
Chapter 55 – The assassin scolds his disciple

Chapter 55 – The assassin scolds his disciple

I did some stretching.

I’d been doing precision work in my own room for a while after eating dinner, so my shoulders felt stiff.

After seeing Tarte actually use it, I made some minor changes to the gun.

I was satisfied with both its firepower and accuracy, so I was now working on how to reload it.

Considering the size and mana blocking mechanism, the number of rounds loaded in it was limited to six.

Once it was out of bullets, you had to reload them one at a time.

Moreover, doing so took more time than with a normal revolver because of the mana blocking mechanism used to prevent accidental gun discharges.

The way it was right now, the gun was impractical to reload in the middle of an actual battle.

On the other hand, if I made it so the bullets were easy to insert, then the reliability of the mana blocking mechanism would drop.

[…Maybe I should try a different approach.] (Lugh)

Instead of quickly inserting new bullets in it, I could replace the entire cylinder itself. It’d be a kind of speedloader, so to speak.

It was common to use them for automatic pistols, but using them for revolvers wasn’t impossible either.

[Maybe something like this?] (Lugh)

I modified the cylinder that contained the bullets so it would be removable.

With this, supplying bullets to the gun during battles was now possible.

The strength didn’t seem to pose a problem either.

If there was a downside, it’d be the bulk of the spare cylinder.

[Okay. Guess I’ll make two more for Dia and myself next.] (Lugh)

Both Dia and I could use【Gun Strike】, but using a gun we had prepared in advance would save us much more time.

The advantage of dealing a lethal blow instantly and without chanting was absolutely enormous.

Additionally, thanks to its size, the pistol wasn’t a bother to carry.

However, in Dia’s case, even if she strengthened her physical abilities, she didn’t possess as much muscle strength as Tarte, so it was probably better to tone down the firepower of her gun a notch.

I calculated its power and drew a blueprint of it.

If I was going to lower the firepower of Dia’s gun, I could also make it a little smaller.

This way, it would be easier for her to carry and handle.

[That should do it.] (Lugh)

Night had long since fallen. I decided to leave it at the draft for today and work on its creation the next day.

As I laid down on my bed and let my consciousness drift away, I heard a knock on my door.

[Lugh-sama, may I have some of your time?] (Tarte)

Then I heard Tarte’s voice.

What could it be at this time of the night?

[Come in.] (Lugh)

I invited her in after quickly cleaning up everything dangerous.

[Pardon my intrusion.] (Tarte)

For some reason, she was nervous, and her voice was trembling.

When I looked at her as she entered my room, I was dumbfounded and spoke to her.

[Tarte, why are you dressed like that?] (Lugh)

[U-Um… There is a reason for that…] (Tarte)

Tarte was dressed in a white negligee.

It was a form-fitting garment that exposed her well-developed body.

Not only was it a bit transparent, but she also wasn’t wearing any underwear that night. Plus her skin was kinda flushed, surely because she washed herself with hot water, and she looked incredibly sexy.

She smelled really good too.

This fragrance was the new perfume I developed for Orna, my cosmetic brand.

I created it at the request of our customers. It was made to seduce men, and it did possess such medicinal properties.

But I was sure that it was only distributed to our regulars.

…Which meant that the one behind this was my mother. In order to periodically get in touch with Maha, she became a regular customer as a camouflage, and she made sure to order our cosmetics as well.

And looking very closely, I realized it wasn’t my first time seeing the negligee Tarte was wearing.

[I can pretty much guess what’s going on, but let’s hear you out anyway. What in the world did my mother talk you into?] (Lugh)

[Um, you see, she said… I am your assistant and an assassin. But in terms of physical strength, girls are inferior to men, so they need to compensate for this disadvantage by… using my womanhood as a weapon, and so… I should have you… train me in that area. Also, she told me that it was the duty of a personal maid to tend to… her master’s particular needs… and that both as an assassin and as your maid, Lugh-sama, I have to… well… do those kinds of things with you…] (Tarte)

Tarte was blushing to the ears as she told me in a confused manner how my mother talked her into this.

She was probably trying to support her, but this was none of her concern.

Or rather, in my mother’s case, it might have simply been her own desire to have grandkids as soon as possible.

And then there was Tarte who let herself get drawn in by her.

[Tarte.] (Lugh)

I called her name, forcibly pulled her hand, pushed her down on my bed, and hung my head above her.

[Kyah! Lugh-sama…] (Tarte)

She was trembling, yet she was also looking at me with excitement.

Even her sighs sounded alluring, and my heart was throbbing real fast.

She looked so tempting.

I really wanted to abandon myself.

I didn’t see Tarte as a love interest, but like this, I had to recognize once again that she was a charming girl.

…I was immature myself. Although people had more libido than their body could handle regardless of their age, I was about to lose my composure.

And aside from those kinds of feelings, it was my anger that was rising.

Anger directed at none other than Tarte.

Though it may come off as harsh, I decided to get mad.

[You don’t understand what you’re talking about yourself. Using your womanhood as a weapon? You’re right, it may be effective. When it comes to assassination, your body would make an extraordinarily fine weapon… And if you polished that weapon, you could easily carry out the murder of any male target.] (Lugh)

Tarte was an incredibly beautiful girl.

And a sexy one at that.

Even noblemen who were used to seeing beauties would want to get their hands on her. And even back at the academy, there was a large number of men who would follow her with their eyes, as well as some fools who wished to buy her.

[L-Lugh-sama, your eyes are scaring me…] (Tarte)

Tarte was slightly scared of my unusual look.

At the same time, I firmly grabbed her chest.

[Ow…!] (Tarte)

Her breasts were large and soft, but she was still in her growth spurt.

[If you really meant what you said, then fine, I’ll help you practice using a woman’s weapon. But then, you’ll have to give yourself to absolutely anyone as long as it’s necessary. So tell me once again. Do you really understand what this means?] (Lugh)

Tarte was speechless.

Surely she didn’t expect such an obvious turn of events since she was tempted by my mother.

She wanted me to embrace her.

She couldn’t imagine what would happen if she stopped thinking clearly here and went to do it for real after practicing with me.

[Look, try to imagine it. Using your womanhood means letting a man she doesn’t love violate her body and seize the opportunity to strike.] (Lugh)

I put my leg between Tarte’s thighs to prevent her from closing her crotch.

Then I groped her chest even more forcefully.

Tarte was in tears, and even though I was the one playing her partner, she was afraid.

In a way, this was probably the first time I showed her my male side.

[Scary, right? Although I’m the one playing the guy, you’re afraid. And even though we haven’t gotten to the main part yet, you’re getting cold feet. Or do you think you can really kill with your womanhood? Then come on, this is training. Go ahead. I’m gonna do terrible things to you starting now. Look for an opening and press your gun against my abdomen.] (Lugh)

I told Tarte to carry a gun on her at all times, she kept her word and had one even now.

The holster that was strapped to her thigh wasn’t that big, and the concept of guns didn’t exist in this world, so it could pass as a mere accessory.

When I attempted to remove her negligee, Tarte pulled her gun out of the holster while crying her eyes out, then she tried to point her gun at my abdomen, but I grabbed her hand and twisted it.

[That’s a failure. At this stage, you still have no opportunity to kill the man. When you strike, it has to be later than that. That moment is right when the target shows no caution whatsoever because he’s indulging in you and in such a daze that he can’t see anything else, and only then he’ll be easy to kill.] (Lugh)

[Hic…! I’m sorry… I-I…] (Tarte)

I released her and stood up.

[Tarte, you’re not cut out for this.] (Lugh)

I brought out the tea leaves and cups I had stocked in my room, used magic to prepare hot water, brewed tea and handed a cup of it to her.

Those tea leaves had a relaxing effect.

As she slowly drank it, Tarte gradually regained her composure.

[I never thought it could be so terrifying.] (Tarte)

[You weren’t mentally prepared? Do you intend to go through with it once you’ve prepared yourself?] (Lugh)

[If I can be helpful to you that way, then yes.] (Tarte)

She firmly declared while looking straight into my eyes, with some tears left in hers.

It didn’t mean that her tea didn’t contain enough chemicals to make her give up on it.

Her reply meant that as long as it was for my sake, she was prepared to endure anything.

[You’re stubborn about the oddest things. I appreciate your devotion. But you can’t do this.] (Lugh)

[Is it because I am not made for this?] (Tarte)

[No, your face and figure that can easily attract any guy are the best weapons a woman could use for that. You could even call them a natural talent. It’s true that your timid personality makes you unfit for this sort of job, but if you got used to it, you wouldn’t be afraid anymore.] (Lugh)

A hard worker like Tarte would eventually manage.

[If so, then why?] (Tarte)

[I don’t want you to do that. I despise the idea of you being with another man.] (Lugh)

I spoke my true feelings.

Tarte was my assistant, but I also thought of her as an important member of my family.

I couldn’t stand the idea of my family being with a man they didn’t like.

[Does this mean…] (Tarte)

[It means what it means.] (Lugh)

[U-Um… I’m… delighted. I’m happy that you think so dearly of me, Lugh-sama.] (Tarte)

[I’ve always cherished you. But I’m sorry if I wasn’t obvious enough.] (Lugh)

[I didn’t mean that at all! I know that you care about me very very much! That’s why I love you, Lugh-sama!] (Tarte)

She blew a fuse and said out loud what she didn’t usually say.

[Once you’ve finished your cup, return to your room and take a rest. I’m sorry for frightening you earlier.] (Lugh)

[Please don’t be, it was for my sake after all. Besides, I’m not scared anymore.] (Tarte)

Tarte slowly drank her tea.

It seemed I didn’t have to worry any further.

[Um… I will not talk about using my womanhood as a weapon for assassinations anymore, but… that is… what about my duty as a maid?] (Tarte)

Tarte asked while looking up to me.

[We’ll talk about it some other time. I don’t feel like embracing a girl who was quivering just from being pushed down by a guy.] (Lugh)

[Uuuh… Lugh-sama, you’re such a meanie sometimes…] (Tarte)

Tarte sulked.

Then she left my room with what seemed to be a mixture of happiness and disappointment.

Once I was alone, I breathed a huge sigh.

[That was close.] (Lugh)

I put on an act to deter her, but my sanity was about to fly out the window back there.

I forgot the purpose and my desire to return Tarte’s love was welling up.

I barely managed to contain myself.

[…I’m really going to get back at mom for instigating Tarte later on.] (Lugh)

That was a really underhanded scheme.

I usually forgave most of her mischiefs, but this time, she had gone too far.

I had to give her an earful for this.

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