
Chapter 96: Celestial Pig

Chapter 96: Celestial Pig

Jiang Hanbing felt embarrassed once she believed in Su Ping’s identity because she had been too impolite. After offering an apology, she paid for a specialized training session without a second thought.

A million for a pet as powerful as the famous Lightning Rat was a nice trade. She had no reason to think otherwise.

She wasn’t sure if this was enough for her to surpass Su Yanying since there wouldn’t be any competitions any time soon. However, she could use her trained pet to rapidly gain experience in Class C barren areas so she could become an official settler soon. This way, she would have something good to talk about during future reunion parties.

Her eyes brimmed with happiness when she thought her dream was almost within reach.

Su Ping nodded upon receiving the payment confirmation. The pay was good, but the responsibility that came with it was also pretty serious, so he didn’t feel too happy since he might fail the mission if he wasn’t careful enough.

“A month... I have time to make careful plans. Now, summon your pet,” he told Jiang Hanbing.

Jiang Hanbing nodded and used her astral power to open her pet space; a pink, round-bodied piglet stumbled out.

This was a third-rank, poison-type Celestial Pig. Just like ordinary Lightning Rats, they usually stayed at the same rank in their entire lives, with the exception of rare cases that might evolve into Venom Veilers, which were of the fifth rank.

This thing was almost useless in battles, though Jiang Hanbing kept it with her because they had spent years together. Besides, Jiang Hanbing loved its adorable look. Unlike actual pigs or most Astral Pets, this small creature didn’t shed or leave odors all over the place. Instead, it always carried a mild and pleasant smell.

When threatened, however, the smell would turn into deadly poison.


The pig quickly stumbled on all fours and braced itself in front of the only potential enemy in the room, which was Su Ping.

As soon as it received Jiang Hanbing’s order to stand back, it slumped back down, scratched its neck with a pointy toe, and looked around the shop curiously with a pair of black and beady eyes.

Su Ping briefly checked the pig and found his mission to be doable.

“The session will take a month.” He looked at Jiang Hanbing again. “Come again by then.”

“Only a month?”

As the pig’s master, she knew its condition better than anyone. She had spent a lot of effort training it, which only allowed it to become slightly stronger compared to others of its kind. It was quite impossible for the pig to confront enemies of the same rank. In the worst cases, an enemy with poison resistance would easily destroy the creature.

As they agreed, Su Ping had to improve the pig until it could fight off seventh-rank Astral Pets within a month. This was conceivable!

There were other master trainers out there who might be able to succeed, but only by spending half a year or more. She wondered if Su Ping got the time wrong.

“I’ll take it from here. Just remember the time,” Su Ping reassured her.

She chose to believe in Su Ping’s confident attitude, while trying not to show her excitement. It would be fine if Su Ping was being overly optimistic, and that she needed to wait a few more days. But that was acceptable as long as her pig became stronger.

“Thank you, Mister—I mean, Professor!”

“You can stick to ‘Mister’ while in this shop.”

“Of course!”

If any of Jiang Hanbing’s classmates would have seen her unusually obedient character, their jaws would have hit the floor indeed.

“Do you have more pets to train? Just a reminder, those below middle-rank only cost a hundred thousand.” Su Ping still preferred to secure more income if he could manage.

Jiang Hanbing blushed. “I don’t have enough money on me. Sorry...”

A million was what she could pay without affecting her lifestyle. Any more and she would have to survive on cheap bread and cup noodles.

Su Ping shook his head. Damn, another bankrupt. She’s good though. You don’t find many families who give their children so much pocket money.

“What about pet food?” Su Ping tried.

Jiang Hanbing flinched after checking the nearest shelf. “Uh, maybe next time.”

Why does everyone act as if I’m trying to ransack them? Su Ping complained in his mind, before saying, “I’ll leave you to your business then.”

Jiang Hanbing found it strange that Su Ping was so impatient to an important customer who had just spent a million at the shop, although she wasn’t going to say anything about it. After bidding farewell to her pet, she turned away and left.

Su Ping bought a temporary contract from the system store and used it on the Celestial Pig immediately, so the critter didn’t do anything unnecessary when he wasn’t looking.

“Come here. Ohh, you feel so soft!” He carried the pig to the pet room and placed it inside a nursing pen.

He might need some time to select a proper cultivation plane. He returned to the shop’s counter to check through the list of planes. This way, he wouldn’t overlook any customers. The others could not see his “system window” anyway.

“This is the place?” someone uttered while walking through the door.

Su Ping canceled the window and saw two girls with short bodies enter the store.

Upon reaching the counter, one of the girls with a round face spoke to him first, “Is this the Pixie Pet Store? That special Lightning Rat was raised here, right?”

Must be more students who saw the flyers, Su Ping thought.

“That’s right. Both of you want your pets trained?”

The same girl seemed happy about the response but was interrupted by her partner, who was tugging at her sleeve while pointing at the shelves.

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