
Chapter 401 Jealousy(2)

Chapter 401 Jealousy(2)

She squeaked with surprise.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" she said through her teeth.

"I will, but first, we are leaving," Edward replied cooly.

"We? I didn\'t even come here with you in the first place," she snapped back, trying to snatch her hand and her purse from him but he was strong. Heads were starting to turn at the disturbance.

"Shut up and don\'t make a scene," he ordered sternly.

As if suddenly back to her senses, she looked around and saw the weird stares. She looked down, blushing with embarrassment as she let Edward pull her away.

The man with the card stood bewildered, card in hand as he watched the gorgeous Amy being dragged off.

Once outside, Edward held the car door open for her. She got in. Frowning and an obvious pout perched on her lips.

"I planned to have crazy fun today," she finally yelled. "I don\'t know who you think you are dragging me away like that. I had a date! What are you going to explain to him when he comes back and finds me gone? You\'re just my boss at work, okay? You don\'t tell me what to do every day of my life!"

Edward let her rant. He cared little now that she was here with him. She would calm down eventually but watching all those men crawl all over her at the event made him feel like he was about to explode. He could not even begin to describe how awful he felt.

He wanted to hold her. To mould her into himself and just stay that way forever. He could not explain what was happening to him or why but he felt it deeply. He wanted to possess her. To make his and no one else\'s.

It took everything in him not to have fought Jun Mo right there and then at the event for having the nerve to ask her to be his date.

But he knew it would be foolish. If anyone had seen him lose his head and pinch his friend, and then asked why he did that, he would have nothing to say and so he had held it together. But not for any one else.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked, calmer now.

"Home," he replied. "You have no business being out in public getting drunk," he added angrily.

The words stung her like a bee.

She turned her face away so he would not see her tears. Once the car pulled into the driveway of her house, she pushed the door open and got out. She missed a step in her hurry and staggered badly in her four-inch high heels.

Edward caught her just before she lost balance completely.

"Red," he whispered softly as he cradled her. Her hair smelled sweet. Like spice and herbs and garden flowers. He drank in the odors and found his hands snaking along her bare back. He pulled her head up from his chest and saw the tear streaked face.

"Oh, Red," he said again. His chest constricted with pain. He hated to hurt her the way he always seemed to do. He would give anything to make her feel better in this moment.

When she looked up at him with her innocent eyes, he noticed she had ditched her glasses for contact lenses. The look pulled him in. He leaned down and kissed her softly on the cheek, sucking in her salty tears.

Then his lips inched closer to hers. She did not pull back. So he kissed them, nibbled on the corners of her mouth before taking them whole. He sucked in a sharp breath at the sensation. His lips lingered on hers for a while and then emboldened, he tried to pry them apart with his tongue.

She pulled away then. Turning and fleeing into her house like the devil was at her heels. He stood there and watched her go, his emotions a tangled mess of longing, euphoria and bewilderment.

"Red," he muttered again. The word clung to him like she had been only a few moments ago. He would hang on to the memory for as long as he could, he thought, finally turning away and stepping into his car for the long and lonely ride home, the festivities utterly forgotten.


It took Edward the short drive from the beginning of Amy\'s driveway to the end for Edward to realise that he wasn\'t about to go home without resolving issues with the girl he had come to fall in love with, the very thing he had willed himself against doing.

He took a hard hit on his brake; so hard the car screeches before coming to a halt. He had the half mind to just leave the gear running while he went to got what he really wanted, but Edward wasn\'t sure if he would come back out to the car until much later. In fact, he was hoping, if things went according to how he planned, he wouldn\'t come back out until much, much later.

When the key was put of the ignition and in the safety of his pockets, Edward was out of the car in a flash and banging on Amy\'s door.

"Amy? Amy please open the door." For the first time since he could remember, Edward was begging someone. He never did that. He just wasn\'t one to beg anybody for anything; Edward always got what he wanted.

The banging went on for at least a minute before the wooden doors that stood as the entrance to Amy\'s house burst open.

"I have a sleeping brother in this house, a simple knock would have done," the petite Asian whisper-yelled.

Dressed in only her silky negligee as an underwear, Amy stuck only her face flushed pink from both anger and embarrassment. She had been changing out of her dinner wear when the first knock – if the loud banging that had nearly broken her door down could be called that. It had come as a startle and at first Amy had been scared.

Her negligee had dropped from her hand and she had been ready to run to get Gu Zhou from his room so they could make a run for it through the backdoor. She had in fact taken the last step to the door when she\'d heard her name. His voice.

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