
Chapter 174 - A Bloodless Victory

Chapter 174 – A Bloodless Victory

“W-What did you just say? Duke Garvit and several nobles have appointed that brat Razcion as emperor? And all of the nobles have received a Vow of Loyalty Letter stamped with the Imperial Seal?”

Despite the Empire being in an extremely precarious state, Poltviran refused to leave the embrace of his concubines. However, after receiving an urgent report, he showed up looking dishevelled in the throne room, not even wearing the emperor’s attire. Then, he rained a barrage of questions on Silveron.

“I-It is so, Your Majesty. As unfathomable as it may be, Duke Garvit and the prominent nobles of the North, as well as several regional lords, have committed treason. Here is the Vow of Loyalty Letter.”

Silveron had been appointed authority by the Emperor, but that only applied as long as the Emperor wasn’t around. When Poltviran appeared and fixed his mad eyes on Silveron, the Marquis quickly handed over the Vow of Loyalty Letter.

“We wish to dethrone the current emperor, the diabolical Poltviran who has put a stain on the history of the Bajran Empire and overturned the will of the First Emperor… and appoint the legitimate Prince Razcion as emperor. This seal is proof that this was the final will of the late Emperor, His Majesty Emperor Havitron. Henceforth… it is our wish that the nobles offer their undying vow of l-loyalty to His Majesty Emperor Razcion. Those who defy this wish shall… be branded with the crime of treason… along with the dethroned… Emperor Poltviran! KUAAAAAAAGHHHH!”

The voice of an enraged ogre probably sounded similar to Poltviran right now. The Vow of Loyalty Letter trembled in his hand as he read it, his rage hitting its peak.



Poltviran ripped up the letter clearly stamped with the Imperial Seal used by the Emperor of the Bajran Empire. The whites of his eyes could be seen. The letter had tipped the already mentally ill man who lived in a crazed jumble of lust into true madness.

The nobles and Imperial Knights gathered in the councilroom turned pale. An already rabid dog was enraged, so there was no knowing what it would do. Everyone made themselves small.

“All of you, hear me! Assemble my loyal Skyknights at once! I will personally strike down Duke Garvit and the other traitors trying to support that blot on the honor of the Imperial Family, Razcion, to the position of emperor!”

The roar of a crazy lion echoed in the throne room.

“B-By thy Imperial Mandate!”

The nobles bowed in unison. However, all of them knew that Poltviran would not be able to do as he wanted. The Emperor was still in the dark about a certain fact that Silveron had not yet reported: that the two bastions protecting the capital, Pepeon Marquis Castle and Fort Halberk, had fallen. Moreover, countless Bajran Skyknights gathered in the capital had fled with their lords, so there were fewer than 200 Skyknights still left in the Imperial City.

It was also questionable how many Skyknights would assemble at Poltviran’s command. The Imperial Seal that proved an emperor’s legitimacy had made an appearance, and the only duke in the Empire who still held power, Duke Garvit, had revealed that he was acting in accordance with the dying will of the late Emperor.

Now, all that Poltviran had was the outwardly attractive, but empty title of Emperor. The people in the current capital who sincerely served him could be counted on one hand.

* * *

‘I’m finally returning to the capital.’

It felt like the late Emperor Havitron’s birthday celebration happened just yesterday, but nearly one year had already passed. And in that one year, the empire was turned upside down.


We were on the way to the capital. Igis, who was unquestioningly following my non-standard way of doing things, was flying next to me on her Black Wyvern.

‘The Empire’s become a real mess.’

Stacking up a building was difficult, but toppling it took but a moment. Bajran put up its signboard as an empire and started business hundreds of years ago, but the actions of one person had reduced it to a playground of neighborhood hooligans. The two kingdoms that burned themselves touching the hot stove that was the Empire were another example. I heard that Crown Prince Veyons, the successor of the Krantz Kingdom’s late king, had perished bravely in the recent battle from my Greater Air Boom. The Kuviran Kingdom would also have a hard time maintaining their sovereignty. They would definitely have to save and work to the bone for the next few decades to regain the wyvern numbers they lost.

‘By now, that rabid dog is definitely hopping up and down with rage… I wonder if there are any knights that’ll follow him.’

While I was in Duke Garvit’s company, I was able to obtain news that flew in from all over the Kallian Continent. I learned that the Laviter Empire was strangely quiet these days, that the Tove Kingdom had invaded the Onsk Kingdom with the Kerpe Kingdom’s implicit approval, and even the news that the Andain and Kerpe Kingdom Coalition were advancing towards the Bajran capital after seizing Fort Halberk. I also heard that Poltviran, that addled loon on the throne, was preparing to personally accompany Skyknights to strike down Duke Garvit.

‘The news came when we were leaving Ant Castle, so it should be about time for us to meet, but I don’t see him.’

We obtained the information at the castle of Viscount Ant, located between Garvit Duchy and the Bajran capital. Since we had flown all day without stopping, it was high time for our paths to cross. However, the Emperor never showed up. We were only a few hours away from reaching the capital, but we didn’t see a single patrolling wyvern, much less Poltviran.

‘Did something happen?’

I was somewhat worried(?) when Poltviran failed to show up. My concern was filled with the simple worry that someone might send Poltviran flying before I could.

* * *

“Kuku… kukukuku.”

At one point, hundreds of Skyknights of the Imperial Guard were under the Emperor’s command, and they were all housed in Kirphone Covert. But now, the magnificent sight of the hangars full of wyverns was nowhere to be seen. Just 50 wyverns were sitting on the expansive runway. And in the center of the runway, a certain man was laughing like a madman.

“T-This is all, you say. These are all of Our glorious Skyknights. Kuhahahahahahaha!”

Yesterday, he gave the command to gather the Skyknights immediately, but Marquis Silveron coaxed him, saying that the Skyknights were scattered on patrols to protect the capital and that it wouldn’t be too late to sortie the next day. And Poltviran, convinced by his coaxing, grew drunk on alcohol to relieve his rage and made a scene in front of the blameless maids and Imperial Knights.

However, that was where it ended. That was the last happy moment that Poltviran felt as the Emperor.

When he woke up in the morning, he couldn’t find Marquis Silveron, the man who had always acted like Poltiviran’s hands and feet. He heard from an attendant that the Marquis was ill and would not be able to show himself in the capital for a while. Displeased, Poltviran searched for people to take Silveron’s place, but he couldn’t find any of the high-ranking nobles that had always been so numerous in the capital.

Only a few nobles who had nowhere else to go other than to the crazy Emperor showed up and delivered the unbelievable news that the nobles had fled. Poltviran couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe it, so he personally led the Imperial Skyknights stationed in the palace and flew around the capital, even going all the way to Kirphone Covert.

However, not a single person welcomed his arrival. Up until very recently, the covert might not have been overflowing, but it had held hundreds of wyverns, yet they had all disappeared, leaving only traces of the glory that had been. There wasn’t even a single soldier guarding the fort or any of the crewmates in charge of wyvern maintenance.

“Your Majesty, let us go back now. It is dangerous here.”

This was the Emperor’s land, but the Imperial Skyknight said it was dangerous.

Because of the crazy bastard in front of his eyes, their comrades died dishonorable deaths or disappeared, but the Imperial Skyknights did not abandon the Emperor. They all remembered the passionate vow they had given during the Emperor’s coronation. Having vowed in the name of the gods and the Empire, as well as their own honor, that they would serve Poltviran until the day they died, the Imperial Skyknights were burning the last flame of their loyalty to their foolish lord.

“Kuku… Yes, I have to go back. To my home, my capital. Kukukuku.”

Poltviran burst into deranged laughter, like a crazy man. He got onto his Black Wyvern, which had a bald spot on its head from the Fire Ball Kyre had thrown when he was fleeing the capital.


Flap, flap, flap flap flap!

Once its master got on top, the wyvern flew into the air, understanding that they were heading back. It flapped its wings towards the capital.

“All forces, guard His Majesty!”

The Imperial Skyknights hurriedly formed a defensive formation to protect the Emperor. They knew that even if they wanted to continue serving their lord, this was the last time. Their crimson cloaks fluttered behind them as they served the Emperor with their utmost respect.

And so, everyone left Kirphone Covert. A breeze blew in, sweeping once through the empty covert before disappearing, as transient as the fate of the Empire. Like all those who had left this place, it left only fleeting memories behind…

‘The entire fate of me and my kingdom is hanging on this battle!’

The Kerpe and Andain Kingdom Coalition soldiers departed from Fort Halberk, and with them traveled Duke Hardaim. When he received the news that the Kuviran and Krantz Kingdom Coalition troops were destroyed in one attack by the 7th Circle spell cast by the Nerman Lord who suddenly appeared, the Duke felt as if his heart would collapse. He was leading a flight of 700 wyverns, all of the wyverns at the two kingdoms’ disposal.

‘The mages of the Royal Magic Tower are also participating. If we use cancellation magic and defense spells when he casts, we’ll have a chance of winning.’

The Duke was flying towards the capital, but he was more concerned about the battle that would come after taking over the enfeebled capital. He was certain that unless Duke Garvit’s forces were crazy, they wouldn’t come directly to the capital. Who would sortie immediately after a big victory, without relishing the euphoria of the win? Especially when the next step would be the capital, the place that could be called their heart.

If it were Hardaim, he would leave some time to coax the nobles at the already fallen Emperor’s side. There was no way the cunning nobles would stay on the sinking ship that was Poltviran. Duke Garvit would likely do his best to gather the strength of the nobles in the capital. Their conduct might be deplorable, but it would only be possible to repel the kingdom invaders with their strength.

‘The biggest problem is the Lord of Nerman, Kyre.’

Even as he continued to fly on his wyvern, the biggest concern on his mind was the Lord of Nerman. Hardaim planned on seizing the capital first, then fighting with Kyre.

This was the last flickering flame of the war, where one person had to die in order to end it.

Duke Hardaim resolved to do his utmost to become the victor.

‘I must bring the Bajran Empire to ruin, without fail! Without fail!’

The kingdoms had to annex the Bajran Empire before the Laviter Empire became greedy for territorial expansion. If both parties were defeated and no clear winner emerged, the western Kallian Continent would become totally defenseless. If the Laviter Empire passed through the Havis Kingdom and attacked, it would all be over. Wyverns were not forces that could be nurtured in just a few months.

‘Kyre, return to your land. I, Hardaim, will swallow this place!’

The Prince of the Andain Kingdom was also participating, but Hardaim had already pressed him into the smaller role of a collaborator. Their allies and competitors, the Kuviran and Krantz Kingdoms, had already lost so many wyverns that they could no longer be called kingdoms. Because of that, it was possible that the victor of the upcoming battle could really be the one to swallow the Empire.

The battle ahead was dangerous, but shone all the more. Hardaim’s heart blazed red-hot in anticipation.

* * *

‘It’s a total mess.’

What greeted us at the capital was a bloodless victory, something none of us had imagined. The Imperial City of the Bajran Empire was judged to possess the sturdiest defenses out of any place on the Continent, but it was so empty that I had to rub my eyes a few times out of disbelief. I did see a few soldiers on the walls, but they couldn’t face Skyknights anyway. Only wyverns or anti-air weapons could fight wyverns.

This place that was called the capital of the Empire was completely devoid of tension. Other than a thousand or so regular soldiers standing on the outer walls, the capital was undefended. We flew over the outer walls, towards the inner castle standing proudly in the center.

‘He can’t have fled, right?’

It only took one moment to break a person. Up until a few weeks ago, Poltviran ruled the Empire wearing an overcoat of arrogance and swinging a sword and axe of tyranny and oppression. I could guess that the vacant sky above the capital was a reflection of his own empty-handed state.


Just then, a group of wyverns appeared from the direction of the inner castle.

‘Skyknights of the Imperial Guard!’

The Black Wyverns were instantly recognizable. They approached us in an orderly V-shaped formation, one that was meant for neither defense nor offense. They were telling us that they bore no hostility towards us.

‘So even the Imperial Skyknights have turned their backs on him.’

The Imperial Guard had a strong sense of pride, but they wouldn’t be able to bare their blades at Princess Igis and Prince Razcion, who were here to carry out the final will of the late Emperor. I heard that for lawful battles of succession, it was tradition for the Imperial Guard to take a step back.

‘What do we do now?’

The Bajran Empire Imperial City was completely disarmed. Anticipating the need for a forceful takeover, we had mobilized all of the Skyknights in the Garvit Duchy. Those Skyknights were now wheeling over the capital in formation.

‘For now, we’ll have to go see Poltviran.’

The Imperial Skyknights took up position behind Princess Igis and little Razcion, flying so calmly that you’d think that position had always belonged to them. I looked away from them and landed Bebeto at the inner castle’s hangars. Like the outer city, the inner castle was no different from usual. The Imperial Soldiers and Knights of the inner castle continued to stand guard, unalarmed by the hundreds of wyverns whirling over their heads.

Flapping his wings slowly, Bebeto landed at the hangar. Behind him landed Igis, Razcion, Duke Garvit and the other nobles, as well as the Skyknights of the Imperial Guard.

“I will take the lead,” said Igis after everyone landed and descended from their wyverns.

“Please do so.”

After reaching the capital, Igis’ expression had grown hard and rigid. I lowered my head and conceded the lead to her.

“All forces, guard the surroundings of His and Her Highnesses,” I ordered tensely. I was a one-man-army with the skill of a thousand, ten thousand men, but there was no knowing what could happen.

‘It feels so different from before.’

Back then, I left this place like a fugitive, but now, I returned as part of an occupation force. What’s more, I was back as a Commander tasked with bringing down a tyrannical emperor.

“Yes, sir!”

The Imperial Knights and Soldiers standing guard saluted, their faces having grown stiff with the appearance of Igis and Razcion. It seemed they, too, had been told of the late Emperor’s will. Duke Garvit’s scheme of using the Vow of Loyalty Letter was effective. It really made me realize once again that his age wasn’t just for show.

“Where is the tyrant Poltviran?” Duke Garvit asked the knights.

“His Majesty is in the Palace of Honor.”

Perhaps out of regret for the master they once served, the knight used honorifics to refer to the Emperor.

“Be sure to do your utmost with guard duty.”

“Yes, sir!”

The political authority had changed hands like flowing water. The Imperial Guard once again shouted a resounding “yes, sir” as they saluted Igis and Razcion.


This was the natural order of events, but a part of my chest felt rather uncomfortable. A strange, suffocating silence descended upon us. We might be here in accordance with the late Emperor’s will and to remove a despot, but none of that changed the fact that we were on our way to dethrone the emperor of Bajran.

It was only natural that none of us were happy.

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