
Chapter 384 Hidden feelings

Chapter 384 Hidden feelings

He stayed quiet for a beat, unsure of how to respond. An affirmation would mean he had been thinking about her a lot, enough to want to plan a date.

But denial would mean a whole range of unsavory things and in his experience with certain women, he would not be able to hear the last of it. So instead, he opted for the truth as well as he could muster.

"I… er, I realized the tickets were in my drawer and I know I have been driving you really hard for the last few weeks, so I believed it would be a great idea to treat you to a break," he answered as honestly as he could.

"Besides, I needed one myself, and being up here alone might have been a lot less enjoyable. In fact, I might have come off as a little lonely, don\'t you think?" He did not wait for her to respond but went on.

"Just think of it as you doing me a favor, really. And if that\'s not okay, I\'ll do you one even better. You can think of it as an extended office assignment."

Amy tried to stifle her smile but failed. It spread all across her lips like wildfire. "What about all these extra steps, then?" She asked before she could stop herself.

"Do you always go to concerts from the balcony?" The music had taken a more mellow tone and so they were able to converse slightly more audibly.

"Red, a man of influence such as I am, can make things happen without even so much as lifting a finger. Surely, even you can realize that." Edward replied, turning away from her.

His words stung a bit, but Amy recognized them to be the words of a man masking his growing vulnerability. Or at least, she hoped that was the case because anything else was no more than a slap in her face.

She kept a straight face and looked back out towards the crowd. The music had picked up again and fans were screaming the lyrics joyously.

Their voices were like the drone of some mechanical monster. Presently, an over-energized fan tried to make it onto the stage to cop a feel of their idol, but the attempt was foiled by the hefty guards stationed in front of the elevated podium.

\'Poor guy,\' Amy thought. The world suddenly turned bleak. There was too much restriction everywhere.

The spaces where the unprivileged could access were trimmed smaller and smaller every day while the rich could go wherever they pleased and do whatever they wanted while being praised for it. She shook her head.

\'When did you turn into a philosopher?\' her inner voice spoke up with a mocking tone. She felt like running away and hiding from everyone and everything including herself.

Maybe herself especially. She moved back slowly, then picked her legs up over the edge, then she stood up and started towards the elevator. Edward caught the movement from the corner of his eye and immediately raced for her.

"Where are you going?" he demanded, grasping her by the arm. She flinched from the pressure and he released his grip slightly. "Well then, speak up woman!"

Amy just stared. She was at a loss for words. What could he possibly tell the man? That she had hoped this was an actual date and that his comments earlier had hurt her feelings?

She could not possibly bring herself that low, so she opted to stay mute. Edward released her completely and paced a few steps away. He ran his hand through his hair as he did so.

The image of him in the dull light from the concert below was so beautiful, Amy felt her stomach clench. His behavior was so odd, for someone who liked to come off as unbothered, he looked super concerned with furrows lining his smooth forward.

She just stood there and watched, offering no comfort or explanation. Whatever it was, he would work it out by and with himself. He was a man of many ways after all.

Edward moved closer and taking her by the arm, he led her back to the edge of the deck from where she had stood up only minutes before, she let him pull her along like a log of driftwood.

She settled back down, while he grabbed the basket one of the guards had brought earlier. The concert was all but forgotten now, especially as it was already drawing to a close.

Some of the attendees were making their way out of the arena already. Amy watched as Edward unpacked the things in the basket. There was an array of snacks.

He urged her to help herself to the food and drinks. She chose randomly, picking up a pack of Haw Flakes. She had just taken a bite out of the hawthorn berry snack when his voice floated to her.

Their hands brushed against each other\'s lightly as he reached for a pack of rice crackers. Amy felt an electric bolt shoot through her at the brief contact. Edward felt it too.

His skin tingled all the way down to his toes. He sucked in a sharp breath and quickly tore open the pack of crackers and hurriedly stuffed his mouth full.

Watching him eat was a pure delight. His Adam\'s apple bobbed up and down with the movement of his mouth working through the rice crackers he had picked up.

Amy felt like her eyes were glued to his every movement. She could not look away even if she wanted to.

Until, he raised his eyes and found her staring, at which point she speedily averted her gaze, blushing so hard she actually flushed.

He let his eyes linger for a bit. He felt so drawn to her. Her face, her beautiful legs, her shy mannerisms, all of it was like a combined explosive securely attached to his heart, because it was beating so wildly, he was scared it would pop.

Without preamble, she stood up yet again.

"It has been a lovely evening, sir. I enjoyed the music... and the food," she added nervously. "But I really have to go now. My little brother has no one else to look after him, so I must go now. Thank you so much," she said, wringing her hands.

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