
Chapter 146

Lu Chen wassurprised. He didn’t think that there were so many people in the listeningroom.

He looked atWen Zhiyuan with puzzled eyes - what’s going on?

Wen Zhiyuanwiped his sweat and explained, "Teacher Lu Chen, let me introduce you.This is..."

He firstintroduced Song Xun to Lu Chen, then Wan Xingguo, the manager of the brokeragedepartment, the manager of the public relations department, and so on.

As for ZhangQiong and Zhang Shuhui, Wen Zhiyuan ignored them directly as if he didn’t see them.

Your motherhas stepped on Laozi’s face. I really thought I was pinched in mud!

Zhang Qiongwas so angry that her willow-leaf eyebrows were raised, but so many top executivesof the company were present, so she didn’t dare to have a temper.

As for the otherpeople, no matter what their thoughts were in their hearts, they were polite toLu Chen.

In the popmusic or entertainment circle, powerful songwriters are very respected. Theirstatus is no less than those star idols, of course, their fame outside thecircle is too poor.

Ordinarypeople only remember singers when they listen to songs, and basically only fewpeople pay attention to who the songwriter is.

But withinthe circle, Lu Chen’s status as a songwriter is higher than that of a singer,so even Song Xun, the deputy general manager of EMI, took the initiative toshake hands with Lu Chen with a smile.

Of course,this does not mean that they think that Lu Chen’s song for Tang Qiaoqiao was wortha high price of 250,000 yuan.

Because LuChen’s status in the entertainment industry has just been established, it wasnot stable enough.

After some smalltalk, Wan Xingguo couldn’t wait to ask, "Mr. Lu Chen, I heard that youwrote a new song for EMI?"

Lu Chen wasa little surprised and didn’t understand why the other party was so eager.

This is themusic consultant of Tianzhai Workshop, an outsider here, but Wen Zhiyuanrespects him very much.

On thesurface, Lu Chen maintained his composure. He said with a smile, "Yes, we’repreparing to do a voice test, and I’d like to ask Teacher Wan to give me someadvice."

Wan Xingguo wasn’tpolite. He immediately nodded and said: "No problem."

For Lu Chen,he is a senior in the circle and is really qualified to instruct Lu Chen.

Lu Chenturned around and said to Tang Qiaoqiao, who had a blank look on her face,"I’ll play the accompaniment tape. You try again."

Previouslyin Wen Zhiyuan’s office, Lu Chen gave Tang Qiaoqiao an analysis of the song andthe style characteristics of the song, as well as the details that need to bepaid attention to when singing.

TangQiaoqiao was talented in music, plus the song was not very difficult, so she understoodit quickly, so they went back to the listening room to practice real singing.

As the firstbusiness of the studio since they opened, Lu Chen was willing to spend sometime and energy to build his reputation in the industry.

He justdidn’t expect that there would be so many people waiting to listen to the song,and all of them were top executives of EMI.

TangQiaoqiao was even more frightened.

Lu Chen’swords woke her up and hurried to the front of the microphone, still looking alittle uneasy.

Lu Chen tookout the prepared USB flash drive, inserted it into the playback device, andpressed the play button.

The preludeof the song sounded.

The song waswritten long ago. The accompaniment was made by Lu Chen himself with a softwaresynthesizer yesterday, it was far from being good. Anyway, there is nothingwrong with using it in the voice test of Tang Qiaoqiao.

The realarrangement has to be solved by EMI itself, which was not included in thecontract.

Followingthe rhythm, Tang Qiaoqiao opened her mouth, but did not sing the lyrics.

Her faceimmediately went red!

As a singerthat came from a talent competition, Tang Qiaoqiao’s performance should nothave been so bad, but this song placed too much expectations on her, thepressure in her heart was very heavy.

And sittingin front of her, listening to the song, were a number of the company’s topexecutives, and this result to her being too nervous.

Sitting onthe edge of the listening room, Zhang Shuhui could not help but sneer.

Zhang Shuhuididn’t put Tang Qiaoqiao in her eyes, even if the latter belongs to the samegroup as her. (TN: She looked down on her.)

TangQiaoqiao actually bought a song from Lu Chen, which made her very upset - evenif this young lady didn’t want it, it was still not something that you canthink of having. Are you worthy of a 250,000 song?

So, shefollowed her aunt. She just wanted to see Tang Qiaoqiao make a fool of herself.

As a result,Tang Qiaoqiao really made a fool of herself!

Zhang Qiongdirectly laughed out loud.

Li Zhigao’s oldface wrinkled into a bitter melon, desperately giving Tang Qiaoqiao ameaningful glance, hinting the other party to calm down.

But thisactually put more pressure on Tang Qiaoqiao.

Song Xun, WanXingguo and others frowned and felt that Tang Qiaoqiao’s psychological qualitywas very poor.

Even if sucha newcomer gave her a good song, can she really hold it up?

Wen Zhiyuan’slaugh was uglier than crying!

At this criticalmoment, if Tang Qiaoqiao screws up. Where will her face go?

Lu Chenquickly noticed this and he immediately pressed the stop button.

He said toTang Qiaoqiao: "You don’t have to be nervous. This song is speciallywritten for you. You can certainly sing it well. Don’t put pressure on yourself.Sing it naturally and relax. Anyway, it is just the beginning ofpractice."

Written speciallyfor Tang Qiaoqiao?

Several ofthe company’s top executives who were in the know secretly shook their headsand even curled their lips in disdain.

Really bragging.Can Lu Chen write a good song for Tang Qiaoqiao in just two days and withoutmaking a draft?

Theyestimated that the song was either something that he has written long ago or it’sjust a temporary rushed work.

Lu Chen’sstatement is nothing more than to show that EMI has not spent money in vain.

This littletrick, in their view, is not worth mentioning at all.

But thisactually made Tang Qiaoqiao relaxed.

After all,she is not a newcomer who just came out. She used to perform well in talentcompetition. Once she calmed down, she became more natural, and she reached outto hold the microphone.

Seeing this,Lu Chen played the accompaniment again.

This time,Tang Qiaoqiao didn’t screw up and she began to sing as the accompaniment began.

"It’s alovely night to indulge in flights of fancy,

Making meunable to sleep,

Why do youalways want to run away.

If thislovesickness cannot be cured,

It’s myfault that I can’t find the antidote.

You nevergave me a sign of love,

Oh, no, I fellbefore you,

You loveless than I do,

Destined tosuffer.

Not good,the elegance is gone,


The wholeworld has heard ~.


Just thefirst part made all the people present, except Lu Chen, be visibly moved!

They are allpeople in the entertainment industry. Even if they are not professionals, theyhave basic appreciation skill of a song.

In simpleterm, they know whether the song is pleasant to listen to or have the potentialto become popular.

This newsong that Lu Chen wrote to Tang Qiaoqiao was very special. It has a cool tonestyle, with a strong personality. It is different from the ordinary love songor fast beat song, and has a heart-warming charm in it.

On first hearingit, it gives off a refreshing feeling!

What wasamazing was that Tang Qiaoqiao’s voice characteristics were revealed throughthis song, which is full of the flavor of a proud schoolgirl with a nasal voice.It contains an elf-like ethereal temperament falling into the human world.

If one insistson the shortcoming, it is that she doesn’t sing it fluently enough.

But she’sjust started practicing.


Don’t be soproud,

I could leaveat any time,

You haven’t heldmy hand yet!

Themoonlight will be cold if the night is too long,

What should Ido?

You owe me ahug,

And I smileat you again and again,

Why haven’tyou seen me ~.


TangQiaoqiao had just finished singing the chorus when Wan Xingguo slapped histhigh and shouted, "Good!"

This chorus wasvery wonderful. It has raised the level of the song fiercely; the mostwonderful part was very in place.

This song waswritten for Tang Qiaoqiao and also for tens of millions of girls in their 20s!

According toWan Xingguo’s years of experience, this work is difficult to become a big hit,but it has no problem becoming a small hit. If it is properly promoted, it willbe enough to create a new star. (TN The small hit is something I just guess asthe machine translation of it is "Xiaohong" or "little red")

Song Xun hada smile on his face. He liked the song.

AlthoughTang Qiaoqiao was still unfamiliar with singing the song, and the accompanimentwas also very rough, the beautiful melody of the work has been shown. It wasonly a matter of later arrangement and practice.

Good songsare hard to find. This song is worth buying!

Severalmanagers and supervisors looked at each other and were all speechless.

They originallycame to see someone make a fool of themselves, but instead they becamewitnesses.

To witness anewcomer stand out.

On the otherhand, Wen Zhiyuan and Li Zhigao felt as if they had returned to heaven fromhell.

EspeciallyWen Zhiyuan. He felt so comfortable.

He knew his gamblehad been a success. The money was not spent in vain, and he could still sitfirmly in his position.

As for ZhangQiong...

Wen Zhiyuanlooked at the opposite party and without surprise, he saw the latter’sastonished and ugly face.

It was as ifthree bottles of cold mineral water have been poured on him under the scorchingsun, he felt nice and cool from the top of his head to his feet.

Thedepression that originally accumulated in his heart all vanish into thin air!

If not for somany top executive present, Wen Zhiyuan really wanted to laugh and declare hisvictory.

And sittingnext to Zhang Qiong, Zhang Shuhui was in an extremely bad mood.

She squeezedher fingers hard, bit her lips, and stared at Tang Qiaoqiao, who was singingbetter and better, as if there were countless poisonous snakes in her heart.

This songwas supposed to belong to her. It should have been her standing in thatposition!

In the end,the song was unexpectedly taken away by Tang Qiaoqiao. It was really unfair!

At thismoment, Zhang Shuhui even had a bit of resentment against Zhang Qiong.

If it wasn’tfor her aunt’s strong opposition, how could she have missed this opportunity?

"...... Makingme unable to sleep, why do you always want to run away."

After shefinished singing, Tang Qiaoqiao’s face was full of confidence, and her eyeswere bright and full of joy.

Aftersinging the whole song, Tang Qiaoqiao really understood the beauty of thissong.

She lovedthe song. It was really made for her.

Being ableto get this work was undoubtedly her luck!

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Applause suddenlybroke out in the listening room.

They sawSong Xun clapping his hands with a smile on his face. He stood up and asked,"What’s the name of this song?"

TangQiaoqiao looked directly at the other party, summoned up courage and said:"So Proud, Its name is So Proud!"

Then TangQiaoqiao looked at Lu Chen.

Because hewas the one who made her so proud!


TN: Here’s a link to the song: So Proud.

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