
Chapter 128

Chapter 128 [Episode 66] The Opening of the Skyway 1

@ The Opening of the Skyway

The reason why he was able to detect the suspicious movements that existed in the confusion was that he was personally interested in the Immortal.

If the situation was a little more relaxed, he would have preferred to contact Immortal first. Other users did not know that the user who is tanking Krakon is the Immortal, the guild master of the One Guild, but one man knew that it was the Immortal.

He was unaware of this at first.

He was one of two users on Immortal’s friends list.

Gye Baek was in Tune when the event occured.

He eventually rushed to participate in the event when it happened. Of course, Gye Baek was a dealer too, so he could not touch Krakon easily.

Immortal appeared when he was hesitating.

Gye Baek knew that he was Immortal from the time he appeared in the black Magic Armor.

The name ‘Immortal’, floating clearly above Immortal’s head.

Friends could see each other’s names.

Anyway, from the time he realized that the user in black Magic Armor and tanking Krakon was the Immortal, Gye Baek had no choice but to keep his eye on Immortal.

Had things been more relaxed, Gye Baek would have tried to talk to him because he was curious about how the Immortal could tank Krakon, so he could not deal damage properly and he kept on looking at Immortal who was busy tanking Krakon.

And in the process, he noticed the suspicious movement of some players.

Gye Baek has had battling a lot more users than monsters in the last half year. He enjoyed PvP in the field as well as Gladiator Hall.

Anyway as he wanted to enjoy PvP and needed other productive activities, he became active as a ‘Bounty Hunter’ catching malefactors.

Because of this Gye Baek, he could find the malefactors hidden in this suspicious movement.

And the moment he discovered the malefactors, he noticed what they were trying to do.

Backstab is one of the things that malefactors are best at.

Now it was clear from the angle of approach of the malefactors what they were planning.

Gye Baek immediately whispered to Immortal when he noticed it. And to another user….a person who could see his and Immortal’s name, he sent a whisper to that user as well.

The user who had just arrived a few minutes before.

All of this happened five minutes before the malefactors attempted to attack the Immortal.

And in that 5 minutes…. three people formed a party.

Immortal, Gye Baek, and Aspice (Dark Knight)

Because of this unexpected thing, these three people got together again for the first time, in a long time.

* * * *

The malefactors synchronized their attacks fairly well, which was unlike them.

Because the commands from the top was emphasized several times, they had to join forces to make sure they got the job done.

Generally speaking, when the malefactors, who are busy preying on each other, join forces, an exceptional power is born. They thought it would not be hard to finish their task at this level.

At least…. until they showed up.

Gye Baek used the ‘Ice Wall’ spell, which he prepared beforehand and quickly blocked the path of the malefactors.

The malefactors, who did not think that anyone would interfere, were surprised because of the sudden Ice Wall.

But because they were veteran PvP players ‘worn’ and comfortable with their world (experienced with bad thoughts), so they reacted promptly to the ice wall and coordinated with each other. *

If someone had noticed their attack and tried to stop it, it would have been enough to eliminate that someone.

They were experienced enough that they were prepared for such an obstacle although the probability was not that high, so they were surprised, but still ready.

The malefactors, who avoided or destroyed the ice wall, immediately found Gye Baek, who cast it.

[Group 7 and group 6 remove that person and the rest do as planned…]

There was no such thing as a leader for malefactors, but at least there was a person in charge of coordination.

He quickly dispatched personnel and tried to reorganize the assault as quickly as possible. But his intention was once more blocked.

Phuiinngg, Kwakwang!

Another user appeared out of thin air. The user raised a big black shield in front of him and immediately rushed to the malefactors.

The Shield Rush which was like the symbol of the Dark Knight Aspice. At the moment of its manifestation, the malefactors felt like a big dump truck was hurling towards them.

Dark Knight completes an active defense attack using a rushing attack, then at the back, Gye Baek jumps in with a quick spell.

It was a very simple strategy, but this strategy was far more fearsome than expected.

The skill of Dark Knight and Gye Baek were, in a word, the best.

The 51 malefactors in this area were talented, but they were at least two levels lower compared to Dark Knight and Gye Baek.

Of course, because the enemies numbers were overwhelming, Dark Knight and Gye Baek could not afford to be careless.

But at least, Dark Knight and Gye Baek were proud of their coordination and began to fight together, making it difficult to keep up.

In fact, Gye Baek and Dark Knight have often formed a party after breaking with Sang Hyuk. At least Gye Baek always joined in when Dark Knight hunted monsters.

There was no special reason.

But with Immortal, when the three were party hunting, they worked in harmony and because they were not particularly sociable, they used to contact each other when they needed a party for a hunt.

So, they were not only acquainted, they were used to joining their power and fighting together.

Thanks to this, the malefactors were confronted with a difficult challenge. Their goal was the user in the black Magic Armor beyond the Dark Knight and Gye Baek… but now they can not even go near to him.

When this happened, the minds of the malefactors began to panic. Time was not on their side.

Other users, who have already attacked Krakon, began to notice that something is strange.

In this case, they could be attacked not only by the two users in front of them, but also by the other users.

Obviously they did not think of failure until five minutes ago. But now this one word of failure have begun to fill their mind little by little.

“Darn… If it fails then I’ll be messed up!”

In the malefactors’ minds, this idea appeared. Is that why? They tried to break through even though they knew it was impossible.

[Everyone work together, everyone attack the tanker! You don’t need big hits, just break the balance and he will fall down by himself!]

The malefactors thought that they would not need much and would be able to break the tanker who is tanking Krakon if only two or three could break through.

So, they tried to break through at one point by joining forces, atypical behavior for malefactors.

Even if they were all killed here, they would complete the orders they had received. This order was an order from the highest place in their organization, so even if there was a sacrifice, it had to be obeyed regardless of the cost.

If they can not accomplish this, they would lose their place and be dismissed and tossed aside like garbage.

Knowing it, the malefactors despite their selfish nature, charged together.

As the 51 malefactors were determined to die, Dark Knight and Gye Baek were unable to stop them completely.

Of course, they did not plan to give up.

But, right at that time.

The ‘Party Chat’ that can be heard by the two people only.

[Both of you just stand still like that.]

And as the words was over, hundreds of swords came out from behind their back and horribly poured like a rushing waterfall of steel.


This could be called the Tempest of Swords.

Those swords, which appeared out of nowhere, were surprisingly not illusions. Actually, they were Real Swords.



The Storm of the Swords swept all 51 malefactors, who gathered to break through at a single point.

This was one of the advanced secret card magics, named the ‘Thousand Swords Fortress, Storm of the Swords’.

This was, of course, one of Sang Hyuk’s preparation for ‘Sky Whale Hunting’ that he had been busy collecting the components and preparing for the last month.

Honestly, Sang Hyuk did not like to use one of his hidden cards for scumbags like these malefactors, but now it was better to get rid of these garbage as soon as possible.

If these scum hit their target, it was not a problem for him, but the healers and dealers that barely stabilized could be shaken and even Krakon’s tanking pattern, which they focused on and took care of, is disturbed, then it would be quite painful to fix it again.

So, Sang Hyuk chose to make a quick end.

If he used 160 swords of the Thousand Swords Fortress, which are now buried in the ground, then he cannot use the highest secret card magic ‘Thousand Swords Fortress – One Sword Combination’, that he really wanted to use later, but it was not time for that.

The tempest of swords swept the 51 malefactors all at once. In the sword storm, Gye Baek and Dark Knight were also targeted, but because they were party members they were not damaged by the swords.

Of course, not all 51 malefactors were defeated. About 15 people were wounded and staggered.

But Sang Hyuk did not have to worry about them. Gye Baek and Dark Knight alone were more than enough to sort them out.

[They’re done.]

[Ehemmm…. This is a little……..]

[In this way, I cannot even participate in the event, can I?]

[Why don’t you join in this time?]

[And do you want to help the One Guild to monopolizing it? ]

[No matter how big this event is? If we put all the power in it, we can share it to some extent.]

[Now his plan can be seen, the Immortal had always planned to take the points alone for himself. To think we helped him in this situation was……]

The unexpected failure of the malefactors made the representatives of the Reverse One upset. They never thought of an alternative because they never thought that the plan would fail.

Therefore, they are divided into whose who should participate in the event even though it is humiliating, and those who would rather die than help the One Guild.

Four people wanted to participate and three people said that they should take different measures.

It seemed that there would be a dispute inside the Reverse One.

As the situation got worse, DD of the Dark Dragon Guild came up with a proposal.

[Let’s make it so this event is going to be carried out by the power of ourselves rather than our combined power as Reverse One. I will attack the Immortal as I wanted. So those who participate in the event, even if the event fails, please do not blame us or interfere with our plans. Is that okay?]

DD’s proposal was at least rational in the present situation, so no one objected.

It was a very pressing situation, they didn’t have time to oppose, argue, and coordinate their differences.

Eventually, Reverse One forgot the alliance for a moment and divided into seven great forces and began to respond to the event themselves.

And while they were so determined, Sang Hyuk had been tanking Krakon for more than two hours.

The Krakon’s health, which started at 30%, had just dropped below 10%, and the number of users who were present at the event exceeded 100,000 now.

About 90,000 out of the 100,000 present were damage dealers…..

Sang Hyuk was still bearing the tanking for these 90,000 people’s damage dealing alone. As the number of dealers increased, the aggro number added more variables.

In other words, the aggro could increase wildly unexpectedly when there were more dealers. When dealers were around 90,000 people, the aggro was able to reach nearly 4,500 points of damage per person even if it was calculated roughly.

By the way, Sang Hyuk was balancing this 4,500 points of fluctuating aggro with his deal ability. It’s not too difficult…. *

Sang Hyuk’s tanking that destroyed common sense.

At this point, most of the users noticed Sang Hyuk’s identity.

Immortal, the Guild Master of One Guild.

There could be no other person at the center of this madness.

Chapter 128 [Episode 66] The opening of Skyway 1 – End

Editor’s Notes: I think that the author is saying that these people are familiar with the unexpected due to the life of a malefactor, where they’re hunted by bounty hunters all the time.  Sounds stilted, but we’re trying our best to translate the correct Korean slang or idioms.

Editor’s Notes: As mentioned earlier, because Krakon is immune to provocation skills, Sang Hyuk has to inflict more damage than any other damage dealer to retain the aggro while he is tanking.  Luckily, he has absurd damage, even with Ragna Blade disabled.

Editor: Userunfriendly

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