
Chapter 16 (XVI) Starter Kit

Jackson stepped toward the table as each of the five objects finished with a flourish of sparkling lights. He placed his hands on the edge of the surface, inspecting each object before him, all of their information appearing before him:

[Map & Compass]

[Rank: Mythic]

[Instrumental tools required to navigate through God\'s Tower. Each increase in rank provides additional points of interest on the map and accuracy of the direction and distance for the compass.]

[Would you like to unlock the map feature?]


[Climber\'s Cartridge Case]

[Rank: Mythic]

[A case filled with a dozen cartridges that contain all necessities for surviving God\'s Tower. Each increase in rank provides more cartridges that can fulfill supplemental uses.]

[Beginner Equipment Crate]

[Rank: Mythic]

[A crate containing your choice between six distinctive sets of Common ranked equipment. Each increase in rank provides additional equipment and increases the chance to grow to the next grade.]

[Would you like to open the crate?]


[Hollow Whistle]

[Rank: Mythic]

[A small whistle which, when blown, will release a supersonic sound that attracts Hollows to the noise\'s source. Each increase in rank extends the radius of the whistle.]

[Gobbii Bag]

[Rank: Mythic]

[A mysterious bag that contains its own pocket dimension within, capable of storing objects larger than it and without weighing down the user. Each increase in rank expands the pocket dimension\'s size.]

\'Yes.\' Jackson thought as the <Map & Compass> disappeared from the table, vanishing into a pale blue light. Instantaneously, a small mini-map appeared in the upper right corner of his vision.

He took the old, brown satchel he had been using for the last ten years and placed it on the table. He emptied its contents out, running his fingers over the seams sewn in after being damaged countless times.

He took a deep breath, sighing heavily at forlorn thoughts from his past before finally dropping it and turning his attention to the Gobbii Bag. He reached over and grabbed the surprisingly silky smooth black leather strap, pulling it toward him as he inspected the two sizeable red letter Xs and smile sewn into one side.

He opened it and felt disoriented as the faded red silk interior continued to descend through space until only darkness was visible. He blinked his eyes rapidly as he looked away, shaking his head.

He quickly transferred the items from his satchel into the <Gobbii Bag>, grabbing both the <Hollow Whistle> and <Climber\'s Cartridge Case> and adding them, closing the bag, placing it across his chest, underneath his coat.

He grabbed the <Beginner Equipment Crate>, pulling it toward him, \'Yes.\' He thought, clearing the window as another window appeared with six choices:

[Please select which Beginner Armor Set you would like.]

[Beginner Guardian Set]

[Beginner Slayer Set]

[Beginner Scout Set]

[Beginner Mystic Set]

[Beginner Medic Set]

[Beginner Supporter Set]

God\'s Tower classified equipment into tiers that provide boons with specific attributes that allow any Climber to grow to their maximum potential according to their distinctive personality.

Guardians wore various pieces of heavy plate armor and usually utilized a shield with their weapon of choice and specialized in taking a Hollow\'s attention allowing their allies to attack unrestricted.

Slayers wear a few pieces of chainmail and accent their equipment with plate armor and leather to maximize movement while sacrificing defense to deal as much damage to Hollows in the shortest amount of time through techniques known as Martial Artes.

Scouts wore light leather armor, allowing complete freedom of movement and utilizing the shadows and stealth to deal damage to Hollows using light or long-ranged weapons or avoiding them altogether.

Mystics wear light clothing to not restrict their connection to the elements, instead focusing on staying far away from danger and unleashing powerful magical attacks known as Mystic Artes.

Medics wear the same type of armor as Mystics; however, instead of utilizing offensive Mystic Artes, they use supportive abilities that heal their allies.

Supporters wear mostly cloth-like equipment but choose to accentuate certain pieces of any other type of armor. They also utilize Mystic Artes but are proficient enough to use some Martial Artes uniquely to boost their allies and debuff Hollows.

\'Slayer.\' Jackson thought as the window disappeared and the nails on the crate bent as the top lifted into the air and the four sides fell open. A brilliant green light flashed before him as he covered his eyes with his hand, squinting as the aura began to fade.

He looked at the set of seven pieces of equipment that lay neatly in the center of the wooden panels, clicking his tongue, \'TCH! I guess I was too greedy thinking I would get a full set of Mythic equipment right of the bat!\'

[Beginner Slayer Half-Plate]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Pauldrons]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Chainmail]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Half-Plate Gauntlets]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Plate Chainbelt]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Cuisse]

[Rank: Uncommon]



[Beginner Slayer Half-Platelegs]

[Rank: Uncommon]



\'Yes.\' Jackson thought as each piece of equipment vanished from the table. He extended his arms and legs as all his clothes disappeared from his body, his silver necklace floating erratically in the air. The chainmail wrapped around his broad chest, creating a collar around his neck, and ran down both arms.

The two gauntlets latched onto his hands, ending at his elbows and creating a guard behind them. The two pauldrons attached to his shoulders, leather straps folding underneath the chainmail and latching tightly against his chest.

A full-metal belt wrapped around his waist, chainmail unfolding behind his thighs. Two full-plate boots slid onto his feet, protecting him up to his knees as rugged leather pants covered his legs.

His two iron swords reappeared across his back, the scabbard\'s straps attaching across his chainmail, clasping together in the front.

He grabbed the visor and slid it up, huffing in annoyance as he looked around at his reduced vision when a notification appeared:

[Enable Hide Helmet Feature?]


\'YES!\' Jackson thought as it slowly melded away, disappearing from his head. He sighed in appreciation, looking at the table before him as it slowly began burning away, ashes floating on the breeze as it vanished.

\'Status.\' Jackson thought as the menu appeared, displaying his status.

[Name: Jackson]

[Age: 19]

[Race: Human]

[Power: 25(+7)]

[Perception: 22(+6)]

[Stamina: 30(+10)]

[Speed: 28(+9)]

[Instinct: 20]

[Available Points: 0]

[Martial Artes: None Registered]

[Mystic Artes: None Registered]

Power is a representation of a climber\'s physical strength. Their ability to lift increasingly heavier objects and how devastating the damage of their strikes is.

Perception is how strong a climber\'s eyesight is, allowing them to see further and discern objects easier. In combat, a climber can premeditatively anticipate an opponent\'s actions.

Stamina increases a climber\'s durability, reducing the amount of damage inflicted on them by attacks and their ability to take damage, how high their endurance is.

Speed increases how fast a climber\'s actions are, how quickly they can move, and how nimble or agile their body is.

Instinct is a comprehension of a climber\'s Martial and/or Mystic Artes. This increases their understanding while learning new Artes and how they can utilize the contents.

Jackson dismissed the screen and walked into the jungle, undeterred.

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