
Chapter 107 - Coach Swendel

It had been a few hours since Jason had talked to Coach Swendel over the phone. He was beginning to worry after not getting an update on the situation for so long.

Jason tried to push the matter to the back of his mind as he helped set up the table for dinner with his parents.

Jason\'s dad was about to scoop some rice into his mouth when he saw his son blankly staring into space.

"What\'s wrong Jason? Still worried about what happened with Vista Heights? Jason? Earth to Jason your dad would like to talk."

Jason didn\'t even notice that his father was trying to talk to him until the last part "Huh? Oh sorry dad. Guess I was just spacing out a bit."

Jason\'s dad just laughed it off "When I was your age the only thing that had me spacing out was your mother.

I still remember how nervous I was to write her a note. I must have written up at least fifty rough drafts before finally settling for one."

Jason laughed after hearing his dad say that. His mom smiled as she said "Fifty rough drafts?

And you ended up picking the one that said \'Hey you\'re super pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to get boba after school?\' I wonder what your runner up would have looked like."

After listening to his mom and dad go back and forth with stories from their younger days Jason was able to relax a bit.

But even with his father\'s delicious cooking laid out right in front of him Jason\'s appetite wasn\'t at a hundred percent \'I wonder how Coach Swendel plans on fixing this whole thing.

The situation has blown up to be a pretty big mess. I see people all the way from different states bashing us online.

And the thing that pisses me off the most is that fucking news anchor Cassidy Banks. She keeps talking and posting about how the fame has gotten to our heads.

Like bitch what? I might have over fifty thousand followers online but I don\'t even post shit. And none of the guys on the team care about the fact that they\'ve been on TV a few times.

How the fuck did they even come up with these crazy ass ideas? They would have known the truth if they had just taken the time to interview one of us.\'

Just as Jason was about to fall deeper into his thoughts he saw a different news anchor from a different news station pop up on the TV.

This news anchor had a bright smile on her face with her long brown hair tied into a professional looking bun.

She smiled at the camera "Hello and good evening. I am Gloria Hernández with the Riverside daily news station.

We interrupt your normally scheduled programming to bring you an exclusive interview with the coach of Jefferson Middle School\'s basketball team Mr. Addison James Swendel."

The TV then showed a Coach Swendel dressed in a nice dark blue suit with a matching tie as he sat on a metal folding chair.

The screen was split between Coach Swendel and the news anchor. Coach Swendel smiled before waving to the camera "Thank you for the introduction Gloria.

I\'m not as popular as the players on my team so I feel like it was necessary haha. Thank you and the news station for having me."

Gloria smiled back "Thank you for giving us the exclusive interview Mr. Swendel. Now I am sure that everyone in Riverside city is curious as to what will happen with Jason Yang and most importantly the team.

This has been the first time in a few years where a school from Riverside city was the strong favorites to win the county championship."

Coach Swendel answered "Please Gloria just call me Coach Swendel. The Mr is so old sounding. I am a young man in the prime of his life haha.

But to answer your question we have just gotten a confirmation from the committee that Jason Yang will not be facing any disciplinary actions for the incident in yesterday\'s game.

I would also like to point out that Jason did not do anything completely out of bounds despite what some ill informed news stations would tell you.

The move that he did is called the Off The Heezy. Although It is a move that is not normally seen in high level organized play it can be seen in street ball tournaments and exhibition games.

Even the committee ruled that although it was on the side of being unsportsmanlike because of how it embarrasses the defender.

The way that Jason performed the move showed that he wasn\'t intending on causing any physical harm to his opponent.

I recall hearing some news anchors talking about how my player could have broken somebody\'s nose or given them a concussion.

I guess they must feel real stupid now. Maybe next time they should do a little bit of reading before they decide to open their uneducated mouths.

I\'m not talking about you or anyone else from the station Gloria. You guys have done a wonderful job of covering this story objectively."

Gloria was so surprised by Coach Swendel\'s obvious attack that she needed a second to respond to his compliment.

"Th-thank you Coach Swendel. We try our best to cover stories objectively here at the station.

I heard that some people have been demanding that some of your players make a public apology as well as an apology from the whole team.

Can you verify these reports? And if so what is the school\'s decision on this matter?"

Coach Swendel straightened out his suit jacket before looking at the camera with a serious expression.

"I can verify that the committee has indeed received numerous calls asking for some of my players to apologize for unsportsmanlike behavior.

However I have discussed this matter with the higher ups of the school and their stance is the same as mine." 

Coach Swendel signaled for whoever was holding the camera to move closer. After the shot closed in on his face Coach Swendel continued.

"Our players did nothing wrong. They did nothing to warrant an apology. In regards to the situation with Vista Heights one of our students did get into a physical altercation with a player from the opposing team.

However it was our student that was attacked first! Trell McDaniels was simply playing basketball when the player from Vista Heights pushed him from behind.

And if you look at any of the videos that are readily available online you can see that Trell had his jersey grabbed first.

So in both situations it was the player from Vista Heights that initiated and escalated the altercation.

Yes my player threw some punches. Yes he could have decided to turn the other cheek and not retaliate.

But how realistic is that? We are all humans. And those are some fine young men on my team but they are not the second coming of Jesus.

If anyone still has a complaint about any of my players then I invite them to sit across from me on live television.

If they can keep a smile as I smack them up a few times and then thank me as I spit on their face then I will gladly have my players apologize.

I remember one of the news anchors saying that sports is about teaching young boys about teamwork and sportsmanship.

But you know what\'s even more important than that? I am trying to teach the boys on my team how to live like human beings.

I am preparing them for what the world has in store. And the most important part of being human is your dignity.

I told Jason to put a little something extra on his moves in that final play because his defender was talking trash about Trell.

And he was talking trash that clearly went over the line of what would be acceptable in the context of basketball.

That\'s the same reason why I had the team walk away from Tustin Middle School instead of lining up to shake hands.

So was the move a little disrespectful? You bet it was. That was the whole point. But if you act in a manner that tosses all notions of respect aside you better believe that we will return that in full.

Jason did nothing wrong because what he did was stand up for his brother\'s dignity on the basketball court.

Our team isn\'t just a team, It\'s a family. So if standing by your family and making sure that your brother\'s know that you have their back counts as unsportsmanlike conduct I will gladly have my players toss aside their sportsmanship.

How\'s that for an apology?" Coach Swendel then stood up and walked out of the videos frame before the signal from his end was cut off.

Gloria was stunned. After a few seconds she was able to regain her composure as she coughed to clear her throat.

"Well there you have it folks. After a passionate interview from Coach Swendel we have found out that Jason Yang will not be facing any disciplinary actions from the committee.

This has been Gloria Hernández with the Riverside daily news station giving you the inside scoop."

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