
Chapter 915 - Almighty Beast World I

In a daze, Merlin had slowly regained his consciousness. The following moment, he felt as though his entire body had been torn apart, and a huge danger emerged in his heart.

“Where’s this place?

Despite Merlin’s vast knowledge and his proven ability to challenge the Void Zone, now that he was surrounded by a strange environment, he felt slightly uneasy.

In particular, he could no longer sense the power of the natural order or the origin of the natural order. He was surrounded by total darkness. The only source of light he could see was from the huge light source emitted by the fearsome clouds behind him.

From this huge light source, Merlin could sense the familiar aura of the power of the natural order. It was aura of the Void Zone.

“I’ve been sent out of the Void Zone?”

Looking at this scene, Merlin felt a prickling sense of familiarity. It was like when he had left the Glorious Land and stepped into the Void Zone for the first time. At that time, he stood in the Void Zone and looked at the dimensions, just like this.

The once seemingly endless Void Zone that even Merlin had never managed to traverse, looked like a huge constant light source from the outside world. However, this light source was flashing faintly and kept shrinking smaller. Even its aura became much feebler than before.

Merlin frowned, seemingly reaching an understanding. Even after the Void Zone had self-destructed and recalled all its power, it was unable to destroy Merlin’s Illusory World.

As long as the Illusory World continued to exist in the Void Zone, it would disrupt the order of the Void Zone. Therefore, the Void Zone chose to self-destruct and suffer a massive loss that would take billions of years to recover, as long as it could send Merlin away.

Since it could not kill Merlin, it chose to send him away!

Merlin felt slightly disgruntled. Initially, he thought that once he had dismantled all his connections with the Void Zone, his Illusory World could be turned from illusion to reality.

Unexpectedly, when he had managed to dismantle the connection, he was thoroughly rejected by the Void Zone, and was sent out. It was extremely rare, and downright impossible for someone like Merlin, who had not yet become a Latitude traveler, to leave their own Latitude Cosmos.

After all, there was no one else like Merlin, who could not be defeated by a Latitude Cosmos. In the end, his connection with the Latitude Cosmos was cut off, and was deliberately ejected by the Latitude Cosmos.

“Does this mean that I can now be considered a Latitude traveler?”

Merlin was taken aback. Surprisingly, when Aruba had stayed in the Void Zone for such a long time, he was unable to find any life form with such potential. However, now, Merlin had been deliberated ejected from the Void Zone and became a “Latitude traveler”.

However, it was not easy being a Latitude traveler. At first, Merlin did not sense anything except for a faint sense of danger, but soon, he saw an incomparably frightening scene.

Amid the hazy unknown darkness, a ray of light suddenly appeared. This ray of light did not appear particularly powerful, but it was very brilliant. In the blink of an eye, it shot across the pitch-black space.

Merlin was unfortunately caught inside this ray of light, and almost half of his Illusory World was also shrouded by it. In the first place, Merlin’s Illusory World was already on the verge of collapse. He was lucky that the natural order in the Illusory World was still whole, so it was only a matter of time before the Illusory World recovered.

Nonetheless, upon being shrouded by this ray of light, half of Merlin’s Illusory World dissolved into complete nothingness in an instant. Even Merlin’s extremely stable natural order, which had been able to challenge the Void Zoid and could not be destroyed despite the Void Zone amassing all its powers, did not stand a single chance before this ray of light.


With the collapse of half of the Illusory World, the entire Illusory World shook violently. It was not far from collapsing. If the natural order could be snuffed out so easily, what more everything else in it?

Moreover, what made Merlin more fearful was this was only a single ray of light. He saw that from time to time, amid this pitch-black space, various rays of light would appear. Just slightly worse luck than this and Merlin would be dead.

“No, just because I left a Latitude Cosmos, it doesn’t mean that I’m a Latitude traveler!”

At this juncture, Merlin understood. To truly become a Latitude traveler, he must possess the ability to overcome the natural order. Merlin’s Illusory World had not turned an illusion to reality, so he still could not overcome the natural order.

At this stage, Merlin was still far from Aruba. The power amassed by the entire Void Zone was sufficient to drive Merlin out of the Latitude Cosmos whereas Aruba dared not expose too much of his power lest the Latitude Cosmos was destroyed.

“No, I must return to the Void Zone. Before the Illusory World is turned from illusion to reality, I must never leave the Void Zone!”

Merlin did not hesitate. He immediately turned around, and flew as fast as he could toward the huge light source that was the Void Zone. His speed was not fast but as the Void Zone was not too far away, he quickly reached the light source.


Merlin tried to fly into the Void Zone but he encountered a layer of obstruction. It was as soft as cotton but somehow, it prevented Merlin from entering the Void Zone.

“Open up or else!”

Merlin immediately mobilized the natural order of the Illusory World to defy the Void Zone.


The natural order of the Illusory World was not paltry by any sense, but tremendously powerful. This violent impact caused the entire Void Zone to vibrate roughly, but that was all. The Void Zone continued to shrink and diminish. Although its aura grew even weaker, it did not let down its defense. Merlin’s power was unable to tear the Void Zone.

Furthermore, Merlin perceived a sense of “resistance”. This stemmed from the unique will which belonged to the awakened Void Zone. The Void Zone was now sealed shut. Unless a Latitude traveler like Aruba used his strength to force it open, it was impossible to enter it now.


At this moment, another tornado whipped up. This tornado was black, and covered the heavens and the earth. Merlin dodged as fast as he could but was still impacted with a small part. The Illusory World shattered into smithereens.

Thanks to the outstandingly stable natural order, it did not collapse. Otherwise, Merlin would disappear completely. Finally, Merlin had realized how dangerous it was for a life form to depart from a Latitude Cosmos, unless and until they had achieved a level like Aruba.

“As Aruba had said, despite traversing countless Latitude Cosmos, he couldn’t find anyone who was a Latitude traveler like him. It’s also not surprising that Aruba is lonely. Any life form without Aruba’s capabilities would be instantly killed by these terrifying forces which appear out of nowhere.”

Merlin felt that the natural order of the Illusory World was beginning to slack. Previously, the last ray of light had destroyed half of the natural order. Only the tiniest bit of the natural order was barely holding the shattered fragments of Illusory World together. If he encountered another danger, the Illusory World would be completely destroyed.

Without the Illusory World, Merlin would die. Currently, he was completely interlinked with the Illusory World. It was the essence of his being.

“I must enter a Latitude Cosmos as soon as possible. The Void Zone won’t allow me to enter anymore, so I’ll have to search for other Latitude Cosmos!”

Merlin looked around. The extent that his Mind Power could see right now was entirely too narrow. All he could do was depend on his luck and fly forward.

After flying for a very long time, Merlin periodically encountered some destructive rays. Fortunately, he managed to prevail but lost some natural order in the process. Right now, the Illusory World would not hold on much longer.


Suddenly, amid the endless darkness, Merlin sensed a strange vibration. He snapped up his head, and saw two light sources – one big and one small.

A light source represented a Latitude Cosmos!

“I’m saved, it’s a new Latitude Cosmos, haha!”

Merlin was overjoyed. He mobilized every ounce of power from the Illusory World and flew toward the two light sources. Perhaps Merlin’s luck was dismal because suddenly, a few terrifying rays appeared near the huge light source. From time to time, they impacted the light source, but had withstood every single hit.

Besides a Latitude traveler, only the Latitude Cosmos could withstand the various dangers lurking in this darkness.

Merlin watched for a moment, and thought that if he rushed toward these two light sources, it would be dangerous. Currently, he could not survive any further blows.

If he was struck by another light ray, Merlin would not survive, and the Illusory World would instantly collapse.

However, after so many days, Merlin was very weak. Even the Illusory World had gradually weakened. If he continued to stay in this darkness, he may also encounter another destructive threat.

Therefore, no matter what, Merlin had to take a risk!

Thinking along these lines, Merlin no longer hesitated. He gathered all his Mind Power and encased himself with the power of the natural order. Transforming into a black ray, he frantically flew toward the nearest light source.

The nearest light source to Merlin was a humongous light source, at least five times larger than the Void Zone. Beside it, the smaller light source was much smaller, probably even smaller than the Void Zone.

The larger the light source, the stronger the aura it emitted, which meant that the particular Latitude Cosmos was more powerful!

Merlin immediately flew toward the larger light source. This was an entire new Latitude Cosmos, so he did not know what he would encounter.


Another violent impact. Merlin’s final natural order almost collapsed. In this huge light source, there was a vast, terrifying will.

“This Latitude Cosmos also has a will?”

Merlin’s face waned. A Latitude Power with awakened will would not allow any power to enter, just like the Void Zone. If not because of the awakened will of the Void Zone, Merlin would not have been “sent away” by the Void Zone.


Another frightening ray launched directly at the large light source. Merlin was also shrouded by it. At this moment, an unprecedented danger rose in Merlin’s heart.

If he was struck by this light ray, there was no way Merlin would survive.

“I must enter a Latitude Cosmos!”

Merlin turned to look at the much smaller Latitude Cosmos beside the large light source. His Mind Power touched it gently. He sensed that this Latitude Cosmos did not have an independent will.

Perhaps a better description was that, this Latitude Cosmos already birthed a will but due to some reason, the will had not awakened. This was similar to the Void Zone previously. This was Merlin’s only chance of survival.

That destructive ray was approaching nearer and nearer. Merlin steeled his heart, and self-destructed ninety percent of his final natural order. Only a hair’s breadth of the power of natural order was left. The entire Illusory World was shaky.


Upon self-destructing his power of the natural order, Merlin gained an energy boost. He sped up, and like a man on his dying breath, frantically rushed toward the smaller light source.


The destructive ray collided violently on both Latitude Cosmos. The aftershocks spread in every direction. Although the impact was very powerful, it did not destabilize these two Latitude Cosmos.

Merlin’s luck was not too terrible. At the final possible moment, he flew into this brand new Latitude Cosmos without any obstruction...

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