
Chapter 42

Orlando, Karsuda province’s capital.

While Jake’s cult plan was going great, Alex was sitting inside the city’s adventurer’s guild house surrounded by at least ten people.

He had sold everything he had – his properties in Orlando, his years of saving as an adventurer, and his backup gear. All to buy mana crystals. He had even called all his friends and begged them.

Now he had 89 high-grade mana crystals. However, he knew that wasn’t enough. The demon had told him to bring at least 100.

So, Alex was here at the adventurer’s guild to make rich adventurers join his quest. However, the people surrounding him were no higher than E-Rank.

”You mean to say that your friends are trapped in that new dungeon?” One adventurer asked. He was a bald fellow wearing old iron-plate armor.

”Which one?” A new guy asked.

”The one we heard about a month ago… It’s in Redwoods, ain’t it?”

The people chattered as Alex held his head with his hands, looking distressed. When they quieted down a little, he said, ”I have also issued a quest if anyone wants to look. There is a treasure in the place where my friends are trapped but it requires a lot of mana crystals. If you guys help me out, our Red Eagles party will owe you the rewards of a D-Rank quest.”

What Alex was saying was of course false. He even ommitted the part about there being a terrifying demon in the dungeon who could easily defeat E-Rank Adventurers.

”Aye lad, I’ll help you.” The bald fellow from earlier couldn’t see a bright young man in such a state.

With Gilter, the guild house’s number one alcoholic agreeing, quite a few decided to look at what type of quest this mage had issued.

Among them, one lone beastkin adventurer of the cat race looked at the quest board. She was new to a big city like Orlando.

Leaving her tribe after turning 16, she was required to mingle with humans and come back four years later. If she didn’t have any accomplishments, she would be kicked out of the tribe.

That was how her cat shifter tribe worked and every member went through this. Amelia Vornenstien chose to be an adventurer. This job of saving trapped adventurers paid well, 20 mid-grade mana crystals…

”Interested?” She heard a voice and turning around, she saw a beautiful and busty woman who looked to be in her early twenties.

The woman was wearing yellowish-green clothes and holding a long magic staff. She had a regal aura about her. Her blonde hair, clear green eyes, pointy nose and ears stood out among the crowd. Her presence drew everyone’s attention, and they couldn’t help gulp seeing the yellow badge on her oversized chest.

An elf and a C-Rank adventurer at that!

”Who are you?” Unlike others, Amelia was not deterred at all. As a beastkin, she was straightforward and brave.

”My name is Irene, nice to meet you.” The busty elf stretched her hands out and said, ”Let’s complete this quest together.”

Alex noticed that and thought he might die any second now. That demon had told him to not bring any high-ranking adventurers or the worm will eat him. However, even after minutes passed, nothing happened.

Alex realized that he hadn’t explicitly invited that elvish adventurer. She had volunteered herself, so that didn’t count.

He stood up from his seat and met with Irene who spoke extremely slowly. Her every word seemed to hold more than one meaning. When Alex asked her why she wanted to take this quest, she just replied that she was interested in the treasure inside the dungeon’s trap.

As a 3rd Circle mage, Irene had quite a few mana crystals to spare. She wasn’t scared of losing mana crystals, because from her experience she had learned one thing. Where there is a greater loss, there is a greater reward as well.

With a C-Rank adventurer joining, some D-Rankers joined as well.

The topic of the new dungeon has been going around in Orlando for a while. As it had been more than a month, veteran adventurers thought it was time to give it a try.

Rather than letting the count’s knights loot the dungeon’s resources in the name of saving the surrounding villages, they should clear it out themselves.

A party of 20 adventurers was formed and leading them was Irene, of course. They made a plan to head out tomorrow morning for Redwoods which was 3 days away from here.

Alex was speechless for a while before a joyous smile appeared on his face. He had thought about sacrificing others to save his teammates. But now, it was possible to kill that demon!

However, Alex didn’t know how much the dungeon was going to change in just four days…

Outside the dungeon, Father Noah met with Ashley who was back to being prim and proper. She was wearing her white maiden robes and standing beside Jake who didn’t bother to change his appearance now.

”The holy rite is over, you may take her.” Jake pushed Ashley who walked forward with wobbly steps.

”Praise the Lord!” the priest recited and looked at the girl.

Ashley also touched her shoulders and her face where dark marks flickered for a second. She then opened her mouth and said, ”Praise daddy!”

Jake chuckled as even the Dark Priest looked confused. He had corrupted Ashley but her daddy syndrome didn’t go away. He let her be.

”I shall bring more maidens tomorrow, my Lord.” Noah bowed and turned around after Jake permitted.

Ashley left while muttering ‘daddy’ to herself. She was a special case whom Jake planned to take. However, she had to present herself to the villagers first or his plan would fail.

He knew Alex would bring adventurers and the villagers should continue their daily lives normally for the time being.

At the fifth floor, Jake sat in the middle of an Orc settlement. On his chair, his legs being massaged by muscular orc women.

He would’ve fucked them but uh… their physiques weren’t to his liking. They were better as massage servants rather than bed servants.

Jake crossed his legs and adjusted his sitting position. He had gotten exactly 3887 points from Ashley, a huge number because he took her virginity, anal and everything else at once.

500 extra points were given out from the Sin of Greed for this. It wasn’t much, but as long as he stole the virginity of more village girls, the number would increase.

The priests from other villages were slow and didn’t bring anyone today. If they delayed further, Jake would have to go there himself.

Currently, he was thinking what to do with these points. Should he buy defense items for the dungeon? Maybe mana crystals? How about increasing his attributes?

‘I’ll just store it for now and stack points to buy something big.’ Jake decided.

He then stood up from his chair and headed back to the seventh floor, where he had fun with Rose and Elena again.

The very next day, Lena informed him of humans outside the dungeon. All three Dark Priests had brought their ‘pure maidens.’

Six girls at once… His point farming was just starting.

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