
Chapter 42 - Biological Chamber

Chapter 42: Biological Chamber

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The Port of London was located along the banks of the River Thames to the southeast of London. Lu ZHiyu drove to the port in a brand new Range Rover Evoque, and he could see the London Bridge and the beautiful night scenery in the distance. This was an important arterial road of London. Ships were coming and going very frequently, and it was still very busy here despite the falling darkness.

From faraway, Lu Zhiyu could already see the liveliness of the port. There were still many ships out on the sea. In addition, there were also many ships docking, loading or unloading their cargos. Ships of various sizes packed the dock, creating a busy scene.

Lu Zhiyu walked around until he found where the medium-sized and small-sized ships were docked. The port was twisting and turning. Lu Zhiyu walked down a straight path and saw dozens of ships docked around. Among them, there were quite a few yachts!

This one looks good!

In the distance, Lu Zhiyu saw a yacht with three floors. It looked luxurious and extraordinary. With its white streamline body, it looked as elegant and graceful as a shuttle!

Lu Zhiyu did not go closer to the yacht and only looked at it, knowing that going any further would cause him to be caught by the security camera. He looked around a little bit more before turning to leave. Before he left, he took out a one pound coin from his pocket. Tossing it gently, the coin was pushed with his mind power onto the yacht that was a few hundred meters away. The coin rolled on the deck and eventually turned into a corner.

The coin had Lu Zhiyu’s spiritual imprint on it. The channelling array for the dimensional door would be activated at dawn, bringing Lu Zhiyu the yacht that he had chosen!

Lu Zhiyu walked back to his car and left the harbor. He thought about stealing the aircraft carrier. Moreover, he even checked online for the harbors where the Nimitz-class carriers were docked and almost bought the ticket to go there!

However, after thinking about it, he still felt that this would be too crazy and there was also no point in stealing that kind of ship. He did not know how to operate it anyway, and it would very likely bring him unnecessary trouble he would not be able to deal with.

After Lu Zhiyu left, the night deepened. Suddenly, somewhere in the depths of the Port of London, air blurred and space folded. A yacht immediately vanished with it!

The next morning, a group of people were standing on the harbor, arguing. Everyone was discussing and making wild guesses about the weird incident that had occurred the night before.

A furious white, fat guy was standing there, cursing all the workers of the port. “Where’s my White Shark?!” he roared. “I didn’t pay you all that docking fees for you to lose it!”

“We apologize, Mr. Babo” the harbor worker said. “We looked up the security tape, but strangely, it seems that your yacht disappeared by itself during the night.”

The man was clearly raging. “By itself? You’re saying it grew wings and flew away? Do I look that stupid to you? I’ll sue you; it must have been you all! You just wait, my lawyer will send all of you idiots into jail!”

On the other hand, at the moment, Lu Zhiyu was operating the yacht leisurely in his beach shorts. He had found the instruction manual and operation manual in the yacht and read over it carefully. Then, he immediately managed to sail the yacht according to the manuals.

Lu Zhiyu had to admit that it was a cool experience. It was a very large yacht with a lot of utilities and three floors. The bottom floor had the master room, a guest room, and a restroom. The middle floor contained the bridge, the deck, a living room, a kitchen, a karaoke room, and a video game room.

On the top floor there were the meeting room and a small bar. It seemed like the original owner was a businessman who liked to see his clients or have meetings on this yacht. Lu Zhiyu found a bottle of Hennessy which had been collected by the previous owner.

“Its color is beautiful. The wine looks crystal clear! Oh, I think it’s made in the year 1865. How did this guy get it? Anyway, he hid it so well and was reluctant to drink it himself. Let me try!” Lu Zhiyu looked at the wine and realized that there was even a signature on the bottle.

Lu Zhiyu had sampled a lot of expensive liquor lately, but he really liked the color of the alcohol in front him at the moment. Moreover, this was something that one could not obtain by just money. He was curious how it tasted like. Lu Zhiyu walked onto the deck with that bottle of Hennessy and sat down. He set up a fishing rod and fished while eating some food leisurely.

After he got rid of his old identity, he felt the restraints he once had being lifted off. He could now do everything he wanted to without having to worry the way he used to. Under this new identity, he felt braver and freer.

He observed the creatures that swam across in the ocean quietly. As compared to Earth, the marine life in Maria’s World was really monotonous. Without any major predators, some fish could reproduce unchecked, and it felt like they were going to occupy the world soon!

With this many fish around him, fishing was easy. Soon, Lu Zhiyu had an entire bucket of fish. He went through the bucket, looking for ones that would be fit for him to fuse with the soul he had and create a deified creature!

The medical supplies he had ordered, as well as the components needed to make the nutrition chamber, had arrived as well. Lu Zhiyu planned to assemble the nutrition chamber while looking for the life template he wanted. In the following period of time, Lu Zhiyu would be completing his Deified Creature Creation Plan!

The ocean in Maria’s World was very peaceful. Lu Zhiyu spent the next several days on the sea in the yacht, looking for the creature he wanted. Whenever he looked out, he could only see the endless blue sky and ocean.

He took the time to alter the layout of the yacht and change the bottom level into a laboratory. At the same time, he also managed to create the biological chamber that he needed.

The biological chamber had combined the functions of both the nutrition chamber and the freezing chamber. It could provide the necessary nutrients to a growing life and at the same time freeze the biological activities in the organism. Thankfully, the generator on the yacht provided plenty of electricity.

Lu Zhiyu built two of those chambers in the yacht’s laboratory. At the moment, they had already been completely installed in a cabin on the lowest floor. He also cleared out the unnecessary things in the cabin that used to be the entertainment room and installed a test-bed and many medical equipment. The entire room now seemed to be filled with coldness and lifelessness!

Lu Zhiyu stood in the lab and watched the biological chamber. After his modification, the biological chamber now looked like a glass pillar. This way, he could observe whatever creature he had placed in the chamber easily. The top and bottom of the chamber were metallic with a lot of wires and a panel.

He fished out a seahorse he had caught a few days ago and injected it with a sedative. Then, he opened the door and put it into the chamber. He wrapped the cords around the seahorse using his mind power and pressed a button. Nutrient fluid immediately began flowing into the chamber from the top and surrounded the seahorse. The seahorse closed its eyes and floated in the biological chamber.


Lu Zhiyu saw the panel lit up, showing the life stats of the seahorse, including its body surface temperament, heart rate, and various others. Lu Zhiyu smiled, knowing that he had completed the biological chamber successfully.

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