
Chapter 25 Fight Against the Minotaur

“Come forth, Mantisant.”

As Victor said this words, the monster emerged from a smoke like darkness that had appeared before its appearance.

“Hmm, guess I’ll have to name you now then.”

As the smoke disappeared, what Victor saw wasn’t what he expected at all. The ant-like monster from before had completely transformed and now stood on two legs like a human. Its dark exoskeleton with a blue under tone in some parts would have looked very beautiful, if it wasn’t for the undead traits.

“Awesome. A complete change.”

The mantisant hadn’t lost much from its old body, though. It stood on two legs, and had four arms with wings on its back. The main arms which were the ones connected directly to the shoulder still had blades for hands, but the ones under were more normal with three ‘fingers’. As for its head, it still looked very insect-like. It was considerably taller than Victor as it stood close to 7 feet.

“From now on, you shall be called Amadon.” Victor said, and just like other times he named his legion the same feeling he felt.

“Now, I imagine your exoskeleton has become even stronger, so let’s test that.” Victor said, as he moved closer to the monster.

Casually swinging his hand sideways, Victor blasted Amadon cleanly away from where he stood into the dungeon wall. After a while, Amadon came out barely harmed. .

“Pretty good development, huh? At least a casual strike from me doesn’t damage you much this time.” Victor said while rubbing a beardless chin, as always. Though the strike looked effortless, he had put in a bit of force behind it, so the increase in defence was good. If everything went ok, then the attack should have increased as well.

“I’ll test that on the next floor.”


[Legion of the Dead]

Call forth an army of undead to do your bidding.

Level: 1

Mana cost: none

Legion: 4/5…

_ _

Arac: Level – 40

Konda: Level – 40

Gurok: Level – 40

Amadon: Level – 45


After checking the level of each monster in his legion, Victor also confirmed that he still couldn’t see more information about the individual monsters. Simultaneously, the system gave two notifications that indicated the completion of the evolution of the other monsters.

[Evolution of Arac complete]

[Evolution of Gurok complete]

[Gurok acquired a new skill]


“Hmm.” ‘Time to go to the next floor.’

Victor approached the path to the next floor, and entered immediately.

This floor wasn’t as lively as the last. There weren’t many monsters in the floor, and so far Victor was yet to meet any. After walking about for a bit, he ran into a monster that looked almost exactly like the Grey Lycan he saw on the 40th floor, only thing was this one was black.

[Black Lycan Level 50] The system indicated.


Victor, this time didn’t bother testing or waiting for the beast to show its strengths. He just went straight for the kill. One strong punch was enough to instantly kill the beast.

Maybe it was because of the zombie lord physic and his increased stats, the fact that killing level 50 creatures was so easy didn’t seem too realistic to Victor. Normally, doing something like that should be impossible unless Victor was in possession of some kind of high grade equipment, which he wasn’t, or he had some kind of skill active, which also he didn’t.

‘System, can you explain why it’s possible for me to kill creatures many levels above me?’ Victor asked, mentally.

[Your level and stats do not correspond with the norm. For example, with a strength value of 100, you might be able to go toe to toe with a creature with a strength value of 150]

[Your extremely strong physic also plays a role in increasing your overall attack and defence]

‘Isn’t that too overpowered? It makes no sense. Why is this?’

[I do not know]

Hearing the system’s answer, Victor didn’t bother pushing it. If the system had the answer, it would tell him. Even if it just didn’t want to tell him, there was no way to push it. The most important thing was that it was in his favour.

He encountered another monster that resembled a Minotaur, but was bigger. The monster held a large battle axe that reached the floor, and a shield in its right hand. Merely looking at it, Victor could tell it was a strong monster. It wore a getup like a Spartan warrior without the helmet.

[Minotaur Level 85]

Victor couldn’t tell just how strong the Minotaur would be since he had basically played with all other monsters he encountered. The minotaur was a physical oriented fighter with a tough physic, and with a level of 85, Victor was hoping it would be strong.

“Let’s try it out.” Victor said, as he walked closer to the beast of a monster.

With a resounding roar that echoed through the cave as the sound continuously bounced around the walls, the minotaur charged directly at Victor with surprising speed for its size. The speed the minotaur charged with was definitely faster than anything Victor had faced before, so it took him a little unawares, but he still dodged.

Victor didn’t respond with an attack of his own, instead he jumped to the side, creating distance between both of them.

Unlike with other monsters that looked like slow moving characters to Victor, this minotaur moved in normal speed to Victor, and he actually had to react with fast reflexes when he avoided its large axe.

Victor had many skills that he could use to end the fight in a few moves, but he wanted to test the limits of his physical body against this stronger enemy. With his eyes fixed on the minotaur, Victor extended his fingers out like claws, before relaxing them. He was ready to go, with the minotaur.

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