
Chapter 223 - Event

"Huh? What is that?"

"What the hell is dragon dance supposed to mean?"

"Is that a kind of circus show?"

The members of the clan known as "FFF\'s WD" began to ask themselves as they stared at the large screen before them that presented never heard of information. It just didn\'t make any sense to anyone who was there as to why such a confusing screen was appearing in front of them as if it had some kind of purpose.




After a moment of silence as everyone just stared at the screen with wide eyes from being unable to comprehend the words which were presented in front of them.

"Oh no..." said Arthur with a concerned tone which seemed to grab everyone\'s attention who was near him.

"What is it Arthur?! Do you know something about this that we don\'t?" Yuki asked with an interested tone as he wanted to learn what this sudden off screen was which lingered right in front of his eyes.

"Yes I do have an idea what it might be and if I happen to be right, it could mean the end for all of us," said Arthur as fear began to settle into his eyes.

"Come on, spit it out already. Don\'t leave all of us in suspense!" The people in the crowd protested as they also wanted to know what could be so terrifying that it had even someone as powerful as Arthur in shiveres. Although it was a bit odd as the one who was labeled t king of the entire world, the Arthur which everyone looked up to and wanted to because had not once, but twice been clearly outmatched by his opponent. First being Yuki and now the large screen in front of everyone.

"I fear that it is a monster gathering event. One like the goblin king\'s parade," said Arthur as he grew with fear as the seconds passed. Each time he took a breath, his heart began to beat a lot faster than the previous time.

"What are you so scared of?! I see that the great Arthur was nothing but a fake. You had us all fooled but you\'re nothing but a weak liar!" someone from the crowd called out to Arthur which seemed to catch his attention.

"All of you can see who the previous leader of WD is. Maybe that\'s why a literal child was able to take over these clans. We can just defeat these fools and take over the clan for ourselves-" the same man began to speak before suddenly stopping as something stopped his mouth from moving.


"Uh- L-Let go of me!\'\' The man who was bringing Arthur down pleaded for Arthur to let go of his mouth. After getting insulted for far too long, Arthur travelled at the speed of lightning before grabbing the man who was insulting him by the mouth and holding him in the air before finally speaking.

"I\'m weaker right? You can defeat me right?! Do it then! Just because others are more powerful than me doesn\'t mean you insects can even stand a sliver of a chance against me!" Arthur yelled back at which the man who insulted him began to tear up from the fear that was being invoked into him.

"That\'s what I thought! Next time don\'t pick a fight which you can\'t hold yourself to participate in," Arthur said in a cold tone before pushing the man who insulted him down to the ground.

"Anyway like I was saying, it\'s not just like a regular goblin king\'s parade. That event takes only 24 hours to load in. This one takes 72 hours instead. The magnitude of this raid by the monsters will be one on a scale unheard before!" Arthur announced as he tried to warn everyone.

"If that\'s true, why is this the first time we\'ve seen this event?! Don\'t you think the news companies like GNE would\'ve covered this one already if it was a real event?! You know what, I think that you\'re the man behind this! You\'re planning to kill us with your ability right?! You changed it to one which allowed you to kill all of us without exposing that you were the one behind it!" one of the people said from the crowd as they doubted the reasoning why Arthur knew so much and assumed that he was just a plain and simple murderer which he was intact but this wasn\'t a part of his plan.

"That makes sense! That\'s why he would know so much in the a short amount of time that this event had been available," another one replied which started to give the people

more ideas.

"Come on everyone, there\'s no need to start getting ahead of ourselves. I think we\'ve started to lose focus here," said Arthur as he tried to get the people who were there to pay attention to him so that he could inform them of the dangers that were fast approaching.

"If you really are on our side, show us your ability!" Another person from the crowd said those words which hit Arthur like a ton of bricks. He had been caught completely off guard and didn\'t know how to answer the people due to one reason and one reason alone which would cause his downfall if it was ever discovered.

The singular fact which would destroy WD\'s reputation along with Arthur\'s life was Arthur\'s ability in the first place.

Arthur\'s ability was one which would allow him to create missions for his guild. While this would seem normal at first, that is far from the truth. The reason which Arthur managed to level up so much in such a short period of time was due to his ability which more specifically allowed him to create missions which would bring him back with a percentage of the exp which was gotten during said missions. 

"Uh- I can\'t show you that right now," said Arthur as that was the first thing that came out of his mouth. 

"That\'s what i thought! Everyone who\'s listening to this, Arthur is a fraud! He\'s the one who\'s planned all of this and now, with the new leader of the joined clans under his control, Arthur will destroy the entire planet!" the person who had asked Arthur to show his ability said, which was starting to get Arthur a bit irritated.

"Yea! So he really is a killer! I knew something was off about him; he leveled up so quickly. I guess he probably killed people for exp and plans to kill more of us!" said another man in the crowd with a slightly fearful giggle before going back quiet.

"Just trust me! I\'m not planning to hurt anyone here! In fact I want to help you all escape!" Arthur continued to yell back and forth with the crowd which was when Yuki finally stepped up.

"First of all Arthur, how about taking a deep breath," said Yuki at which Arthur did as he was told as if he was just a toy which could only follow very basic instructions. Of course Arthur took a deep breath just like Yuki told him to before beginning to explain the origins of his hypothesis.

"Sure. I just hope these people can calm down while I explain why I believe this as it could be actually pretty backing to it," Arthur began to speak, first to Yuki then the rest of the crowd.

"I believe that events occur when either one of these two requirements are fulfilled. The first one being that there has to be a sudden change in the power of the overall kingdom. This would mean that monster events would only appear as a super powerful figure appearing in a relatively weaker kingdom. On the other hand, we can say that these events only occur when a lot of people with a lot of powers gather at the same place. Due to that factor we can assume that our case belongs to the second requirement. After all, there are so many people here who are genuinely members of the FFF\'s WD clan. Since all of these powerful figures ate already here, the event had decided to give the test in the form of the event as quickly as possible," Arthur began to explain, at which everyone began to go quiet again. Even the crowd which were shaming Arthur were starting to mock Arthur and began to respect him in their own special way. 

"Anyway like I was saying. This event is going to unleash a monster which we have never heard or seen in our entire lives. Even though we\'ve been in this world for only a little over a year, we\'ve come to learn many things about it.. However we still don\'t know many of the secrets which we have yet to uncover! Let us become the ancestors which our future generations can look up to by taking down which monster or monsters dare to come near this kingdom! After all, this will be "FFF\'s WD"\'s first real battle so let\'s give it our all!" Arthur yelled out as the crowd began to cheer for him as if they had completely forgotten all the doubt they had about him. 

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