
Chapter 528 - His Birthright

Chapter 528 - His Birthright

With the Prince being found after remaining missing for three whole days, the entire Mansion of Roschester was in a state of celebration.

The young boy whom they had thought to have lost forever had returned to the Mansion and the happiest one of them all was the Old Butler.

He had been serving the Masters of this Mansion for the last three generations.

Prince Draco\'s maternal grandfather and uncle were the Grand Dukes in the past and soon it would be his turn to take up that position in the future.

The thought that his Little Master was hurt made him worried sick as this boy was the last of the lineage of Roschesters to rule over this mighty fief.

This incident had brought distress to him and the vassals of the Roschester family who had supported Prince Draco wholeheartedly and were ready to pledge loyalty to him.

However, the news of the blizzard and the whirlwind seeming to have solely attacked him was bringing up doubt into the minds of those who disapproved of him.

The sole reason why they had accepted Prince Draco as the next heir of the fief was the fact that he had the blood of the Roschesters coursing through his veins and that Mother Roschester had accepted him as her child.

But this news was making them waver in their decision, wondering whether they should look for someone else from the branch families to take over this important position.

Nevertheless, the Butler continued to remain silent and made sure that no one would voice out any opinions of defiance during his Little Master\'s absence.

Now he had just received word that the Little Master was on his way back to the Mansion which made him rush to make sure that everything was prepared for his return.

"Get the physician over!" He ordered the male servant next to him who acted as his assistant and the young man bowed before running away in haste.

The groups who had left three days ago in search of the Master were finally returning to the estate and he was standing in wait before the Mansion doors.

Since the location where the Prince had disappeared was far from the mansion, it would take them around forty-five minutes to reach their destination.

For the entirety of that duration, the Butler stood outside to welcome his Master.

When the carriages came to a halt before the mansion, the Butler was the one who opened the door for the Young Prince.

Prince Draco was the first to alight from the carriage but he was not alone inside it.

The Master of Ocular, Sevenz Oca was seated with him on their trip back to this place and he got off the carriage after the young prince.

However, his presence did not shock the Butler as he was already used to seeing them interacting with each other, free from the constraints of formal speech and etiquette.

Yet this was not the reason for his shock, for that was due to the creature in his Little Master\'s arms.

Vibrant blue eyes and snow-white fur were all he could see at this moment as the fur covered most of the creature\'s face and body, making it hard for him to make out its species or origin.

However, just one look at it and he was sure that this was not any ordinary creature as the aura of superiority that surrounded it was visible for everyone here to see.

Prince Draco did not have to make any special introductions as these men who had been waiting for his arrival all understood who this could be.

"Congratulations, Master!" They echoed words of praise and acclamation for finding his etcher.

The young prince was fourteen now and they had been doubtful as he had not yet found his etcher but now that worry and doubt had vanished after he succeeded in finding his fated beast.

Draco nodded without revealing much reaction to their high praises before walking into the mansion.

The Butler followed after him and they headed in the direction of the Parlor despite the Butler\'s constant requests to return to his room where the physician was already waiting for him.

Draco was now seated on the couch with his etcher on his lap while Sevenz and Tutu were on the other couch by his side.

Standing behind him was the Butler and before him were the many important men of the Roschester fief.

Some were his supporters, some were neutral about him inheriting the title of the Grand Duke and finally were the few who wished that the position would be handed over to someone else who belonged to their fief.

There were youngsters from the branch families, though not the direct bloodline, who were still children of the Roschester fief.

Those who opposed Draco wished that one of these young men would be given that position instead of the outsider who showed up only recently.

Scanning the men seated before him, Draco knew who supported him and who opposed him all too well.

They might pretend to speak words of praise in his presence but wished for his downfall so that their chosen man could become the next Grand Duke.

However, he had not cared about these matters and left them alone until now.

This changed after what he had experienced being attacked by the whirlwind.

His pride of being a Roschester was shaken due to that incident and he knew that it could be used against him at any time.

Thankfully, while he lost faith in the words that they often mentioned, calling him a child of this fief, he had found something else of much greater value.

"I know that many of you have been unhappy with my presence in this fief." The young boy began speaking after a long silence.

The men standing before him wished to voice out their opposition to what had been said but the Prince did not give them a chance to do so.

"However, never forget that I am a Roschester by birth just as much as I am a Rosenhyde." His next statement halted their intentions of interrupting him.

These words reminded them that the boy they had been acquainted with thus far was also a member of the Rosenhyde Royal family and a son of the Roschester family.

They had seen his neutral stance until now but right now, they were facing his stern gaze which made them straighten their backs.

\'What happened to him in those three days?\' Sevenz wondered as he had been observing his friend in silence from the moment they had reunited.

He knew that Draco was indifferent and mature compared to boys his age but now, he seemed to have matured even more than before.

Those emerald eyes of his were sharper and there was even a glint of oppression clear in them.

"I will become the next Grand Duke of this Kingdom, the Lord of this fief." Draco did not bother to worry about their thoughts as he declared his intentions in the matter at hand.

He did not care if the Roschester fief and its people did not accept him as their Fief Lord.

It did not matter to him if the fact that he was the sole heir left behind by the direct bloodline of the Roschester family wasn\'t enough for them to acknowledge him.

All that mattered was that he was firm in his decision and would not tolerate any defiance.

"Those opposing this decision will be defying the King\'s official decree." He reminded them about the decree which King Ophire had already made a long time ago.

King Ophire knew that his little brother did not wish to ascend to the Throne and was paving the way for Prince Fritzen.

This made the King fret for Draco\'s future circumstances.

Thus he had already come up with a plan to safeguard his brother\'s status once he reached adulthood.

Since the Roschester fief was Draco\'s maternal fief and there was no heir to rule over that land which was running with the help of an appointed proxy, the King decided that his brother would be fit for that position.

He had the blood of the Roschesters which qualified him to take over that position and he would also have the support of the King who had the final say in this matter.

Until now, Draco was unwilling to use his brother\'s name to prove that he had a backing that no one could oppose.

However, the fact that he had suffered in the cold meant that it could be used against him in the future.

He had given up on all thoughts of sitting on the Royal Throne as that position rightfully belonged to his nephew, Prince Fritzen.

But this did not mean that he was willing to remain a Prince only in name and without any worthwhile title all his life.

From the moment he had heard about his mother\'s past and her maiden family\'s current predicament where they had no heir to protect and lead them, he had decided that he would become the next Grand Duke of this fief to fill up that position.

After all, it was his birthright as his mother\'s elder brother had died unmarried and childless which meant that only Draco was next in line to inherit the title and the fief.

Therefore, he had called these men into the Parlor to state his stance in the matter concerning the succession of the title of Grand Duke of Roschester.

"You should already be aware of what happens to those who oppose the Royal Decree." Draco continued his speech, uttering those threatening words in a whisper but those same words echoed in everyone\'s ears.

Of course, they were aware of what happens if one were to defy the royal decree.

Treason would be the crime they would be charged with and the only punishment for treason was death.

If they wished to go against the Prince and his decision to become the Grand Duke then they should be willing to go against the Royal Throne of their Kingdom and be prepared to face their deaths.

Prince Draco was not giving them any option other than to just be loyal and follow him which would be in everyone\'s favor.

Two years from now, he would inherit the title of the Grand Duke from his brother on the day of his eighteenth birthday.

Once that was accomplished, he would make sure to unify the fief under his control but until then he would be making use of the Royal decree which was in his favor.

"I will be returning to Amarthea soon but do not forget the conversation we just had." He reminded them as he rose from his seat, walking out without waiting to see their reactions.

He had called it a conversation but the only one who had spoken from beginning to end was Prince Draco.

The rest could only stand still and listen, paying attention to the young boy who would undoubtedly become their leader and Lord in the future.

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