him silently. There was scarcely any furniture except for some large cushions around the floor. In front of those sat three seats facing each other across a low table.

The taller man moved first, brushing past Jackson\'s shoulder as he approached the back of the room, leaning back against the wall next to the door. The man\'s eyes never left him as the short man brushed past his shoulder, took up position opposite his friend, and knocked on the door twice.

After several seconds, someone else entered the room. This person walked up to Jackson and said, "You\'re late."

It was none other than The Jackal, Victor Dalton himself, who stood eye to eye with Jackson despite having been born decades later. His face was still young, but his body showed signs of age under his clothes.

"Sorry," Jackson replied simply, "I was held up by personal matters."

Victor nodded once, then motioned him to sit down, "So, what is your name again? I can\'t remember ever seeing you here before today."

"My name is Jackson... but everyone calls me Jax." He replied, taking a seat and sitting cross-legged on one of the cushions.

"Very well, Jax. You are aware why we have called you here today, yes?" Victor asked, turning his attention to the short man standing beside him, holding a cigar and snapping his fingers.

The short man sprang into action, pulling out a match and the lighting end of the cigar for his boss, who drew deeply, inhaling deep enough to make his chest puff outward slightly as Jackson replied to his back, "Yes, I\'m here to request passage to the Sixth Floor."

"Ah, yes, that\'s right, I remember now. Tetraktys wanted you, the \'Solo Climber\'..." Victor muttered quietly, exhaling smoke as he sat across from Jackson, glaring into his eyes.

"That\'s correct. If possible, please allow me to progress on to the sixth floor." Jackson requested politely.

"Hmmm, how interesting. Well, let me think about it. How much are you offering?" Victor asked, blowing out another cloud of smoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, if you want my help, I\'ll need something in return. What will you give me?"

"What could I possibly offer you?" Jackson wondered aloud.

"Well, you must know that The Tower has certain rules regarding visitors. As far as I am concerned, you may pass freely through the portal, but alas it\'s not up to me."

"Tribute...?" Jackson repeated.

"Yes, exactly. That means you bring things to us. Weapons, items, anything valuable. And every time you visit, you may be provided with a task to complete. Do you understand?" The Jackal explained bluntly.

"No, not really..." Jackson admitted.

"Don\'t worry about it too much, we\'ll ask you to collect something from this guy, deliver something to that guy, rough up someone who isn\'t following the rules, stuff like that!" Victor suggested, waving his hand dismissively.

"What if I decline?" Jackson inquired doubtfully.

"Then you won\'t get permission to ascend to the sixth floor. But don\'t feel bad about it. Most people refuse. Those who come back empty-handed after refusing usually regret it very quickly, but you don\'t look like that kind of guy, am I right?"

"No, sir." Jackson answered honestly.

"Good. Then there should be no problem. Now, I\'ve already heard everything from Tetraktys, so you might as well tell me yourself. Why did you decide to climb to the top of The Tower alone?"

"I thought I\'d try doing it myself. To prove that I could do it better than anyone else."


"Because I wanted to become stronger."

"Huh, sounds pretty selfish to me, but whatever, you\'re life kid." Victor shrugged, shaking his head, "What do you have for tribute?"

"Tch!" Jackson clicked his tongue, "I have credits and two basic swords, nothing else of value to offer."

"Now, I find that hard to believe! Whatever, it\'s 100k to buy a ticket." The Jackal squinted his eyes, glaring at him, smoke floating out of his mouth.

"100k!?!" Jackson exclaimed, "No Climber is going to have that kind of cash on the fifth floor!"

"Good thing you\'re not a normal Climber, now, isn\'t it?" The Jackal smirked as Jackson gritted his teeth together, handing over the credits reluctantly.

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