
Chapter 166 Run little kitty,Run

Chapter 166 Run little kitty,Run

Lei Zhao looked at time for the nth time and sighed. He wanted to see Yan Mei, hold her in his arms to confirm that she was really okay. His heart had been thumping against his chest since she called this afternoon.

Lei Zhao knew something was wrong but his stubborn wife wouldn\'t tell him what was bothering her.

Lei Zhao heaved a sigh, he wanted nothing more than to caress her cheeks and plant a soft kiss on her forehead to assure her that she wasn\'t alone now. She had him.

Suddenly the clock stroked five pm and Lei Zhao knew he finally had an excuse to see her since five pm is her normal closing hours at work.

Lei Zhao abruptly stood up from his chair and stared towards the door with Ye Xing trailing behind him.

"Where to Boss?" Ye Xing asked as he opened the car door for Lei Zhao.

"To see my wife." Lei Zhao said as he got in the car.

Twenty minutes later, Ye Xing stopped at Yan Mei\'s company and Lei Zhao got down without waiting for Ye Xing to open the door for him.

Taking Yan Mei\'s private elevator, he reached the floor of Yan Mei\'s office.

He saw Su Bei talking on the phone and he strode towards her.

Seeing Lei Zhao, Su Bei nodded at him and flashed him a smile. After jotting down whatever the person had said on the other side of the phone. She hung up.

"Hy, how are you?" Lei Zhao asked politely since she was his wife\'s friend.

"I\'m good, Mr. Lei. Are you here to see your wife?"

Su Bei grinned.

Lei Zhao nodded, "Is she in?"

A mischievous glint passed through Su Bei\'s eyes and she nodded.

"Yes, she is. But do you have an appointment?"

Su Bei asked Lei Zhao with a straight face.

Lei Zhao frowned, "Do I need an appointment to see my wife? Since when?"

Su Bei nodded, "Since you haven\'t been working hard enough."

Lei Zhao\'s frown deepened. He had no idea what Su Bei was talking about.

"Working hard?" He questioned arching his brows.

"Yes, Mr. Lei. You have to work hard. Why isn\'t my friend pregnant yet?"

Lei Zhao rubbed his temples and sighed.

"I will work harder. Miss Su if you let me see my wife right now. Who knows we might make little Mei if you let me in right now."

Su Bei blushed at Lei Zhao\'s words and nodded.

"I won\'t inform her. I think you should surprise her."

Lei Zhao smiled and nodded. "Thank you. Don\'t worry by the end of the year you have mini us roaming in this office."

Lei Zhao said as he strode towards Yan Mei\'s office.

Su Bei felt happy for her friend to have found such a great guy. Hopefully she would find someone who would treat her like Lei Zhao treats Yan Mei.

Lei Zhao entered Yan Mei\'s office without knocking and saw that her face was pale and she was hyperventilating in her chair.

"Yan Mei!" Lei Zhao shouted, his voice laced with fear.

Lei Zhao rushed to her side, pulled her out of the chair crushing her into his chest. One of his arms wrapped strongly around her waist, while the other pushed her head against his chest.

"Hey...breath in, out. It\'s okay. I\'m here now." Yan Mei\'s body relaxed in Lei Zhao\'s arms and she blinked to stop the tears from welling in her eyes.

She had put her head on her desk to take a nap since she was having a headache but seeing that man had rekindled her darkest memories.

Memories she hasn\'t told anyone not even Wang Lu who found her, because she was too ashamed and was afraid they would look at her in disgust.

That psycho had broken her in more ways than possible and seeing him again just made Yan Mei feel vulnerable again. She has forgotten she wasn\'t a naive Feng Mei anymore but Yan Mei, a powerful person.

After seeing that she has relaxed, Lei Zhao pulled away from her.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Yan Mei looked up at Lei Zhao and saw his eyes filled with concern looking at her.

"Y-yeah, I\'m fine." Yan Mei managed to say.

"I took a nap but I had a nightmare."

Lei Zhao furrowed his brows. "But it\'s been such a long time since you had them." Lei Zhao said, cradling her in his arms.

"Yeah." Yan Mei mumbled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Lei Zhao asked softly.

Yan Mei stiffened as she remembered something.

**"Run, little kitty. Run because when I find you. I would break you slowly and oh how I would enjoy seeing fear indulge your whole body. How the mere mention of my name would give you nightmares and by the time I\'m done with you, no one would want you, not even your lover boy."**

"Yan Mei!" Lei Zhao\'s panicked voice snapped Yan Mei out of her stupor.

"What is it, Wifey?" Lei Zhao asked gently, noticing the paleness of her face.

"Can we not talk about it now? I want to go home."

Yan Mei mumbled, pushing herself into his chest. Her body trembled as sobs racked through her.

Lei Zhao stiffened. It\'s been such a long time since his wife cried.

"Yan Mei…." Lei Zhao whispered, rubbing her back.

"Why are you crying?" Lei Zhao asked as he felt his heart wrenching at the sight of her tears.

"I\'m afraid Lei Zhao…that he would take me away. That man is a psycho. I don\'t want him to take me away."

Lei Zhao knitted his brows. Who can make his wife so afraid of him? He knew his wife was so powerful so why was she afraid of this man?

Unbeknownst to Lei Zhao, this man wasn\'t an ordinary man. Like a pest he had once crawled inside her head and nearly took her insanity.

"Shsss….no one is going to take you away Wifey. Remember you\'re now stronger and you\'re not alone."

As if Lei Zhao\'s words had given her hope, Yan Mei pulled away and nodded.

"Yes,yes. I\'m now stronger. I won\'t be afraid of that psycho. He should rather fear me!"

Yan Mei clenched her fist as her eyes began to turn crimson red.

Seeing the changes in his wife, Lei Zhao planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Hmm. Don\'t let anyone get inside your head. Wifey, you\'re stronger. Also since this psycho….did you bad. I think you should sake revenge no? Let him experience whatever he did to you. Maybe that way you can finally let go of those bad memories."

Yan Mei bowed her head contemplating Lei Zhao\'s words.

"B-but he is dead."

Lei Zhao frowned at her words.

"Dead? Then why the sudden nightmare?"

Yan Mei nodded, "Wang Lu, killed him. I saw it with my own eyes but today….I bumped into a man who looked exactly like him."

Lei Zhao scrunched his face in confusion. This thing is more complicated than he thought.

"When didl all of this happen?" Lei Zhao questioned.

"S-seven years ago before I married Wang Lu. We were still going out at that time."

A trace of light passed through Lei Zhao\'s eyes.

"Hmm. Let\'s go home. We talk about this later, okay?"

Yan Mei bit her lips and nodded.


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