
Chapter 213 Gee-gee et Leng-Leng

Chapter 213 Gee-gee et Leng-Leng

Jovial laughter sounded from the two as they ate their meal and as they conversed with each other.

It was as if the two had known each other for a long time as the awkwardness between Leng Shao and Su Bei was only for a brief moment!

Su Bei got a small slice of beef in her mouth and chewed, as Leng Shao chuckled a bit, eating a piece of his beef as well.

"Tell me more about this fear of animals you have," he said, Su Bei rolling her eyes as she slightly shuddered when she remembered her memories of her childhood fear.

Su Bei had opened up a while ago that she had a love for animals, and at the same time, feared one of them. What piqued Leng Shao\'s curiosity, however, was the latter part.

"Oh, believe me..." Su Bei scoffed a little as a small giggle came from her. "You would not believe that it ever happened," she added, Leng Shao already grinning even though he hadn\'t heard what she was about to say yet.

"Just say it," Leng Shao urged, making Su Bei laugh once more as she shook her head, putting her fork and knife down as she became animated with how she told her story.

"You see, when I was young, I visited the countryside with my mother for a few days," she started, the attention of Leng Shao already on her. "I was playing with some of the children in the area. Then for the first time, I saw a horse!"

Leng Shao narrowed his eyes at Su Bei as he smiled, already guessing what\'s to come.

"Don\'t tell me... that you\'re afraid of horses?"

Su Bei laughed out loud, and the moment she did, Leng Shao already knew that he guessed right. Her laugh was beautiful and contagious, making the man laugh along with her as her voice traveled through his ears like music.

"You\'re right," Su Bei said, leaning in closer towards the table as she narrowed her eyes at the man in front of her. "Would you like to guess why?"

Leng Shao blinked his eyes a few times as he went silent for a few seconds. He contemplated a bit as to why Su Bei was afraid of horses until he shrugged, not knowing what could ever be the reason why.

"Hmm... nothing I could think of," he replied, making Su Bei lean back as she took her wine glass on the table, taking another sip before narrating her childhood story.

"You see, I saw a horse for the first time, right?" She put the glass down on the table. "It was a brown horse, and its tail\'s fixed into a braid--I find it amusing!"

"Oh!" Leng Shao grinned as he listened to her, finding her interesting as he talked with her more. "So, where\'s the part where it would explain your fear of horses?"

"Hush!" Su Bei giggled, shaking her head. "I am about to get to that!"

Leng Shao chuckled as he got his glass and sipped his wine as well. He thought he only had engaging and fun conversations with Yan Mei, but little did Leng Shao know that he could also enjoy the company of another beautiful woman.

"So, I have this playmate." Su Bei rolled her eyes. "It was not his first time seeing a horse, but when he touched it, it startled the horse, and it almost kicked me! I was startled, too, so I immediately fell on the ground as it almost stomped me! Good thing I was small--I curled into a ball, making the horse spare my life!"

When Leng Shao heard her whole story, he laughed out loud, making his eyes small as Su Bei laughed along with him. Happy tears almost escaped from his eyes as he wiped his face with a napkin, making Su Bei do so as well.

"Now I know what to call you instead of Ms. Su," Leng Shao said, making the woman in front of him cock her head to the side in wonder.

"Oh? And what should that nickname be?" She asked. Leng Shao was stifling his laugh as he looked at her with animated eyes.



Su Bei crumpled one tissue paper and threw it at Leng Shao as the two laughed, the two of them already getting closer to each other even though it was the first time that they are together.

"Gee-gee is a slang term for a horse, right? How dare you give such a name to me?"

Leng Shao chuckled as he stared right back at Su Bei, his eyes reflecting happiness and gentleness.

"It is a unique nickname, fitting for Su Bei, who is cutely afraid of a majestic animal such as horses."

"Oh, you..." Su Bei slightly giggled as she locked eyes with him. "Then, I could give you a nickname as well!"

"Really?" Leng Shao grinned, "And what would Gee-gee call me, hmm?"

"Leng-Leng. Sounds quite cute for a man such as you, don\'t you think?"

The two laughed once more as they continued teasing each other. The time spent between the two had made the night fun and memorable indeed, making them think at the same time why they haven\'t met each other earlier.


In a blink of an eye, it was almost late at night. Leng Shao had suggested bringing Su Bei home, which the woman gladly agreed to. The drive home was lighter compared to the drive going to the restaurant.

The moment they arrived in front of Su Bei\'s home, Leng Shao had walked her towards the entrance of her house. Before Su Bei opened the door, she looked at Leng Shao with a bright smile, her heart racing as she met his eyes.

"Thank you for driving me home," she said, Leng Shao smiling as he felt warm in his heart.

"It\'s a pleasure. I had such a great time with you," he said, Su Bei swooning in her heart as she beamed.

"Me, too."

Leng Shao then extended his hand to her, Su Bei looking at it as he did so.

"So, friends?"

Su Bei giggled as she held his hand, shaking it as if to accept his offer.

"Mm... friends."

Leng Shao\'s lips curled into a small smile, bringing out his dimples.

"Alright, Gee-gee. See you soonest. Goodnight."

Su Bei nodded, then she bit her lip before greeting him a wonderful night as well as their first date ended.

"Good night, Leng-Leng."


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